Source code for ana4Stats.probAna


This is a simple function for computing a probability map of all peak files of one parameter that
exceed a particular threshold


import numpy as np
import logging
import pathlib

import avaframe.out3Plot.plotUtils as pU
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
from avaframe.in3Utils import fileHandlerUtils as fU
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf

# create local logger
# change log level in calling module to DEBUG to see log messages
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def createComModConfig(cfgProb, avaDir, modName, cfgFileMod=''): """ create configuration file for performing sims with modName com module Parameters ----------- cfgProb: configParser object configuration settings avaDir: pathlib path path to avalanche directory modName: module computational module cfgFileMod: str path to cfgFile for computational module name - optional Returns ------- cfgFiles: dict dictionary of paths to newly generated configuration files for com module for all parameters """ # setup where configuration file is saved outDir = avaDir / 'Outputs' fU.makeADir(outDir) # loop over all parameters for performing parameter variation varParList = cfgProb['PROBRUN']['varParList'].split('|') cfgFiles = {} for varName in varParList: # define configuration files # get filename of module modNameString = str(pathlib.Path(modName.__file__).stem) cfgFile = outDir / ('probRun%sCfg%s.ini' % (modNameString, varName)) # use cfgFile, local com module settings or default settings if local not available modCfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(modName, fileOverride=cfgFileMod) modCfg = updateCfgRange(modCfg, cfgProb, varName) with open(cfgFile, 'w') as configfile: modCfg.write(configfile) # append cfgFiles to list cfgFiles[varName] = {'cfgFile': cfgFile} return cfgFiles
[docs]def updateCfgRange(cfg, cfgProb, varName): """ update cfg with a range for parameters in cfgProb Parameters ----------- cfg: configparser object configuration object to update cfgProb: configParser object configparser object with info on update varName: str name of parameter used for variation Returns -------- cfg: configParser updated configuration object """ # set reference values of parameters - override values in com module configurations varParList = cfgProb['PROBRUN']['varParList'].split('|') # also for the other parameters that are varied subsequently for varPar in varParList: if any(chars in cfg['GENERAL'][varPar] for chars in ['|', '$', ':']): message = ('Only one reference value is allowed for %s: but %s is given' % (varPar, cfg['GENERAL'][varPar])) log.error(message) raise AssertionError(message) elif varPar in ['entTh', 'relTh', 'secondaryRelTh']: thPercentVariation = varPar + 'PercentVariation' thRangeVariation = varPar + 'RangeVariation' if cfg['GENERAL'][thPercentVariation] != '' or cfg['GENERAL'][thRangeVariation] != '': message = ('Only one reference value is allowed for %s: but %s %s or %s %s is given' % (varPar, thPercentVariation, cfg['GENERAL'][thPercentVariation], thRangeVariation, cfg['GENERAL'][thRangeVariation])) log.error(message) raise AssertionError(message) # get range, steps and reference value of parameter to perform variations valVariation = cfgProb['PROBRUN']['%sVariation' % varName] valSteps = cfgProb['PROBRUN']['%sSteps' % varName] valVal = cfg['GENERAL'][varName] # set variation in configuration if varName in ['relTh', 'entTh', 'secondaryRelTh']: if cfgProb['PROBRUN'].getboolean('percentVariation'): parName = varName + 'PercentVariation' cfg['GENERAL'][parName] = valVariation + '$' + valSteps else: parName = varPar + 'RangeVariation' cfg['GENERAL'][parName] = valVariation + '$' + valSteps cfg['GENERAL']['addStandardConfig'] = cfgProb['PROBRUN']['addStandardConfig'] else: # set variation if cfgProb['PROBRUN'].getboolean('percentVariation'): cfg['GENERAL'][varName] = '%s$%s$%s' % (valVal, valVariation, valSteps) valValues = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(cfg['GENERAL'][varName]) else: valStart = str(float(valVal) - float(valVariation)) valStop = str(float(valVal) + float(valVariation)) cfg['GENERAL'][varName] = '%s:%s:%s' % (valStart, valStop, valSteps) valValues = np.linspace(float(valStart), float(valStop), int(valSteps)) # if reference value is not in variation - add reference values if cfgProb['PROBRUN'].getboolean('addStandardConfig'): if np.isclose(valValues, float(valVal), atol=1.e-7, rtol=1.e-8).any():'Reference value is in variation for %s' % (varName)) else:'Reference value of %s: %s is added' % (varName, str(valVal))) cfg['GENERAL'][varName] = cfg['GENERAL'][varName] + '&' + str(valVal) return cfg
[docs]def probAnalysis(avaDir, cfg, module, parametersDict='', inputDir=''): """ Compute propability map of a given set of simulation result exceeding a particular threshold and save to outDir Parameters ---------- avaDir: str path to avalanche directory cfg : dict configuration read from ini file of probAna function module computational module that was used to run the simulations parametersDict: dict dictionary with simulation parameters to filter simulations inputDir : str optional - path to directory where data that should be analysed can be found in a subfolder called peakFiles and configurationFiles, required if not in module results """ # get filename of module modName = pathlib.Path(module.__file__).stem avaDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir) # set output directory outDir = avaDir / 'Outputs' / 'ana4Stats' fU.makeADir(outDir) # fetch all result files and filter simulations according to parametersDict simNameList = cfgUtils.filterSims(avaDir, parametersDict, specDir=inputDir) # initialize flag if analysis has been performed or e.g. no matching files found analysisPerformed = False if simNameList == []: # no matching sims found for filtering criteria log.warning('No matching simulations found for filtering criteria') return analysisPerformed # if matching sims found - perform analysis if inputDir == '': inputDir = avaDir / 'Outputs' / modName / 'peakFiles' flagStandard = True peakFilesDF = fU.makeSimDF(inputDir, avaDir=avaDir) else: inputDirPF = inputDir / 'peakFiles' peakFilesDF = fU.makeSimDF(inputDirPF, avaDir=avaDir) # get header info from peak files - this should be the same for all peakFiles header = IOf.readASCheader(peakFilesDF['files'][0]) cellSize = header['cellsize'] nRows = header['nrows'] nCols = header['ncols'] xllcenter = header['xllcenter'] yllcenter = header['yllcenter'] noDataValue = header['noDataValue'] # Initialise array for computations probSum = np.zeros((nRows, nCols)) count = 0 # Loop through peakFiles and compute probability for m in range(len(peakFilesDF['names'])): # only take simulations that match filter criteria from parametersDict if peakFilesDF['simName'][m] in simNameList: # Load peak field for desired peak field parameter if peakFilesDF['resType'][m] == cfg['GENERAL']['peakVar']: # Load data fileName = peakFilesDF['files'][m] data = np.loadtxt(fileName, skiprows=6) dataLim = np.zeros((nRows, nCols))'File Name: %s , simulation parameter %s ' % (fileName, cfg['GENERAL']['peakVar'])) # Check if peak values exceed desired threshold dataLim[data > float(cfg['GENERAL']['peakLim'])] = 1.0 probSum = probSum + dataLim count = count + 1 # Create probability map ranging from 0-1 probMap = probSum / count unit = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % cfg['GENERAL']['peakVar']]'probability analysis performed for peak parameter: %s and a peak value threshold of: %s %s' % (cfg['GENERAL']['peakVar'], cfg['GENERAL']['peakLim'], unit))'%s peak fields added to analysis' % count) # # Save to .asc file avaName = outFileName = '%s_probMap%s.asc' % (avaName, cfg['GENERAL']['peakLim']) outFile = outDir / outFileName IOf.writeResultToAsc(header, probMap, outFile) analysisPerformed = True return analysisPerformed