Source code for com1DFA.com1DFATools

    Tools specific to the com1DFA computational kernel

import configparser
# Load modules
import logging
import math
import pathlib

from deepdiff import DeepDiff

# local imports
import avaframe.com1DFA.deriveParameterSet as dP
import avaframe.in3Utils.initialiseDirs as inDirs
from avaframe.com1DFA import com1DFA
from avaframe.in1Data import getInput as gI
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils

# create local logger
# change log level in calling module to DEBUG to see log messages
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def getPartInitMethod(cfg, csz, relThForPart): """Get particle initialization parameters Get the massPerPart and nPPK corresponding to the desired initialization method Parameters ---------- cfg: configparser configuration for DFA simulation csz: float cell size relThForPart: float relTh value Returns ------- massPerPart : float mass per particle desired nPPK : int number of particles per kernel radius desired """ rho = cfg.getfloat("rho") massPerParticleDeterminationMethod = cfg["massPerParticleDeterminationMethod"] nPPK = 0 # derive mass per particle to define number of particles per cell: if massPerParticleDeterminationMethod == "MPPDIR": massPerPart = cfg.getfloat("massPerPart") log.debug("Number of particles defined by: mass per particle %s" % cfg["massPerPart"]) elif massPerParticleDeterminationMethod == "MPPDH": deltaTh = cfg.getfloat("deltaTh") ds = min(csz, cfg.getfloat("sphKernelRadius")) massPerPart = rho * ds * ds * deltaTh log.debug("Number of particles defined by: release thickness per particle: %s" % cfg["deltaTh"]) log.debug("mass per particle is %.2f" % massPerPart) elif massPerParticleDeterminationMethod == "MPPKR": sphKernelRadius = cfg.getfloat("sphKernelRadius") cszMin = min(csz, sphKernelRadius) nPPK0 = cfg.getfloat("nPPK0") sphKR0 = cfg.getfloat("sphKR0") aPPK = cfg.getfloat("aPPK") nPPK = round(nPPK0 * (cszMin / sphKR0) ** aPPK) massPerPart = rho * math.pi * cszMin * cszMin * relThForPart / nPPK return massPerPart, nPPK
[docs]def setFrictTypeIndicator(simCfg): """Sets the friction type indicator for the simname Default is L, otherwise M for samosATMedium, S for samosATSmall Parameters ----------- simCfg: dict simulation configuration Returns -------- frictTypeIdentifier: str L if samosAT, S for samosATSmall, M for samosATMedium """ frictTypeIdentifier = "L" if simCfg["GENERAL"]["frictModel"].lower() == "samosatsmall": frictTypeIdentifier = "S" if simCfg["GENERAL"]["frictModel"].lower() == "samosatmedium": frictTypeIdentifier = "M" return frictTypeIdentifier
[docs]def compareSimCfgToDefaultCfgCom1DFA(simCfg): """Compares the given simulation configuration (as dict) to the default com1DFA configuration. Disregards values like avalancheDir that are expected to change. Returns True if it is the default + an identifier string: D = Default and C = Changed Parameters ----------- simCfg: dict simulation configuration Returns -------- defaultIdentifierString: str D if default and C if changed """'Comparing simCfg to default cfg') defaultIdentifierString = "D" # Get default cfg and convert to dict for comparison defCfgObject = cfgUtils.getDefaultModuleConfig(com1DFA, toPrint=False) defCfg = cfgUtils.convertConfigParserToDict(defCfgObject) # Which changes to ignore (in the case of com1DFA). These are expected # to change... excludeItems = [ "root['GENERAL']['avalancheDir']", "root['GENERAL']['secRelArea']", "root['GENERAL']['simTypeList']", "root['INPUT']['releaseScenario']", ] # sphKernelSize is set during runtime, make sure it is not reported # as changed if default is set to meshCellSize if defCfg["GENERAL"]["sphKernelRadius"] == "meshCellSize": if simCfg["GENERAL"]["sphKernelRadius"] == simCfg["GENERAL"]["meshCellSize"]: excludeItems.append("root['GENERAL']['sphKernelRadius']") # do the diff and analyse diff = DeepDiff(defCfg, simCfg, exclude_paths=excludeItems) # Sometimes (after variation split) the type changes, so check if it is the default or something else # If it is, check the type_changes and convert to values_change if necessary if "type_changes" in diff: diff = _treatTypeChangeDiff(diff) valuesChanged = dict() # This needs to be checked AFTER check for type_changes if "values_changed" in diff: defaultIdentifierString = 'C' for key, val in diff["values_changed"].items(): valuesChanged[_cleanDiffKey(key)] = val'Comparing to default cfg, values changed:') else: valuesChanged = None if "dictionary_item_added" in diff: log.debug("Comparing to default cfg, added items:") log.debug(diff["dictionary_item_added"]) return defaultIdentifierString, valuesChanged
def _treatTypeChangeDiff(diff): """Internal function to convert type changes in the result of DeepDiff to actual changes Parameters ---------- diff: DeepDiff result to analyse Returns ------- diff: DeepDiff result with changed values """ allChangedValues = dict() for key, val in diff["type_changes"].items(): # The type(x)(y) applies the type of x on y and gives the value of y if val["old_value"] == type(val["old_value"])(val["new_value"]): continue else: del val["old_type"] del val["new_type"] val["new_value"] = type(val["old_value"])(val["new_value"]) allChangedValues[key] = val if allChangedValues: diff["values_changed"] = allChangedValues return diff def _cleanDiffKey(keyString): """small helper function to change format of key for DeepDiff results Parameters ---------- keyString : str string to change Returns ------- cleanString: str cleaned string """ keyStr = keyString.replace("root", "") keyStr = keyStr.replace("']['", "->") keyStr = keyStr.replace("['", "") keyStr = keyStr.replace("']", "") return keyStr
[docs]def createSimDictFromCfgs(cfgMain, cfgPath): """From multiple cfg files create a simDict with one item for each simulation to perform within these cfg files still parameter variations are allowed Parameters ------------ cfgMain: configparser object main configuration of AvaFrame cfgPath: pathlib Path or str path to directory with cfg files Returns -------- simDict: dict dictionary with info on simHash, releaseScenario, release area file path, simType and contains full configuration configparser object for simulation run """ # fetch avaDir avalancheDir = cfgMain["MAIN"]["avalancheDir"] # fetch input data and create work and output directories # TODO: so for now remeshed dir is cleaned before a run inputSimFilesAll, outDir, simDFExisting, simNameExisting = initializeInputs(avalancheDir, True) # save dem file path as it is deleted from input sim files dict once it is set in the config demFile = inputSimFilesAll["demFile"] # fetch all cfg files in configuration directory cfgDir = pathlib.Path(cfgPath) cfgFilesAll = list(cfgDir.glob("*.ini")) if len(cfgFilesAll) == 0: message = "No configuration file found to create simulation runs in: %s" % str(cfgDir) log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message) else:"Found %d configuration files" % len(cfgFilesAll)) # initialize simDict simDictAll = {} # loop over all cfgFiles and create simDict for index, cfgFile in enumerate(cfgFilesAll): # read configuration cfgFromFile = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA, fileOverride=cfgFile, toPrint=False) # create dictionary with one key for each simulation that shall be performed # NOTE: sims that are added don't need to be added to the simNameExisting list as # if new identical sims are added the simDict entry is just updated and not a duplicate one added simDict = dP.createSimDict(avalancheDir, com1DFA, cfgFromFile, inputSimFilesAll, simNameExisting) simDictAll.update(simDict) # reset dem file inputSimFilesAll["demFile"] = demFile return simDictAll, inputSimFilesAll, simDFExisting, outDir
[docs]def initializeInputs(avalancheDir, cleanRemeshedRasters): """Create work and output directories, fetch input files and thickness info If cleanRemeshedRasters is true, the remesh folder contents will be deleted at the beginning Parameters ----------- avalancheDir: pathlib path to avalanche directory cleanRemeshedRasters: bool flag if the remesh directory shall be cleaned Returns -------- inputSimFiles: dict dictionary with input files info outDir: str path to store outputs """ # fetch name of module modName = str(pathlib.Path(com1DFA.__file__).stem) # Create output and work directories _, outDir = inDirs.initialiseRunDirs(avalancheDir, modName, cleanRemeshedRasters) # first fetch info on already existing simulations in Outputs # if it is needed to reproduce exactly the hash - need to be strings with exactly the same number of digits!! simDFExisting, simNameExisting = cfgUtils.readAllConfigurationInfo(avalancheDir, specDir="") # fetch input data - dem, release-, entrainment- and resistance areas (and secondary release areas) inputSimFilesAll = gI.getInputDataCom1DFA(avalancheDir) # get thickness of release and entrainment areas (and secondary release areas) -if thFromShp = True inputSimFilesAll = gI.getThicknessInputSimFiles(inputSimFilesAll) return inputSimFilesAll, outDir, simDFExisting, simNameExisting
[docs]def checkCfgInfoType(cfgInfo): """check if cfgInfo is a configparser object, a file or a directory Parameters ------------ cfgInfo: configparser object, str or pathlib path Returns --------- typeCfgInfo: str name of type of cfgInfo """ if cfgInfo == "": typeCfgInfo = "cfgFromDefault" elif isinstance(cfgInfo, (pathlib.Path, str)): # if path is provided check if file or directory cfgInfoPath = pathlib.Path(cfgInfo) if cfgInfoPath.is_dir(): typeCfgInfo = "cfgFromDir""----- CFG override from directory is used -----") elif cfgInfo.is_file(): typeCfgInfo = "cfgFromFile""----- CFG override from file is used ----") elif isinstance(cfgInfo, configparser.ConfigParser): typeCfgInfo = "cfgFromObject""---- CFG override object is used ----") else: message = ( "cfgInfo is not of valid format, needs to be a path to a cfg file, \ directory, configparser object or an empty str, cfgInfo is: %s" % cfgInfo ) log.error(message) raise AssertionError(message) return typeCfgInfo