Source code for out3Plot.statsPlots

    plot statistics of simulations


# load python modules
import os
import numpy as np
import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ma
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import pathlib

# local imports
import avaframe.out3Plot.plotUtils as pU
import avaframe.in3Utils.fileHandlerUtils as fU
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
import avaframe.in1Data.getInput as gI

# create local logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def plotValuesScatter(peakValues, resType1, resType2, cfg, avalancheDir, statsMeasure='max', flagShow=False): """ Produce scatter plot of statistical measures (eg. max values) (resType1 und resType2), for one set of simulations or multiple Parameters ----------- peakDictList: dict peakValues dictionary that contain max values of peak parameters and parameter variation info resType1: str result parameter 1, 'ppr', 'pfd', 'pfv' resType2: str result parameter 1, 'ppr', 'pfd', 'pfv' cfg: dict configuration, for now contains output location and varPar: parameter that is varied to perfom a set of simulations statsMeasure: str statistical measure for plotting, options: max, mean, min, std flagShow: bool if True show plot """ varPar = cfg['varPar'] # extract values from dictionaries varVal = [] values1 = [] values2 = [] for key in peakValues: values1.append(peakValues[key][resType1][statsMeasure]) values2.append(peakValues[key][resType2][statsMeasure]) varVal.append(peakValues[key]['varPar'])'Number of simulations is: %d' % (len(varVal))) # Get name and units for resTypes and parameter variation to annotate plots name1 = pU.cfgPlotUtils['name%s' % resType1] name2 = pU.cfgPlotUtils['name%s' % resType2] unit1 = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % resType1] unit2 = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % resType2] nameVar = cfg['varParName'] unitVar = cfg['varParUnit'] # if the varied parameter used for colorcoding is a string if isinstance(varVal[0], str): itemsList, ticksList, varValV = pU.getColorbarTicksForStrings(varVal) else: varValV = np.array(varVal) itemsList = '' # load variation colormap cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap(pU.cmapVar, np.amin(varValV), np.amax(varValV), continuous=True) if isinstance(varVal[0], str): ticks = ticksList fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.title('%s vs. %s' % (name1, name2)) # set range and steps of colormap cc = varValV sc = ax.scatter(values1, values2, c=cc, cmap=cmap) ax.set_xlabel('%s %s [%s]' % (statsMeasure, name1, unit1)) ax.set_ylabel('%s %s [%s]' % (statsMeasure, name2, unit2)) pU.addColorBar(sc, ax, ticks, unitVar, nameVar, tickLabelsList=itemsList) pU.putAvaNameOnPlot(ax, avalancheDir) # shpw plot if flagShow: # save fig outDir = cfg['outDir'] fig.savefig(os.path.join(outDir, 'Scatter_%s_vs_%s_dist%s_%s.png' % (resType1, resType2, cfg['distType'], cfg['scenario']))) plt.close(fig)
[docs]def plotValuesScatterHist(peakValues, resType1, resType2, cfg, avalancheDir, statsMeasure='max', flagShow=False, flagHue=False): """ Produce scatter and marginal kde plot of max values, for one set of simulations or multiple Parameters ----------- peakValues: dict peakValues dictionary that contain max values of peak parameters and parameter variation info resType1: str result parameter 1, 'ppr', 'pfd', 'pfv' resType2: str result parameter 1, 'ppr', 'pfd', 'pfv' cfg: dict configuration, for now contains output location and varPar: parameter that is varied to perfom a set of simulations statsMeasure: str statistical measure for plotting, options: max, mean, min, std flagShow: bool if True show plot """ varPar = cfg['varPar'] # extract values from dictionaries varVal = [] values1 = [] values2 = [] scenario = [] for key in peakValues: values1.append(peakValues[key][resType1][statsMeasure]) values2.append(peakValues[key][resType2][statsMeasure]) varVal.append(peakValues[key]['varPar']) if 'scenario' in peakValues[key] and flagHue: scenario.append(peakValues[key]['scenario'])'Number of simulations is: %d' % (len(varVal))) # Get name and units for resTypes and parameter variation to annotate plots name1 = pU.cfgPlotUtils['name%s' % resType1] name2 = pU.cfgPlotUtils['name%s' % resType2] unit1 = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % resType1] unit2 = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % resType2] nameVar = cfg['varParName'] unitVar = cfg['varParUnit'] varValV = np.array(varVal) title1 = statsMeasure + ' ' + name1+' [' + unit1 + ']' title2 = statsMeasure + ' ' + name2+' [' + unit2 + ']' if flagHue: # create pandas data frame reqiured for seaborn jointplot maxVals = {name1: values1, name2: values2, 'scenario': scenario} maxData = pd.DataFrame(maxVals) fig1 = sns.jointplot(data=maxData, x=name1, y=name2, hue="scenario") else: fig1 = sns.jointplot(x=values1, y=values2) # add title and text box fig1.ax_joint.set_xlabel(title1) fig1.ax_joint.set_ylabel(title2) pU.putAvaNameOnPlot(fig1.ax_joint, avalancheDir) # save fig outDir = cfg['outDir'] plt.savefig(os.path.join(outDir, 'Scatterkde_%s_vs_%s_dist%s_%s.png' % (resType1, resType2, cfg['distType'], cfg['scenario']))) # shpw plot if flagShow: plt.close()
[docs]def plotHistCDFDiff(dataDiffPlot, ax1, ax2, insert='True', title=['', '']): """ Produce histogram and CDF plot of the raster difference of two simulations Parameters ----------- dataDiffPlot: 2D numpy array raster of the difference of the two simulations ax1: axes axes for the histogram plot ax2: axes axes for the CDF plot insert: boolean true if the plots are in inserted axes (size of the lables is then smaller) title: list if not inserts, title for the plots """ # Difference between datasets diffMax = np.nanmax(dataDiffPlot) diffMin = np.nanmin(dataDiffPlot) sortedDiffPlot = np.sort(np.abs(dataDiffPlot)) nSample = np.size(sortedDiffPlot) hist = np.array(range(nSample))/float(nSample) ticks = [] centile1 = float(pU.cfg['centile1']) centile2 = float(pU.cfg['centile2']) for val in [centile1, centile2]: ind = np.searchsorted(hist, val) ind = min(ind, np.size(hist)-1) ax1.plot(sortedDiffPlot, hist) ax1.hlines(hist[ind], 0, sortedDiffPlot[ind], linestyles='--', linewidths=0.5) ax1.vlines(sortedDiffPlot[ind], 0, hist[ind], linestyles='--', linewidths=0.5) ticks.append(sortedDiffPlot[ind]) ax2.set_xlim([-sortedDiffPlot[ind], sortedDiffPlot[ind]]) width = diffMax - diffMin stepsInterval = int(pU.cfg['steps2Centile2']) stepWidth = 2*sortedDiffPlot[ind]/stepsInterval # stepsInterval bins in the [-2sigma,+2sigma] interval bins = int(width/stepWidth) ax2.hist(dataDiffPlot, bins=bins, density=True, histtype="stepfilled") ax2.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) if insert: ax2.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=8, rotation=45) ax2.set_title(title[0]) ticks.append(np.floor(np.nanmax(np.abs(dataDiffPlot)))) ax1.set_xticks(ticks) if insert: ax1.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=8, rotation=45) ax1.set_title(title[1]) return ticks
[docs]def plotProbMap(avaDir, inDir, cfgFull): """ plot probability maps including contour lines Parameters ---------- avaDir: str path to avalanche directory inDir: str path to datasets that shall be plotted cfgFull: configParser object configuration settings for probAna keys used: name, cmapType, levels, unit """ # configuration settings cfg = cfgFull['PLOT'] # fetch probabiltiy map datasets in inDir dataFiles = list(inDir.glob('*.asc')) if dataFiles == []: message = 'No probability map dataset found in: %s' % (inDir) log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message)'Probability maps found for generating plots: %d' % len(dataFiles)) # load levels and define colors levels = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(cfg['levels']) multLabel = False if len(levels) > 2: multLabel = True cmapType = pU.cmapGreys1 colorBackGround = 'seashell' else: cmapType = pU.colorMaps[cfg['cmapType']] colorsP = ['black', 'white'] colorBackGround = 'gainsboro' if len(levels) == 1 and levels[0] > 0.5: colorsP = ['white'] unit = cfg['unit'] # set colors for contourlines according to levels labels = [] for lev in levels: labels.append('%.0f %%' % (lev*100)) # loop over all datasets and create plots for data in dataFiles: raster = IOf.readRaster(data, noDataToNan=True) dataPlot = raster['rasterData'] header = IOf.readASCheader(data) cellSize = header['cellsize'] # Set dimensions of plots ny = dataPlot.shape[0] nx = dataPlot.shape[1] Ly = ny*cellSize Lx = nx*cellSize # constrain plot to where there is data rowsMin, rowsMax, colsMin, colsMax, dataConstrained = pU.constrainPlotsToData(dataPlot, cellSize, extentOption=True, constrainedData=True) dataPlot = == 0.0, dataConstrained) # create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW*2, pU.figH)) suptitle = fig.suptitle(cfg['name'], fontsize=14, color='0.5') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) # for now continuous color map is desired cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap(cmapType, np.nanmin(dataPlot), np.nanmax(dataPlot), continuous=True) cmap.set_bad(colorBackGround) im1 = ax1.imshow(dataPlot, cmap=cmap, extent=[colsMin, colsMax, rowsMin, rowsMax], origin='lower', aspect=nx/ny, norm=norm) # create meshgrid for contour plot also constrained to where there is data xx = np.arange(colsMin, colsMax, cellSize) yy = np.arange(rowsMin, rowsMax, cellSize) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) # add contourlines for levels if multLabel: CS = ax1.contour(X, Y, dataPlot, levels=levels, cmap=pU.cmapD.reversed(), linewidths=1) else: CS = ax1.contour(X, Y, dataPlot, levels=levels, colors=colorsP, linewidths=1) for i in range(len(labels)): CS.collections[i].set_label(labels[i]) pU.addColorBar(im1, ax1, ticks, unit) title = str('%s' % cfg['name']) ax1.set_title(title) ax1.set_xlabel('x [m]') ax1.set_ylabel('y [m]') # add zoom plot of runout area ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) # determine zoom in runout area dataCut, xOrigin, yOrigin = pU.constrainToMinElevation(avaDir, raster['rasterData'], cfg, cellSize, extentOption=True) # constrain to where there is data rowsMinPlot, rowsMaxPlot, colsMinPlot, colsMaxPlot, dataCutConstrained = pU.constrainPlotsToData(dataCut, cellSize, extentOption=True, constrainedData=True, buffer=cfg.getfloat('constrainBuffer')) dataCutConstrained =, dataCutConstrained) # set extent of zoom Plot x0 = xOrigin + colsMinPlot x1 = xOrigin + colsMaxPlot y0 = yOrigin + rowsMinPlot y1 = yOrigin + rowsMaxPlot # add plot im2 = ax2.imshow(dataCutConstrained, cmap=cmap, extent=[x0, x1, y0, y1], origin='lower', aspect=nx/ny, norm=norm) # create meshgrid for contour plot also constrained to where there is data xx2 = np.arange(x0, x1, cellSize) yy2 = np.arange(y0, y1, cellSize) X2, Y2 = np.meshgrid(xx2, yy2) # add contourlines for levels if multLabel: CS2 = ax2.contour(X2, Y2, dataCutConstrained, levels=levels, cmap=pU.cmapD.reversed(), linewidths=1) else: CS2 = ax2.contour(X2, Y2, dataCutConstrained, levels=levels, colors=colorsP, linewidths=1) for i in range(len(labels)): CS2.collections[i].set_label(labels[i]) pU.addColorBar(im2, ax2, ticks, unit) ax2.set_xlabel('x [m]') ax2.set_ylabel('y [m]') plt.legend(facecolor='black', framealpha=0.04) outDir = inDir / 'plots' fU.makeADir(outDir) avaName = pathlib.PurePath(avaDir).name outFile = outDir / ('%s_probMap_lim%s.%s' % (avaName, cfgFull['GENERAL']['peakLim'], pU.outputFormat)) fig.savefig(outFile) plt.close(fig)