
rewriteLocalCfgs(cfgFull, avalancheDir, localCfgPath='')[source]

fetch all override sections in cfgFull and write a local_NAMEOVERRIDE.ini configuration file for the available sections - naming is collection_module_override if no localCfgPath is provided, default saved to avalancheDir/Inputs/configurationOverrides where package refers to e.g. ana1Tests, ana3AIMEC, etc- and module to e.g., so all python files inside the packages that have a nameCfg.ini file too

cfgFull: configparser

configuration with override sections for modules

avalancheDir: pathlib path or str

path to avalanche directory

localCfgPath: pathlib Path

optional - path to directory to store local_ cfg ini file to if not provided - local_ cfg ini file is saved to avalanche directory