
Opperations and transformations of rasters and lines



Gauss’s area formula to calculate polygon area


Check if two raster overlap


check that the avalanche profiles goes from top to bottom


Find the beta point: first point under the beta value given in prepareFind10Point.



Finds the closest point in Points to the AvaProfile and returns its projection on AvaProfile.


For a polygon defined by vertex points (xv, yv), returns a np array of size X with ones if the points (X, Y) are inside (or on the boundary) of the polygon; Otherwise, returns zeros. Usage: mask = inpolygon(X, Y, xv, yv) Input: X, Y: Set of points to check xv, yv: polygon vertex points Output: mask: np array of zeros and ones.


Determines if a polygon path is mostly clockwise or counter clockwise


Creates a domain (irregular raster) along a path, given the path polyline, a domain width and a raster cellsize Usage: [rasterTransfo] = path2domain(xyPath, rasterTransfo) Input: -xyPath: Polyline Coordinates -rasterTransfo[‘w’]: Domain width -rasterTransfo[‘xllc’]: xllc -rasterTransfo[‘yllc’]: yllc -rasterTransfo[‘cellsize’]: cellsize Output: xp, yp Arrays determining a path of width w along a polyline -rasterTransfo[‘DBXl’]: x coord of the left boundary -rasterTransfo[‘DBXr’]: x coord of the right boundary -rasterTransfo[‘DBYl’]: y coord of the left boundary -rasterTransfo[‘DBYr’]: y coord of the right boundary


Create a mask from a polyline Usage: mask = poly2maskSimple(ydep, xdep, ncols, nrows) Input: ydep, xdep: Polyline Coordinates ncols, nrows: Raster size Output: mask: Raster of the polyline mask


Prepare inputs for findBetaPoint function: Read profile, compute Angle look for points for which the slope is under the given Beta value and that are located downstreem of the splitPoint


1- Resample the avapath line with a max intervall of distance=10m between points (projected distance on the horizontal plane).


Projects the points Points on Raster using a bilinear or nearest interpolation and returns the z coord Input : Points: (x, y) coord of the points Output: PointsZ: z coord of the points ioob number of out of bounds indexes


Projects the points Points on Raster using a bilinear or nearest interpolation and returns the z coord (no for loop) Input : Points: list of points (x,y) 2 rows as many columns as Points Output: PointsZ: list of points (x,y,z) 3 rows as many columns as Points


change DEM cell size by reprojecting on a new grid


Reproject raster on a grid of shape rasterRef :Parameters: * raster (dict) – raster dictionary * rasterRef (dict) – reference raster dictionary