Workflow example

The following example should make it easier for you to find your way in AvaFrame and setup your own AvaFrame workflow. Before starting, make sure you have installed AvaFrame and the required dependencies as explained in Installation.

Make sure you change to your AvaFrame direcotry by:

cd [YOURDIR]/AvaFrame

Replace [YOURDIR] with the directory from your installation step.

Initialize project

To create the folder where the input data lies and where the output results will be saved, specify the full path to the folder in the local_avaframeCfg.ini (which is a copy of avaframeCfg.ini that you need to create). So:

cd avaframe
cp avaframeCfg.ini local_avaframeCfg.ini

and edit local_avaframeCfg.ini with your favorite text editor and adjust the variable avalancheDir.

Then run


This will create a new directory with the input required by AvaFrame structured as described in Initialize Project.

Input data

Check the input data required by the different modules you want to use and fill the Inputs/ inside the [avalancheDir] folder from the initialize step accordingly.

For example the com1DFA module needs input as described in Input. You can also have a look at the default setting for the module you want to use (for example com1DFACfg.ini for module com1DFA). If you want to use different settings, create a local_ copy of the .ini file and modify the desired parameters.

More information about the configuration can be found here: Configuration

Building your run script

Create your own workflow by taking the script as template.

We suggest you copy it and adjust it to your liking.


The run script starts with importing python modules

# Load python modules
import os
import time
import logging

Then import the avaframe modules you want to use. This list will grow as you use more avaframe modules. You can refer to the different computational modules documentation to know which imports are required:

# Local avaframe imports
# first import the always useful tools
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
from avaframe.in3Utils import logUtils
from avaframe.in3Utils import initializeProject as initProj
from avaframe.log2Report import generateReport as gR

# then depending on which computational module you want to use

# for the Com1DFA module
from avaframe.com1DFA import com1DFA
from avaframe.out1Peak import outPlotAllPeak as oP

# for the Alpha Beta module
from avaframe.com2AB import com2AB
from avaframe.out3Plot import outAB

General configuration

The next step is to get the general settings:

# Load avalanche directory from general configuration file
cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
avalancheDir = cfgMain['MAIN']['avalancheDir']

More information about the configuration can be found here: Configuration


Prepare the logging:

# log file name; leave empty to use default runLog.log
logName = 'runOperational'
# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avalancheDir, logName)'MAIN SCRIPT')'Current avalanche: %s', avalancheDir)

If you just created the avalancheDir this one should be clean but if you already did some calculations you might want to clean it:

# Clean input directory(ies) of old work and output files
initProj.cleanSingleAvaDir(avalancheDir, keep=logName)

More information about logging can be found here: Logging

Computation Modules

Now the computation modules are called.

For the Com1DFA (dense flow) routine, use:

# Load input parameters from configuration file
cfgCom1DFA = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA)

# Run dense flow
reportDictList = com1DFA.com1DFAMain(cfgCom1DFA, avalancheDir)

# Collect results/plots/report  to a single directory
# Generate plots for all peakFiles
plotDict = oP.plotAllPeakFields(avalancheDir, cfgCom1DFA, cfgMain['FLAGS'])

For the Com2AB (alpha beta) routine, do:

# Load input parameters from configuration file
cfgAB = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com2AB)

# Run Alpha Beta
resAB = com2AB.com2ABMain(cfgAB, avalancheDir)

# Collect results/plots/report  to a single directory
reportDictList, _, _ = outAB.writeABpostOut(resAB, cfgAB, reportDictList)


If you want to time the execution, add following at the top of your script:

# Time the routine
startTime = time.time()

Followed by, at the end:

# Print time needed
endTime = time.time()'Took %s seconds to calculate.' % (endTime - startTime))


It is also possible to generate a report file (Generate Report) in addition to the .log file:

# Set directory for report
reportDir = os.path.join(avalancheDir, 'Outputs')
# write report
gR.writeReport(reportDir, reportDictList, cfgMain['FLAGS'])

In the case of the Com1DFA routine, you could just add plots of the peak fields within the report by first creating the plots:

# Generate plots for all peakFiles
plotDict = oP.plotAllPeakFields(avalancheDir, cfg, cfgMain['FLAGS'])

and inlcude this plots in the report by passing the plotDict:

# write report
gR.writeReport(reportDir, reportDictList, cfgMain['FLAGS'], plotDict)