Fetch input data for avalanche simulations
check if in polygon read from shape file holes are present, if so error and save a plot to Outputs/com1DFA procedure: check if polygon has several parts |
compute the area of a polygon in xy using shapely |
compute the area covered by a polygon by creating a raster from polygon projected area and actual area using a dem info |
compute stats of a polygon and a dem actual area (taking slope into account), projected area, max, mean, min elevation, mean slope |
create a csv file with info on release shp file on: max, mean and min elevation, slope and projected and real area |
select release scenario, update configuration to only include thickness info of current scenario and return file path |
Fetch fileExt files and check if they exist and if it is not more than one |
get dem file path in avaDir/Inputs |
get the DEM file path from a provided avalanche directory |
Fetch input datasets required for simulation, duplicated function because |
Fetch input datasets required for simulation, duplicated function because now fetch all available files simulation type set differently in com1DFA compared to com1DFAOrig: TODO: remove duplicate once it is not required anymore |
Fetch paths to dem and first release area shp file found |
add thickness of shapefiles to dictionary |
check for dem and load to dict |
check for relThFile and load to dict (if relTh is read from file) |
read the ascii DEM file from a provided avalanche directory |
select release scenario |
add available release scenarios to ini file and set thickness values in ini files |