out1Peak: Peak plots

Plot all peak fields

out1Peak.outPlotAllPeak.plotAllPeakFields() generates one plot for each peak field in Outputs/modName/peakFiles, constrained to existing data including a buffer specified in out3Plot/plotUtilsCfg.ini. These peak fields represent the peak values of the simulation result parameters (dynamic peak pressure, peak flow depth, peak velocity), and modName corresponds to the name of the computational module that has been used to perform the simualtions. Details on this function, as for example required inputs, can be found in out1Peak.outPlotAllPeak.plotAllPeakFields().

Plot all fields

out1Peak.outPlotAllPeak.plotAllFields() generates one plot for each simulation result field provided in the specified input directory. This function is designed to work for result fields that follow a certain naming convention in order to provide full functionality: releaseAreaName_simulationType_modelType_simulationIdentifier_resultType.asc

One plot for each field is saved using the name of the input field. By default, the plot is constrained to where there is data, however this can be turned off by setting constrainData=False in the inputs. Details on this function, as for example required inputs, can be found in out1Peak.outPlotAllPeak.plotAllField().