Source code for in3Utils.fileHandlerUtils

    Directory and file handling helper functions

# Load modules
import os
import glob
import logging
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shutil

# Local imports
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils

# create local logger
# change log level in calling module to DEBUG to see log messages
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def makeADir(dirName): """ Check if a directory exists, if not create directory Parameters ---------- dirName : str path of directory that should be made """ # If directory already exists - Delete directory first is default if os.path.isdir(dirName): log.debug('Be careful directory %s already existed - data saved on top of it' % (dirName)) else: os.makedirs(dirName) log.debug('Directory: %s created' % dirName)
[docs]def checkPathlib(checkPath): """ check if pathlib.PurePath if not convert to Parameters ---------- checkPath: str or pathlib path path to be checked Returns ------- checkPath: pathlib path pathlib path version of checkPath """ if not isinstance(checkPath, pathlib.PurePath): checkPath = pathlib.Path(checkPath) return checkPath
[docs]def readLogFile(logName, cfg=''): """ Read experiment log file and make dictionary that contains general info on all simulations Parameters ---------- logName : str path to log file cfg : dict optional - configuration read from com1DFA simulation Returns ------- logDict : dict dictionary with number of simulation (noSim), name of simulation (simName), parameter variation, full name """ # Read log file logFile = open(logName, 'r') log.debug('Take com1DFA full experiment log') # Parameter variation if cfg != '': varPar = cfg['varPar'] else: varPar = 'Mu' # Save info to dictionary, add all result parameters that are saved in com1DFA Outputs logDict = {'noSim': [], 'simName': [], varPar: [], 'fullName': []} lines = logFile.readlines()[1:] countSims = 1 for line in lines: vals = line.strip().split() logDict['noSim'].append(countSims) logDict['simName'].append(vals[1]) logDict[varPar].append(float(vals[2])) logDict['fullName'].append(vals[1] + '_' + '%.5f' % float(vals[2])) countSims = countSims + 1 logFile.close() return logDict
[docs]def extractParameterInfo(avaDir, simName, reportD): """ Extract info about simulation parameters from the log file Parameters ---------- avaDir : str path to avalanche simName : str name of the simulation reportD: dict report dictionary Returns ------- parameterDict : dict dictionary listing name of parameter and value; release mass, final time step and current mast reportD: dict upated report dictionary with info on simulation """ # Get info from ExpLog logName = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'com1DFAOrig', 'ExpLog.txt') logDictExp = readLogFile(logName) names = logDictExp['fullName'] simNames = sorted(set(names), key=lambda s: s.split("_")[3]) # Initialise parameter dictionary parameterDict = {} # Read log file fileName = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'com1DFAOrig', 'start%s.log' % (simName)) logDict = extractLogInfo(fileName) stopCrit = logDict['stopCrit'] # Set values in dictionary parameterDict['release mass [kg]'] = logDict['mass'][0] parameterDict['final time step [s]'] = logDict['time'][-1] parameterDict['current mass [kg]'] = logDict['mass'][-1] if stopCrit != '': parameterDict['stop criterion'] = logDict['stopCrit'] else: parameterDict['stop criterion'] = 'end time reached: %.2f s' % logDict['time'][-1] parameterDict['Avalanche run time [s]'] = '%.2f' % logDict['stopTime'] parameterDict['CPU time [s]'] = logDict['stopTime'] reportD['Simulation Parameters'].update({'Stop criterion': parameterDict['stop criterion']}) reportD['Simulation Parameters'].update({'Avalanche run time [s]': parameterDict['final time step [s]']}) reportD['Simulation Parameters'].update({'Initial mass [kg]': ('%.2f' % parameterDict['release mass [kg]'])}) reportD['Simulation Parameters'].update({'Final mass [kg]': ('%.2f' % parameterDict['current mass [kg]'])}) return parameterDict, reportD
[docs]def extractLogInfo(fileName): """ read log file and extract info on time, mass stop criterion Parameters ----------- fileName: str or pathlib path path to log file Returns -------- logDict: dict dictionary with arrays for mass entrained mass time step and info on simulation run and stop criterion""" time = [] mass = [] entrMass = [] stopCrit = '' indRun = [0] countMass = 0 with open(fileName, 'r') as file: for line in file: if "computing time step" in line: ltime = line.split()[3] timeNum = ltime.split('...')[0] time.append(float(timeNum)) elif "entrained DFA mass" in line: entrMass.append(float(line.split()[3])) elif "total DFA mass" in line: mass.append(float(line.split()[3])) countMass = countMass + 1 elif "Kinetische Energie" in line: stopCrit = 'kinetic energy %.2f of peak KE' % (float(line.split()[3])) elif "terminated" in line: stopTime = float(line.split()[5]) indRun.append(countMass) logDict = {'time': np.asarray(time), 'mass': np.asarray(mass), 'stopTime': stopTime, 'entrMass': np.asarray(entrMass), 'indRun': indRun, 'stopCrit': stopCrit} return logDict
[docs]def checkIfFileExists(filePath, fileType=''): """ test if file exists if not throw error Parameters ----------- filePath: pathlib path path to file fileType: str string for error message which kind of file is not found """ if not isinstance(filePath, pathlib.PurePath): filePath = pathlib.Path(filePath) if not filePath.is_file(): message = 'No %s file found called: %s' % (fileType, str(filePath)) log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message)
[docs]def checkCommonSims(logName, localLogName): """ Check which files are common between local and full ExpLog """ if os.path.isfile(localLogName) is False: localLogName = logName # Read log files and extract info logDict = readLogFile(logName) logDictLocal = readLogFile # Identify common simulations setSim = set(logDictLocal['simName']) indSims = [i for i, item in enumerate(logDict['simName']) if item in setSim]'Common simulations are: %d' % indSims) return indSims
[docs]def getFilterDict(cfg, section): """ Create parametersDict from ini file, for filtering simulations Parameters ----------- cfg: configParser object configuration with information on filtering criteria section: str section of cfg where filtering criteria can be found Returns --------- parametersDict : dict dictionary with parameter and parameter values for filtering simulation results """ parametersDict = {} if cfg.has_section(section): for key, value in cfg.items(section): if value == '': parametersDict.pop(key, None) elif ':' in value or '|' in value: locValue = splitIniValueToArraySteps(value) parametersDict[key] = locValue'Filter simulations that match %s: %s' % (key, locValue)) elif isinstance(value, str): testValue = value.replace('.', '') if testValue.isdigit(): parametersDict[key] = [float(value)] else: parametersDict[key] = [value]'Filter simulations that match %s: %s' % (key, value)) else: log.warning('No section %s in configuration file found - cannot create dict for filtering' % section) return parametersDict
[docs]def splitIniValueToArraySteps(cfgValues, returnList=False): """ read values in ini file and return numpy array or list if the items are strings; values can either be separated by | or provided in start:end:numberOfSteps format if separated by : or $ also optional add one additional value using & if format of refVal$percent$steps is used - an array is created with +- percent of refVal in nsteps Parameters ---------- cfgValues : str values of parameter to be read from ini file returnList: bool if True force to return values as list Returns -------- items : 1D numpy array or list values as 1D numpy array or list (in the case of strings) """ if ':' in cfgValues: if '&' in cfgValues: itemsInputBig = cfgValues.split('&') itemsInput = itemsInputBig[0].split(':') else: itemsInput = cfgValues.split(':') items = np.linspace(float(itemsInput[0]), float(itemsInput[1]), int(itemsInput[2])) if '&' in cfgValues: items = np.append(items, float(itemsInputBig[1])) elif cfgValues == '': items = [] elif '$' in cfgValues: if '&' in cfgValues: itemsPBig = cfgValues.split('&') itemsP = itemsPBig[0].split('$') else: itemsP = cfgValues.split('$') itemsPRange = (float(itemsP[1]) / 100.) * float(itemsP[0]) items = np.linspace(float(itemsP[0])-itemsPRange, float(itemsP[0])+itemsPRange, int(itemsP[2])) if '&' in cfgValues: items = np.append(items, float(itemsPBig[1])) else: itemsL = cfgValues.split('|') if returnList: items = itemsL else: flagFloat = False flagString = False for its in itemsL: if its.upper().isupper() and '.e' not in its and '.E' not in its: flagString = True if '.' in its: flagFloat = True if flagString: items = itemsL elif flagFloat: items = np.array(itemsL, dtype=float) else: items = np.array(itemsL, dtype=int) return items
[docs]def splitTimeValueToArrayInterval(cfgValues, endTime): """ read save time step info from ini file and return numpy array of values values can either be separated by | or provided in start:interval format Parameters ---------- cfgValues: str time steps info endTime: float end time Returns -------- items : 1D numpy array time step values as 1D numpy array """ if ':' in cfgValues: itemsInput = cfgValues.split(':') if float(endTime - float(itemsInput[0])) < float(itemsInput[1]): items = np.array([float(itemsInput[0]), endTime]) else: items = np.arange(float(itemsInput[0]), endTime, float(itemsInput[1])) elif cfgValues == '': items = np.array([2*endTime]) else: itemsL = cfgValues.split('|') items = np.array(itemsL, dtype=float) items = np.sort(items) # make sure that 0 is not in the array (initial time step is any ways saved) if items[0] == 0: items = np.delete(items, 0) # make sure the array is not empty # ToDo : make it work without this arbitrary 2*timeEnd if items.size == 0: items = np.array([2*endTime]) return items
[docs]def exportcom1DFAOrigOutput(avaDir, cfg='', addTSteps=False): """ Export the simulation results from com1DFA output to desired location Parameters ---------- avaDir: str path to avalanche directory cfg : dict configuration read from ini file that has been used for the com1DFAOrig simulation addTSteps : bool if True: first and last time step of flow depth are exported """ # Initialise directories inputDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Work', 'com1DFAOrig') outDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'com1DFAOrig') outDirPF = outDir / 'peakFiles' outDirRep = outDir / 'reports' makeADir(outDir) makeADir(outDirPF) makeADir(outDirRep) # Read log file information logName = inputDir / 'ExpLog.txt' if cfg != '': logDict = readLogFile(logName, cfg) varPar = cfg['varPar'] else: logDict = readLogFile(logName) varPar = 'Mu' # Get number of values sNo = len(logDict['noSim']) # Path to com1DFA results resPath = inputDir / ('FullOutput_%s_' % varPar) if addTSteps is True: timeStepDir = outDirPF / 'timeSteps' makeADir(timeStepDir) # Export peak files and reports for k in range(sNo): pathFrom = pathlib.Path('%s%.05f' % (resPath, logDict[varPar][k]), logDict['simName'][k], 'raster', '%s_pfd.asc' % logDict['simName'][k]) pathTo = outDirPF / ('%s_%.05f_pfd.asc' % (logDict['simName'][k], logDict[varPar][k])) shutil.copy(pathFrom, pathTo) if addTSteps is True: pathFrom = pathlib.Path('%s%.05f' % (resPath, logDict[varPar][k]), logDict['simName'][k], 'raster', '%s_fd.asc' % logDict['simName'][k]) pathTo = outDirPF / 'timeSteps' / ('%s_%.05f_tLast_fd.asc' % (logDict['simName'][k], logDict[varPar][k])) shutil.copy(pathFrom, pathTo) pathFrom = pathlib.Path('%s%.05f' % (resPath, logDict[varPar][k]), logDict['simName'][k], 'raster', '%s_ppr.asc' % logDict['simName'][k]) pathTo = outDirPF / ('%s_%.05f_ppr.asc' % (logDict['simName'][k], logDict[varPar][k])) shutil.copy(pathFrom, pathTo) pathFrom = pathlib.Path('%s%.05f' % (resPath, logDict[varPar][k]), logDict['simName'][k], 'raster', '%s_pv.asc' % logDict['simName'][k]) pathTo = outDirPF / ('%s_%.05f_pfv.asc' % (logDict['simName'][k], logDict[varPar][k])) shutil.copy(pathFrom, pathTo) pathFrom = pathlib.Path('%s%.05f' % (resPath, logDict[varPar][k]), '%s.html' % logDict['simName'][k]) pathTo = outDirRep / ('%s_%.05f.html' % (logDict['simName'][k], logDict[varPar][k])) shutil.copy(pathFrom, pathTo) if addTSteps is True: # Export peak files and reports for k in range(sNo): pathFrom = pathlib.Path('%s%.05f' % (resPath, logDict[varPar][k]), '%s_tFirst_fd.txt' % logDict['simName'][k]) pathTo = outDirPF / 'timeSteps' / ('%s_%.05f_tFirst_fd.asc' % (logDict['simName'][k], logDict[varPar][k])) shutil.copy(pathFrom, pathTo) # Export ExpLog to Outputs/com1DFA shutil.copy2(pathlib.Path('%s' % inputDir, 'ExpLog.txt'), outDir)
[docs]def fetchFlowFields(flowFieldsDir, suffix=''): """ fetch paths to all desired flow fields within folder Parameters ------------ flowFieldsDir: str or pathlib path path to flow field ascii files suffix: str suffix in flow field name to be searched for Returns -------- flowFields: list list of pathlib paths to flow fields """ # check if pathlib path if isinstance(flowFieldsDir, pathlib.PurePath): flowFieldsDir = pathlib.Path(flowFieldsDir) if suffix == '': searchString = '*.asc' else: searchString = '*%s*.asc' % suffix flowFields = list(flowFieldsDir.glob(searchString)) return flowFields
[docs]def fileNotFoundMessage(messageName): """ throw error if file not found with message and path Parameters ----------- messageName: str error message """ log.error(messageName) raise FileNotFoundError(messageName)
# ToDo Maybe try to use makeSimFromResDF instead of makeSimDF
[docs]def makeSimDF(inputDir, avaDir='', simID='simID'): """ Create a dataFrame that contains all info on simulations this can then be used to filter simulations for example Parameters ---------- inputDir : str path to directory of simulation results avaDir : str optional - path to avalanche directory simID : str optional - simulation identification, depending on the computational module: com1DFA: simHash com1DFAOrig: Mu or parameter that has been used in parameter variation Returns ------- dataDF : dataFrame dataframe with full file path, file name, release area scenario, simulation type (null, entres, etc.), model type (dfa, ref, etc.), simID, result type (ppr, pfd, etc.), simulation name, cell size and optional name of avalanche, optional time step """ # Load input datasets from input directory if isinstance(inputDir, pathlib.Path) is False: inputDir = pathlib.Path(inputDir) datafiles = list(inputDir.glob('*.asc')) # Sort datafiles by name datafiles = sorted(datafiles) # Set name of avalanche if avaDir is given # Make dictionary of input data info data = {'files': [], 'names': [], 'resType': [], 'simType': [], 'simName': [], 'modelType': [], 'releaseArea': [], 'cellSize': [], simID: [], 'timeStep': []} # Set name of avalanche if avaDir is given if avaDir != '': avaDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir) avaName = data.update({'avaName': []}) for m in range(len(datafiles)): data['files'].append(datafiles[m]) name = datafiles[m].stem data['names'].append(name) if '_AF_' in name: nameParts = name.split('_AF_') fNamePart = nameParts[0] + '_AF' relNameSim = nameParts[0] infoParts = nameParts[1].split('_') else: nameParts = name.split('_') fNamePart = nameParts[0] relNameSim = nameParts[0] infoParts = nameParts[1:] data['releaseArea'].append(relNameSim) data['simType'].append(infoParts[0]) data['modelType'].append(infoParts[1]) data[simID].append(infoParts[2]) data['resType'].append(infoParts[3]) data['simName'].append(fNamePart + '_' + ('_'.join(infoParts[0:3]))) header = IOf.readASCheader(datafiles[m]) data['cellSize'].append(header['cellsize']) if len(infoParts) == 5: data['timeStep'].append(infoParts[4]) else: data['timeStep'].append('') # Set name of avalanche if avaDir is given if avaDir != '': data['avaName'].append(avaName) dataDF = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) return dataDF
[docs]def makeSimFromResDF(avaDir, comModule, inputDir='', simName=''): """ Create a dataFrame that contains all info on simulations in output/comModule/peakFiles One line for each simulation - so all peakfiles that belong to one simulation are listed in one line that corresponds to that simulation Parameters ---------- avaDir : str path to avalanche directory comModule : str module used to create the results inputDir : str optional - path to directory of simulation results simName : str optional - key phrase to be found in the simulation result name Returns ------- dataDF : dataFrame dataframe with for each simulation, the full file path, file name, release area scenario, simulation type (null, entres, etc.), model type (dfa, ref, etc.), simID, path to result files (ppr, pfd, etc.), simulation name, cell size and optional name of avalanche, optional time step resTypeList: list list of res types available """ # get path to folder containing the raster files if inputDir == '': inputDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', comModule, 'peakFiles') if isinstance(inputDir, pathlib.Path) is False: inputDir = pathlib.Path(inputDir) if inputDir.is_dir() is False: message = 'Input directory %s does not exist - check anaMod' % inputDir log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message) # Load input datasets from input directory if simName != '': name = '*' + simName + '*.asc' else: name = '*.asc' datafiles = list(inputDir.glob(name)) # build the result data frame dataDF = pd.DataFrame(columns=['simName']) resTypeList = [] for file in datafiles: name = file.stem if '_AF_' in name: nameParts = name.split('_AF_') fNamePart = nameParts[0] + '_AF' relNameSim = nameParts[0] infoParts = nameParts[1].split('_') resType = infoParts[-1] else: nameParts = name.split('_') fNamePart = nameParts[0] relNameSim = nameParts[0] infoParts = nameParts[1:] resType = infoParts[-1] simName = fNamePart + '_' + ('_'.join(infoParts[0:-1])) # add line in the DF if the simulation does not exsist yet if simName not in dataDF.simName.values: newLine = pd.DataFrame([[simName]], columns=['simName'], index=[simName]) dataDF = dataDF.append(newLine) dataDF.loc[simName, 'releaseArea'] = relNameSim dataDF.loc[simName, 'simType'] = infoParts[0] dataDF.loc[simName, 'modelType'] = infoParts[1] # add info about the cell size header = IOf.readASCheader(file) dataDF.loc[simName, 'cellSize'] = header['cellsize'] # add full path to resType dataDF.loc[simName, resType] = pathlib.Path(file) if resType not in resTypeList: resTypeList.append(resType) return dataDF, resTypeList