Source code for in1Data.getInput

    Fetch input data for avalanche simulations

# Load modules
import os
import glob
import pathlib
import logging

# Local imports
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
import avaframe.in2Trans.shpConversion as shpConv
import avaframe.com1DFA.deriveParameterSet as dP

# create local logger
# change log level in calling module to DEBUG to see log messages
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def readDEM(avaDir): """ read the ascii DEM file from a provided avalanche directory Parameters ---------- avaDir : str path to avalanche directory Returns ------- dem : dict dict with header and raster data """ # get dem file name demSource = getDEMPath(avaDir) log.debug('Read DEM: %s' % demSource) dem = IOf.readRaster(demSource) return(dem)
[docs]def getDEMPath(avaDir): """ get the DEM file path from a provided avalanche directory Parameters ---------- avaDir : str path to avalanche directory Returns ------- demFile : str (first element of list) full path to DEM .asc file """ # if more than one .asc file found throw error inputDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Inputs') demFile = list(inputDir.glob('*.asc')) if len(demFile) > 1: message = 'There should be exactly one topography .asc file in %s/Inputs/' % (avaDir) log.error(message) raise AssertionError(message) # if is no .asc file found - throw error filesFound = list(inputDir.glob('*.*')) if len(demFile) == 0 and len(filesFound): for fileF in filesFound: message = 'DEM file format not correct in %s/Inputs/ - only .asc is allowed but %s is provided' % (avaDir, log.error(message) raise AssertionError(message) elif len(demFile) == 0: message = 'No topography .asc file in %s/Inputs/' % (avaDir) log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message) return demFile[0]
[docs]def getInputData(avaDir, cfg): """ Fetch input datasets required for simulation, duplicated function because simulation type set differently in com1DFAOrig compared to com1DFA: TODO: remove duplicate once it is not required anymore Parameters ---------- avaDir : str path to avalanche directory cfg : dict configuration read from com1DFA simulation ini file Returns ------- demFile[0] : str (first element of list) list of full path to DEM .asc file relFiles : list list of full path to release area scenario .shp files entFile : str full path to entrainment area .shp file resFile : str full path to resistance area .shp file entResInfo : flag dict flag if Yes entrainment and/or resistance areas found and used for simulation """ # Set directories for inputs, outputs and current work inputDir = os.path.join(avaDir, 'Inputs') # Set flag if there is an entrainment or resistance area entResInfo= {'flagEnt': 'No', 'flagRes': 'No'} # Initialise release areas, default is to look for shapefiles if cfg['releaseScenario'] != '': releaseDir = 'REL' relFiles = [] releaseFiles = cfg['releaseScenario'].split('|') for rel in releaseFiles: if '.shp' in rel: relf = os.path.join(inputDir, releaseDir, rel) else: relf = os.path.join(inputDir, releaseDir, '%s.shp' % (rel)) if not os.path.isfile(relf): message = 'No release scenario called: %s' % (relf) log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message) relFiles.append(relf) log.debug('Release area file is specified to be: %s' % relFiles) else: releaseDir = 'REL' relFiles = sorted(glob.glob(inputDir+os.sep + releaseDir+os.sep + '*.shp'))'Release area files are: %s' % relFiles) # Initialise resistance areas resFile, entResInfo['flagRes'] = getAndCheckInputFiles(inputDir, 'RES', 'Resistance', fileExt='shp') if resFile==None: resFile = '' # Initialise entrainment areas entFile, entResInfo['flagEnt'] = getAndCheckInputFiles(inputDir, 'ENT', 'Entrainment', fileExt='shp') if entFile==None: entFile = '' # Initialise DEM demFile = getDEMPath(avaDir) return demFile, relFiles, entFile, resFile, entResInfo
[docs]def getInputDataCom1DFA(avaDir, cfg): """ Fetch input datasets required for simulation, duplicated function because simulation type set differently in com1DFA compared to com1DFAOrig: TODO: remove duplicate once it is not required anymore Parameters ---------- avaDir : str or pathlib object path to avalanche directory cfg : dict configuration read from com1DFA simulation ini file Returns ------- inputSimFiles: dict dictionary with all the input files: demFile : str (first element of list) list of full path to DEM .asc file relFiles : list list of full path to release area scenario .shp files secondaryReleaseFile : str full path to secondary release area .shp file entFile : str full path to entrainment area .shp file resFile : str full path to resistance area .shp file entResInfo : flag dict flag if Yes entrainment and/or resistance areas found and used for simulation flag True if a Secondary Release file found and activated """ # Set directories for inputs, outputs and current work inputDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Inputs') # Set flag if there is an entrainment or resistance area entResInfo= {'flagEnt': 'No', 'flagRes': 'No'} # Initialise release areas, default is to look for shapefiles if cfg['INPUT']['releaseScenario'] != '': releaseDir = 'REL' relFiles = [] releaseFiles = cfg['INPUT']['releaseScenario'].split('|') for rel in releaseFiles: if '.shp' in rel: relf = inputDir / releaseDir / rel else: relf = inputDir / releaseDir / ('%s.shp' % (rel)) if not relf.is_file(): message = 'No release scenario called: %s' % (relf) log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message) relFiles.append(relf) log.debug('Release area file is specified to be: %s' % relFiles) else: releaseDir = 'REL' releaseDir = inputDir / 'REL' relFiles = sorted(list(releaseDir.glob('*.shp')))'Release area files are: %s' % [str(relFilestr) for relFilestr in relFiles]) # check for release thickness file if relThFromFile if cfg['GENERAL'].getboolean('relThFromFile'): relThFile, entResInfo['releaseThicknessFile'] = getAndCheckInputFiles(inputDir, 'RELTH', 'release thickness data', fileExt='asc') else: relThFile = '' # Initialise secondary release areas secondaryReleaseFile, entResInfo['flagSecondaryRelease'] = getAndCheckInputFiles(inputDir, 'SECREL', 'Secondary release', 'shp') # Initialise resistance areas resFile, entResInfo['flagRes'] = getAndCheckInputFiles(inputDir, 'RES', 'Resistance', fileExt='shp') # Initialise entrainment areas entFile, entResInfo['flagEnt'] = getAndCheckInputFiles(inputDir, 'ENT', 'Entrainment', fileExt='shp') # Initialise DEM demFile = getDEMPath(avaDir) # return DEM, first item of release, entrainment and resistance areas inputSimFiles = {'demFile': demFile, 'relFiles': relFiles, 'secondaryReleaseFile': secondaryReleaseFile, 'entFile': entFile, 'resFile': resFile, 'entResInfo': entResInfo, 'relThFile': relThFile} return inputSimFiles
[docs]def getAndCheckInputFiles(inputDir, folder, inputType, fileExt='shp'): """Fetch fileExt files and check if they exist and if it is not more than one Raises error if there is more than one fileExt file. Parameters ---------- inputDir : pathlib object or str path to avalanche input directory folder : str subfolder name where the shape file should be located (SECREL, ENT or RES) inputType : str type of input (used for the logging messages). Secondary release or Entrainment or Resistance fileExt: str file extension e.g. shp, asc - optional default is shp Returns ------- OutputFile: str path to file checked available: str Yes or No depending of if there is a shape file available (if No, OutputFile is None) """ available = 'No' # Initialise secondary release areas dir = pathlib.Path(inputDir, folder) OutputFile = list(dir.glob('*.%s' % fileExt)) if len(OutputFile) < 1: OutputFile = None elif len(OutputFile) > 1: message = 'More than one %s .%s file in %s/%s/ not allowed' % (inputType, fileExt, inputDir, folder) log.error(message) raise AssertionError(message) else: available = 'Yes' OutputFile = OutputFile[0] return OutputFile, available
[docs]def getThickness(inputSimFiles, avaDir, modName, cfgFile, cfg): """ add thickness of shapefiles to dictionary, create one ini file per releaseScenario and set thickness values in ini files Parameters ----------- inputSimFiles: dict dictionary with info on release and entrainment file paths avaDir: str or pathlib path path to avalanche directory modName : computational module computational module cfgFile: str path to cfgFile for reading overall config of comModule - if empty read local or default ini file Returns -------- inputSimFiles: dict updated dictionary with thickness info read from shapefile attributes now includes one separate dictionary for each release, entrainment or secondary release scenario with a thickness and id value for each feature (given as list) cfgFilesRels: list list of updated ini files - one for each release Scenario """ # create pathlib Path avaDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir) # get name of module as string modNameString = str(pathlib.Path(modName.__file__).stem) # initialise list for cfgFiles cfgFilesRels = [] # check if thickness info is required from entrainment and secondary release according to simType simTypeList = cfg['GENERAL']['simTypeList'].split('|') thTypeList = [] if any(simType in ['ent', 'entres', 'available'] for simType in simTypeList): thTypeList.append('entFile') if cfg['GENERAL'].getboolean('secRelArea'): thTypeList.append('secondaryReleaseFile') # fetch thickness attribute of entrainment area and secondary release for thType in ['entFile', 'secondaryReleaseFile']: if inputSimFiles[thType] != None: thicknessList, idList = shpConv.readThickness(inputSimFiles[thType]) inputSimFiles[inputSimFiles[thType].stem] = {'thickness': thicknessList, 'id': idList} # fetch thickness attribute of release areas and create cfg file for each release scenario for releaseA in inputSimFiles['relFiles']: # fetch thickness and id info from input data thicknessList, idList = shpConv.readThickness(releaseA) inputSimFiles[releaseA.stem] = {'thickness': thicknessList, 'id': idList} # load configuration cfgInitial = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(modName, fileOverride=cfgFile, toPrint=False) # add input data info cfgInitial['INPUT'] = {'DEM': inputSimFiles['demFile'].stem, 'releaseScenario': releaseA.stem} # update configuration with thickness value to be used for simulations cfgInitial = dP.getThicknessValue(cfgInitial, inputSimFiles, releaseA.stem, 'relTh') if cfgInitial['GENERAL'].getboolean('relThFromFile'): cfgInitial['INPUT']['relThFile'] = str(pathlib.Path('RELTH', inputSimFiles['relThFile'].name)) # add entrainment and secondary release thickness in input data info if inputSimFiles['entFile'] != None and 'entFile' in thTypeList: cfgInitial = dP.getThicknessValue(cfgInitial, inputSimFiles, inputSimFiles['entFile'].stem, 'entTh') cfgInitial['INPUT']['entrainmentScenario'] = inputSimFiles['entFile'].stem if inputSimFiles['secondaryReleaseFile'] != None and 'secondaryReleaseFile' in thTypeList: cfgInitial = dP.getThicknessValue(cfgInitial, inputSimFiles, inputSimFiles['secondaryReleaseFile'].stem, 'secondaryRelTh') cfgInitial['INPUT']['secondaryReleaseScenario'] = inputSimFiles['secondaryReleaseFile'].stem # create new ini file for each release scenario with updated info on thickness values (and parameter variation) cfgFileRelease = avaDir / 'Outputs' / modNameString / ('%s_com1DFACfg.ini' % releaseA.stem) with open(cfgFileRelease, 'w') as configfile: cfgInitial.write(configfile) cfgFilesRels.append(cfgFileRelease) return inputSimFiles, cfgFilesRels
[docs]def initializeDEM(avaDir, demPath=''): """ check for dem and load to dict Parameters ----------- avaDir: str or pathlib path path to avalanche directory demPath: str or pathlib Path path to dem relative to Inputs - optional if not provided read DEM from Inputs Returns -------- demOri: dict dem dictionary with header and data """ if demPath == '': dem = readDEM(avaDir) else: # build full path and load data to dict demFile = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Inputs', demPath) dem = IOf.readRaster(demFile, noDataToNan=True) return dem
[docs]def selectReleaseScenario(inputSimFiles, cfg): """ select release scenario and remove other release files in inputSimFiles dictionary Parameters ----------- inputSimFiles: dict dictionary with info on input data cfg: conigparser object configuration, here Flag releaseScenario is used Returns ------- inputSimFiles: dict updated dictionary with only one releaseScenario """ relFiles = inputSimFiles['relFiles'] foundScenario = False for relF in relFiles: if relF.stem == cfg['releaseScenario']: releaseScenario = relF foundScenario = True if foundScenario is False: message = 'Release area scenario %s not found - check input data' % (cfg['releaseScenario']) log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message) inputSimFiles['relFiles'] = [releaseScenario] # add release area scenario inputSimFiles['releaseScenario'] = releaseScenario return inputSimFiles