
In order to generate simulation logs and to control what is prompted to the terminal, we use the python module logging.

Let’s have a look at the simple example in runTmp1Ex.py and tmp1Ex.py on how this is used within AvaFrame.

In your main script call:

from avaframe.in3Utils import logUtils
# log file name; leave empty to use default runLog.log
logName = 'runTmp1Ex'
# specify the working directory
avalancheDir = './'
# ---------------------------------------------
# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avalancheDir, logName)

This will configure the logging (it sets the console output as well as the log file). In your modules/subscripts add:

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

So you can use:

log.debug('Should be here')
log.info('DEM : %s',variable)

To get output that looks like this in your console:

tmp1Ex:DEBUG - Should be here
tmp1Ex:INFO - DEM : /path/to/DEM

And something similar in the .log file which is saved in ./runTmp1Ex.log in this example. The logging configuration is set in AvaFrame/avaframe/in3Utils/logging.conf.

You can modify this logging.conf file to modify the levels or format of the messages to display (python doc will help you).