Source code for in3Utils.geoTrans

""" Opperations and transformations of rasters and lines

import logging
import math
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.interpolate
import copy

# Local imports
import avaframe.in3Utils.initializeProject as initProj
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
import avaframe.in3Utils.fileHandlerUtils as fU

# create local logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def projectOnRaster(dem, Points, interp='bilinear'): """Projects Points on raster using a bilinear or nearest interpolation and returns the z coord (no for loop) Parameters ------------- dem: dict dem dictionary Points: dict Points dictionary (x,y) interp: str interpolation option, between nearest or bilinear Returns ------- Points: dict Points dictionary with z coordinate added or updated """ header = dem['header'] rasterdata = dem['rasterData'] xllc = header['xllcenter'] yllc = header['yllcenter'] cellsize = header['cellsize'] xcoor = Points['x'] ycoor = Points['y'] zcoor, ioob = projectOnGrid(xcoor, ycoor, rasterdata, csz=cellsize, xllc=xllc, yllc=yllc, interp=interp) Points['z'] = zcoor return Points, ioob
[docs]def projectOnGrid(x, y, Z, csz=1, xllc=0, yllc=0, interp='bilinear'): """Projects Z onto points (x,y) using a bilinear or nearest interpolation and returns the z coord Parameters ------------- x: array x coord of the points to project y: array y coord of the points to project Z : 2D numpy array raster data csz: float cellsize corresponding to the raster data xllc: float x coord of the lower left center of the raster yllc: float y coord of the lower left center of the raster interp: str interpolation option, between nearest or bilinear Returns ------- z : 2D numpy array projected data on the raster data ioob: int number of out of bounds indexes """ nrow, ncol = np.shape(Z) # initialize outputs z = np.ones((np.shape(x)))*np.NaN dx = np.ones((np.shape(x)))*np.NaN dy = np.ones((np.shape(x)))*np.NaN f11 = np.ones((np.shape(x)))*np.NaN f12 = np.ones((np.shape(x)))*np.NaN f21 = np.ones((np.shape(x)))*np.NaN f22 = np.ones((np.shape(x)))*np.NaN # find coordinates in normalized ref (origin (0,0) and cellsize 1) Lxx = (x - xllc) / csz Lyy = (y - yllc) / csz Lx = copy.deepcopy(Lxx) Ly = copy.deepcopy(Lyy) # find out of bound indexes if interp == 'nearest': Lx[np.where((Lxx <= -0.5))] = np.NaN Ly[np.where((Lxx <= -0.5))] = np.NaN Lx[np.where(Lxx >= (ncol-0.5))] = np.NaN Ly[np.where(Lxx >= (ncol-0.5))] = np.NaN Lx[np.where(Lyy <= -0.5)] = np.NaN Ly[np.where(Lyy <= -0.5)] = np.NaN Lx[np.where(Lyy >= (nrow-0.5))] = np.NaN Ly[np.where(Lyy >= (nrow-0.5))] = np.NaN elif interp == 'bilinear': Lx[np.where((Lxx < 0))] = np.NaN Ly[np.where((Lxx < 0))] = np.NaN Lx[np.where(Lxx >= (ncol-1))] = np.NaN Ly[np.where(Lxx >= (ncol-1))] = np.NaN Lx[np.where(Lyy < 0)] = np.NaN Ly[np.where(Lyy < 0)] = np.NaN Lx[np.where(Lyy >= (nrow-1))] = np.NaN Ly[np.where(Lyy >= (nrow-1))] = np.NaN # find index of index of not nan value mask = ~np.isnan(Lx+Ly) maskInd = np.argwhere(~np.isnan(Lx+Ly))[:, 0] itot = len(Lx) iinb = len(maskInd) ioob = itot - iinb # find coordinates of the 4 nearest cornes on the raster Lx0 = np.floor(Lx).astype('int') Ly0 = np.floor(Ly).astype('int') Lx1 = Lx0 + 1 Ly1 = Ly0 + 1 # prepare for bilinear interpolation(do not take out of bound into account) if interp == 'nearest': dx[mask] = np.round(Lx[mask]) dy[mask] = np.round(Ly[mask]) z[mask] = Z[dy[mask].astype('int'), dx[mask].astype('int')] elif interp == 'bilinear': dx[mask] = Lx[mask] - Lx0[mask] dy[mask] = Ly[mask] - Ly0[mask] f11[mask] = Z[Ly0[mask], Lx0[mask]] f12[mask] = Z[Ly1[mask], Lx0[mask]] f21[mask] = Z[Ly0[mask], Lx1[mask]] f22[mask] = Z[Ly1[mask], Lx1[mask]] # using bilinear interpolation on the cell z = f11*(1-dx)*(1-dy) + f21*dx*(1-dy) + f12*(1-dx)*dy + f22*dx*dy return z, ioob
[docs]def resizeData(raster, rasterRef): """ Reproject raster on a grid of shape rasterRef Parameters ---------- raster : dict raster dictionary rasterRef : dict reference raster dictionary Returns ------- data : 2D numpy array reprojected data dataRef : 2D numpy array reference data """ if IOf.isEqualASCheader(raster['header'], rasterRef['header']): return raster['rasterData'], rasterRef['rasterData'] else: headerRef = rasterRef['header'] ncols = headerRef['ncols'] nrows = headerRef['nrows'] csz = headerRef['cellsize'] xllc = headerRef['xllcenter'] yllc = headerRef['yllcenter'] xgrid = np.linspace(xllc, xllc+(ncols-1)*csz, ncols) ygrid = np.linspace(yllc, yllc+(nrows-1)*csz, nrows) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xgrid, ygrid) Points = {'x': X, 'y': Y} Points, _ = projectOnRaster(raster, Points, interp='bilinear') raster['rasterData'] = Points['z'] return raster['rasterData'], rasterRef['rasterData']
[docs]def getMeshXY(rasterDict, cellSizeNew=None): """ Get x and y vectors for mesh with given number of rows and columns, lowerleftcenter and cellSize Parameters ----------- rasterDict: dict 'rasterData' : 2D numpy array of data 'header': class with info on ncols, nrows, csz, xllcenter, yllcenter, noDataValue Returns -------- x, y: 1D numpy arrays vector of x and y values for mesh center coordinates xExtent, yExtent: float extent of mesh from first cell center to last cell center in x/y """ header = rasterDict['header'] xllc = header['xllcenter'] yllc = header['yllcenter'] ncols = header['ncols'] nrows = header['nrows'] xExtent = (ncols-1) * header['cellsize'] yExtent = (nrows-1) * header['cellsize'] x = np.linspace(0, xExtent, ncols) + xllc y = np.linspace(0, yExtent, nrows) + yllc if cellSizeNew != None: nColsNew = int(xExtent/cellSizeNew+1) nRowsNew = int(yExtent/cellSizeNew+1) xNew = np.linspace(0, (nColsNew-1)*cellSizeNew, nColsNew) + xllc yNew = np.linspace(0, (nRowsNew-1)*cellSizeNew, nRowsNew) + yllc diffExtentX = xExtent - (nColsNew-1)*cellSizeNew diffExtentY = yExtent - (nRowsNew-1)*cellSizeNew return x, y, xNew, yNew, diffExtentX, diffExtentY else: return x, y, xExtent, yExtent
[docs]def remeshData(rasterFile, cellSize): """ compute raster data on a new mesh with cellSize using scipy RectBivariateSpline the new mesh is as big or smaller as the original mesh Parameters ---------- rasterFile : str path to raster file cellSize : float mesh size of new mesh Returns ------- data : dict remeshed data dict with data as numpy array and header info """ # load data raster = IOf.readRaster(rasterFile, noDataToNan=True) header = raster['header'] # fetch shape info and get new mesh info x, y, xNew, yNew, diffExtentX, diffExtentY = getMeshXY(raster, cellSizeNew=cellSize) data = raster['rasterData']'Remeshed data extent difference x: %f and y %f' % (diffExtentX, diffExtentY)) # use scipy interpolate to compute data on points of new mesh and save to raster dict rasterNew = sp.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(y, x, data)(yNew, xNew, grid=True) raster['rasterData'] = rasterNew # set new header header['ncols'] = len(xNew) header['nrows'] = len(yNew) header['cellsize'] = cellSize return raster
[docs]def remeshDEM(demFile, cfgSim): """ change DEM cell size by reprojecting on a new grid - first check if remeshed DEM available the new DEM is as big or smaller as the original DEM and saved to Inputs/DEMremshed as remeshedDEMcellSize Interpolation is based on griddata with a cubic method. Here would be the place to change the order of the interpolation or to switch to another interpolation method. Parameters ---------- demFile: str or pathlib path path to DEM in Inputs/ cfgSim : configParser meshCellSizeThreshold : threshold under which no remeshing is done meshCellSize : desired cell size Returns ------- pathDem : str path of DEM with desired cell size relative to Inputs/ """ # first check if remeshed DEM is available pathDem, DEMFound, allDEMNames = searchRemeshedDEM(demFile.stem, cfgSim) if DEMFound: return pathDem #-------- if no remeshed DEM found - remesh # fetch info on dem file dem = IOf.readRaster(demFile) headerDEM = dem['header'] # fetch info on desired meshCellSize meshCellSize = float(cfgSim['GENERAL']['meshCellSize']) meshCellSizeThreshold = float( cfgSim['GENERAL']['meshCellSizeThreshold']) # read dem header info cszDEM = headerDEM['cellsize'] # start remesh'Remeshing the input DEM (of cell size %.4g m) to a cell size of %.4g m' % (cszDEM, meshCellSize)) x, y, xNew, yNew, diffExtentX, diffExtentY = getMeshXY(dem, cellSizeNew=meshCellSize) xGrid, yGrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) xGrid = xGrid.flatten() yGrid = yGrid.flatten() z = dem['rasterData'] zCopy = np.copy(z) zCopy = zCopy.flatten() mask = np.where(~np.isnan(zCopy)) xGrid = xGrid[mask] yGrid = yGrid[mask] z = zCopy[mask] # create header of remeshed DEM headerRemeshed = {} headerRemeshed['cellsize'] = meshCellSize headerRemeshed['ncols'] = len(xNew) headerRemeshed['nrows'] = len(yNew) headerRemeshed['xllcenter'] = headerDEM['xllcenter'] headerRemeshed['yllcenter'] = headerDEM['yllcenter'] headerRemeshed['noDataValue'] = headerDEM['noDataValue'] # write new DEM dictionary remeshedDEM = {'header': headerRemeshed} xNewGrid, yNewGrid = np.meshgrid(xNew, yNew) zNew = sp.interpolate.griddata((xGrid, yGrid), z, (xNewGrid, yNewGrid), method='cubic', fill_value=headerDEM['noDataValue'])'Remeshed data extent difference x: %f and y %f' % (diffExtentX, diffExtentY)) remeshedDEM['rasterData'] = zNew # save remeshed DEM pathToDem = pathlib.Path(cfgSim['GENERAL']['avalancheDir'], 'Inputs', 'DEMremeshed') fU.makeADir(pathToDem) outFile = pathToDem / ('%s_remeshedDEM%.2f.asc' % (demFile.stem, remeshedDEM['header']['cellsize'])) if in allDEMNames: message = 'Name for saving remeshedDEM already used: %s' % log.error(message) raise FileExistsError(message) IOf.writeResultToAsc(remeshedDEM['header'], remeshedDEM['rasterData'], outFile, flip=True)'Saved remeshed DEM to %s' % outFile) pathDem = str(pathlib.Path('DEMremeshed', return pathDem
[docs]def searchRemeshedDEM(demName, cfgSim): """ search if remeshed DEM with correct name and cell size already available Parameters ----------- demName: str name of DEM file in Inputs/ cfgSim: configparser object configuration settings: avaDir, meshCellSize, meshCellSizeThreshold Returns -------- remshedDEM: dict dictionary of remeshed DEM if not found empty dict DEMFound: bool flag if dem is found allDEMNames: list list of all names of dems found in Inputs/DEMremeshed """ # path to remeshed DEM folder pathToDems = pathlib.Path(cfgSim['GENERAL']['avalancheDir'], 'Inputs', 'DEMremeshed') DEMFound = False pathDem = '' allDEMNames = [] # fetch info on desired meshCellSize meshCellSize = float(cfgSim['GENERAL']['meshCellSize']) meshCellSizeThreshold = float( cfgSim['GENERAL']['meshCellSizeThreshold']) # check if DEM is available if pathToDems.is_dir(): # look for dems and check if cellSize within tolerance and origin matches demFiles = list(pathToDems.glob('*.asc')) allDEMNames = [ for d in demFiles] for demF in demFiles: headerDEM = IOf.readASCheader(demF) if abs(meshCellSize - headerDEM['cellsize']) < meshCellSizeThreshold and demName in demF.stem:'Remeshed DEM found: %s cellSize: %.5f' % (, headerDEM['cellsize'])) DEMFound = True pathDem = str(pathlib.Path('DEMremeshed', continue else: log.debug('Remeshed dem found %s with cellSize %.2f - not used' % (demF, headerDEM['cellsize'])) else: log.debug('Directory %s does not exist' % pathToDems) return pathDem, DEMFound, allDEMNames
[docs]def prepareLine(dem, avapath, distance=10, Point=None): """Resample and project line on dem 1- Resample the avapath line with a max intervall of distance=10m between points (projected distance on the horizontal plane). 2- Make avalanche profile out of the path (affect a z value using the dem) 3- Get projection of points on the profil (closest point) Parameters ----------- dem: dict dem dictionary avapath: dict line dictionary distance: float resampling distance Point: dict a point dictionary (optional, can contain several point) Returns ------- AvaProfile: dict the resampled avapath with the z coordinate projPoint: dict point dictionary projected on the profile (if several points were give in input, only the closest point to the profile is projected) """ xcoor = avapath['x'] ycoor = avapath['y'] xcoornew = np.array([xcoor[0]]) ycoornew = np.array([ycoor[0]]) s = np.array([0]) # curvilinear coordinate allong the path # loop on the points of the avapath for i in range(np.shape(xcoor)[0] - 1): Vx = xcoor[i + 1] - xcoor[i] Vy = ycoor[i + 1] - ycoor[i] D = np.sqrt(Vx**2 + Vy**2) nd = int(np.floor(D / distance) + 1) # Resample each segment S0 = s[-1] for j in range(1, nd + 1): xn = j / (nd) * Vx + xcoor[i] yn = j / (nd) * Vy + ycoor[i] xcoornew = np.append(xcoornew, xn) ycoornew = np.append(ycoornew, yn) s = np.append(s, S0 + D * j / nd) ResampAvaPath = avapath ResampAvaPath['x'] = xcoornew ResampAvaPath['y'] = ycoornew ResampAvaPath, _ = projectOnRaster(dem, ResampAvaPath) ResampAvaPath['s'] = s AvaProfile = ResampAvaPath # find split point by computing the distance to the line if Point: projPoint = findSplitPoint(AvaProfile, Point) else: projPoint = None return AvaProfile, projPoint
[docs]def findPointOnDEM(dem, vDirX, vDirY, vDirZ, zHighest, xFirst, yFirst, zFirst): """ find point on dem given a direction and a z value to reach Parameters ----------- dem: dict dem dict vDirX, vDirY, vDirZ: floats x, y and z components of the direction in which to extend zHighest: float z value to reach xFirst, yFirst, zFirst: floats x, y and z coordinates of the starting point Returns -------- xExtTop, yExtTop, zExtTop:floats x, y and z coordinates of the point found """ header = dem['header'] xllc = header['xllcenter'] yllc = header['yllcenter'] csz = header['cellsize'] zRaster = dem['rasterData'] gamma = (zHighest - zFirst) / vDirZ * np.linspace(0.25, 2, 100) xArray = xFirst + gamma * vDirX yArray = yFirst + gamma * vDirY zArray, _ = projectOnGrid(xArray, yArray, zRaster, csz=csz, xllc=xllc, yllc=yllc, interp='bilinear') idx = np.nanargmin(np.abs(zArray - np.array([zHighest]))) xExtTop = np.array([xFirst + gamma[idx] * vDirX]) yExtTop = np.array([yFirst + gamma[idx] * vDirY]) zExtTop = np.array([zArray[idx]]) return xExtTop, yExtTop, zExtTop
[docs]def findSplitPoint(AvaProfile, Points): """ Finds the closest point in Points to the AvaProfile and returns its projection on AvaProfile. Parameters ----------- AvaProfile: dict line dictionary with x and y coordinates Point: dict a point dictionary Returns ------- projPoint: dict point dictionary projected on the profile (if several points were give in input, only the closest point to the profile is projected) """ xcoor = AvaProfile['x'] ycoor = AvaProfile['y'] Dist = np.empty((0)) IndSplit = np.empty((0)) for i in range(len(Points['x'])): dist = np.sqrt((xcoor - Points['x'][i]) ** 2 + (ycoor - Points['y'][i])**2) indSplit = np.argmin(dist) IndSplit = np.append(IndSplit, indSplit) Dist = np.append(Dist, dist[indSplit]) ind = np.argmin(Dist) indSplit = int(IndSplit[ind]) projPoint = {} projPoint['x'] = AvaProfile['x'][indSplit] projPoint['y'] = AvaProfile['y'][indSplit] projPoint['z'] = AvaProfile['z'][indSplit] projPoint['s'] = AvaProfile['s'][indSplit] projPoint['indSplit'] = indSplit return projPoint
[docs]def checkProfile(AvaProfile, projSplitPoint=None): """ check that the avalanche profiles goes from top to bottom flip it if not and adjust the splitpoint in consequence Parameters ----------- AvaProfile: dict line dictionary with x and y coordinates projSplitPoint: dict a point dictionary already projected on the AvaProfile Returns ------- AvaProfile: dict avaprofile, fliped if needed projSplitPoint: dict point dictionary """ if projSplitPoint: indSplit = projSplitPoint['indSplit'] if AvaProfile['z'][-1] > AvaProfile['z'][0]:'Profile reversed') AvaProfile['x'] = np.flip(AvaProfile['x']) AvaProfile['y'] = np.flip(AvaProfile['y']) AvaProfile['z'] = np.flip(AvaProfile['z']) try: L = AvaProfile['s'][-1] AvaProfile['s'] = L - np.flip(AvaProfile['s']) except KeyError: pass if projSplitPoint: indSplit = len(AvaProfile['x']) - indSplit - 1 projSplitPoint['indSplit'] = indSplit AvaProfile['indSplit'] = indSplit else: projSplitPoint = None AvaProfile['indSplit'] = None return projSplitPoint, AvaProfile
[docs]def findAngleProfile(tmp, ds, dsMin): """ Find the beta point: first point under the beta value given in prepareAngleProfile. Make sure that at least dsMin meters behind the point are also under the beta value otherwise keep searching Parameters ---------- tmp: 1D numpy array index array of point in profile with slope bellow the given beta angle and bellow the splitPoint ds: 1D numpy array distance between points discribed in tmp dsMin: float threshold distance [m] for looking for the beta point (at least dsMin meters below beta degres) Returns ------- idsAnglePoint: int index of beta point """ noBetaFoundMessage = 'No Beta point found. Check your pathAB.shp and splitPoint.shp.' i = 0 condition = True if np.size(tmp) == 0: raise IndexError(noBetaFoundMessage) while (i <= np.size(tmp) and condition): ind = tmp[i] j = 0 dist = 0 while dist < dsMin: try: condition = condition and (tmp[i+j+1] == ind+j+1) dist = dist + ds[i + j] except IndexError: raise IndexError(noBetaFoundMessage) if not condition: i = i + j + 1 break j = j + 1 if condition: idsAnglePoint = ind break condition = True return idsAnglePoint
[docs]def prepareAngleProfile(beta, AvaProfile): """Prepare inputs for findAngleProfile function Read profile (s, z), compute the slope Angle look for points for which the slope is under the given Beta value and that are located downstream of the splitPoint Parameters ---------- beta: float beta angle in degrees AvaProfile: dict profile dictionary, s, z and a split point(optional) Returns ------- angle: 1D numpy array profile angle tmp: 1D numpy array index array of point in profile with slope bellow the given beta angle and bellow the splitPoint ds: 1D numpy array distance between points discribed in tmp """ s = AvaProfile['s'] z = AvaProfile['z'] try: indSplit = AvaProfile['indSplit'] CuSplit = s[indSplit] except KeyError: log.warning('No split Point given!') CuSplit = 0 ds = np.abs(s - np.roll(s, 1)) dz = np.roll(z, 1) - z ds[0] = 0.0 dz[0] = 0.0 angle = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(dz, ds)) # get all values where Angle < 10 but >0 # get index of first occurance and go one back to get previous value # (i.e. last value above 10 deg) # tmp = x[(angle < 10.0) & (angle > 0.0) & (x > 450)] tmp = np.where((angle <= beta) & (s > CuSplit)) tmp = np.asarray(tmp).flatten() ds = ds[tmp] return angle, tmp, ds
[docs]def isCounterClockWise(path): """ Determines if a polygon path is mostly clockwise or counter clockwise Parameters ---------- path: matplotlib.path polygon path Returns ------- isCounterCloc1: int 1 if the path is counter clockwise, 0 otherwise """ v = path.vertices-path.vertices[0, :] a = np.arctan2(v[1:, 1], v[1:, 0]) isCounterClock = (a[1:] >= a[:-1]).astype(int).mean() >= 0.5 return isCounterClock
[docs]def path2domain(xyPath, rasterTransfo): """Creates a domain (irregular raster) along a path, given the path xyPath, a domain width and a raster cellsize Parameters: ------------- xyPath: dict line dictionary with coordinates x and y rasterTransfo: dict rasterTransfo['w']: float Domain width rasterTransfo['cellSizeSL']: float cellsize expected for the new raster Returns: --------- rasterTransfo: dict rasterTransfo updated with xp, yp Arrays determining a path of width w along a line rasterTransfo['DBXl']: x coord of the left boundary rasterTransfo['DBXr']: x coord of the right boundary rasterTransfo['DBYl']: y coord of the left boundary rasterTransfo['DBYr']: y coord of the right boundary [Fischer2013] Fischer, Jan-Thomas. (2013). A novel approach to evaluate and compare computational snow avalanche simulation. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 13. 1655-. 10.5194/nhess-13-1655-2013. Uwe Schlifkowitz/ BFW, June 2011 """ csz = rasterTransfo['cellSizeSL'] x = xyPath['x'] y = xyPath['y'] # compute the non dimensional width w = rasterTransfo['domainWidth']/2/csz # remove scaling due to cellsize x = x/csz y = y/csz # Difference between x- bzw. y-Coordinates of Polyline # first and last Vertex: Difference between this and the next # other vertices: Difference between previous and next dx = np.array((x[1]-x[0])) dy = np.array((y[1]-y[0])) n = len(x) for i in range(2, n): dx = np.append(dx, (x[i]-x[i-2])/2.) dy = np.append(dy, (y[i]-y[i-2])/2.) dx = np.append(dx, x[-1]-x[-2]) dy = np.append(dy, y[-1]-y[-2]) # Direction of normal vector of difference, # a.k.a. bisecting line of angle d = np.arctan2(dy, dx) + math.pi/2 # x- and y-Coordinates (left and right) of path edges, # total width w # x-KOO[left right] DBXl = np.array((x + w * np.cos(d))) DBXr = np.array((x + w * np.cos(d + math.pi))) # y-KOO[left right] DBYl = np.array((y + w * np.sin(d))) DBYr = np.array((y + w * np.sin(d + math.pi))) rasterTransfo['DBXl'] = DBXl rasterTransfo['DBXr'] = DBXr rasterTransfo['DBYl'] = DBYl rasterTransfo['DBYr'] = DBYr return rasterTransfo
[docs]def areaPoly(X, Y): """Gauss's area formula to calculate polygon area Parameters ---------- X: 1D numpy array x coord of the vertices Y: 1D numpy array y coord of the vertices (Without repeating the first vertex!!!) Returns ------- area: float Area of the polygon """ X = np.append(X, X[0]) Y = np.append(Y, Y[0]) area = 0 for i in range(np.size(X)-1): area = area + (X[i]*Y[i+1]-Y[i]*X[i+1])/2 return area
[docs]def checkOverlap(toCheckRaster, refRaster, nameToCheck, nameRef, crop=False): """Check if two rasters overlap Parameters ---------- toCheckRaster : 2D numpy array Raster to check refRaster : 2D numpy array refference Raster nameToCheck: str name of raster that might overlap nameRef: str name of reference raster crop : boolean if True, remove overlaping part and send a warning Returns ------- toCheckRaster: 2D numpy array if crop is True, return toCheckRaster without the overlaping part and send a warning if needed if crop is False, return error if Rasters overlap otherwise return toCheckRaster """ mask = (toCheckRaster > 0) & (refRaster > 0) if mask.any(): if crop: toCheckRaster[mask] = 0 message = '%s area feature overlapping with %s area - removing the overlapping part' % (nameToCheck, nameRef) log.warning(message) else: message = '%s area features overlapping with %s area - this is not allowed' % (nameToCheck, nameRef) log.error(message) raise AssertionError(message) return toCheckRaster
[docs]def cartToSpherical(X, Y, Z): """ convert from cartesian to spherical coordinates Parameters ----------- X: float x coordinate Y: float y coordinate Z: float z coordinate Returns --------- r: float radius phi: float azimuth angle [degrees] theta: float for elevation angle defined from Z-axis down [degrees] """ xy = X** 2 + Y**2 r = np.sqrt(xy + Z**2) # for elevation angle defined from Z-axis down theta = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(xy), Z) theta = np.degrees(theta) # azimuth: 0 degree is south phi = np.arctan2(X, Y) phi = np.degrees(phi) return r, phi, theta
[docs]def rotate(locationPoints, theta, deg=True): """ rotate a vector provided as start and end point with theta angle rotation counter-clockwise Parameters ----------- locationPoints: list list of lists with x,y coordinate of start and end point of a line theta: float rotation angle of the vector from start point to end point - degree default deg: bool if true theta is converted to rad from degree Returns -------- rotatedLine: list list of lists of x,y coordinates of start and end point of rotated vector """ # convert to rad if provided as degree if deg: theta = np.radians(theta) # create vector with origin 0,0 vector = np.diff(locationPoints) # create rotation matrix # counterclockwise rotation rotationMatrix = np.array([ [np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)], ]) # rotate vector vectorRot =, vector) # create rotated line as list of start and end point rotatedLine = [[locationPoints[0][0], float(locationPoints[0][0]+vectorRot[0])], # x [locationPoints[1][0], float(locationPoints[1][0]+vectorRot[1])] #y ] return rotatedLine