Source code for ana3AIMEC.aimecTools

    Main logic for AIMEC post processing

import logging
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import copy

# Local imports
import avaframe.in2Trans.shpConversion as shpConv
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
import avaframe.in3Utils.fileHandlerUtils as fU
import avaframe.in3Utils.geoTrans as geoTrans
import avaframe.out3Plot.outAIMEC as outAimec
import avaframe.out3Plot.plotUtils as pU

# create local logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Aimec read inputs tools
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[docs]def readAIMECinputs(avalancheDir, pathDict, dirName='com1DFA'): """ Read inputs for AIMEC postprocessing Reads the required geometry files location for AIMEC postpocessing given an avalanche directory; avalanche path, split point and DEM Parameters ---------- avalancheDir : str path to directory of avalanche to analyze pathDict: dict dictionary with paths to simulation results that shall be analaysed dirName: str name of results directory (e.g. comModule, simName, ...) Returns ------- pathDict : dict updated dictionary with path to geometry input data """ refDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Inputs', 'LINES') profileLayer = list(refDir.glob('*aimec*.shp')) try: message = ('There should be exactly one path_aimec.shp file containing the avalanche path in %s/Inputs/LINES/' % avalancheDir) assert len(profileLayer) == 1, message except AssertionError: raise pathDict['profileLayer'] = profileLayer[0] refDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Inputs', 'POINTS') splitPointLayer = list(refDir.glob('*.shp')) try: message = 'There should be exactly one .shp file containing the split point in %s/Inputs/POINTS/' % avalancheDir assert len(splitPointLayer) == 1, message except AssertionError: raise pathDict['splitPointSource'] = splitPointLayer[0] refDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Inputs') demSource = list(refDir.glob('*.asc')) try: assert len(demSource) == 1, 'There should be exactly one topography .asc file in %s/Inputs/' % avalancheDir except AssertionError: raise pathDict['demSource'] = demSource[0] pathResult = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', 'ana3AIMEC', dirName) pathDict['pathResult'] = pathResult projectName = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir).stem pathDict['projectName'] = projectName pathName = profileLayer[0].stem pathDict['pathName'] = pathName return pathDict
[docs]def fetchReferenceSimNo(avaDir, inputsDF, comModule, cfgSetup): """ Define reference simulation used for aimec analysis. if com1DFA is used and a varParList is provided, the simulations are ordered and the referenceSimValue is used to define the reference. otherwise, if a referenceSimName is provided, the reference is based on this name otherwise, the first file found is used as reference Parameters ----------- avaDir : str path to avalanche directory inputsDF: dataFrame dataFrame with simulations to analyze and path to result files comModule: str computational module used to produce the results to analyze cfgSetup: configParser object configuration for aimec - referenceSimValue, varParList used here Returns -------- refSimulation: str name of the simulation used as reference inputsDF:dataFrame dataFrame with simulations to analyze and path to result files If com1DFA = comModule and a variation parameter was specified, the com1DFA configuration is merged to the inputsDF colorVariation: boolean True if a color variation should be applied in the plots """ inputDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', comModule, 'peakFiles') if inputDir.is_dir() == False: message = 'Input directory %s does not exist - check anaMod' % inputDir log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message) # if the simulations come from com1DFA, it is possible to order the files and define a reference # if com1DFA check for configuration files to fetch parameter values for ordering if comModule == 'com1DFA' and cfgSetup['varParList'] != '': # fetch parameters that shall be used for ordering varParList = cfgSetup['varParList'].split('|') # create dataFrame with ordered configurations configurationDF = cfgUtils.orderSimFiles(avaDir, inputDir, varParList, cfgSetup.getboolean('ascendingOrder'), resFiles=False) # Merge inputsDF with the configurationDF. Make sure to keep the indexing from inputs and to merge on 'simName' inputsDF = inputsDF.reset_index().merge(configurationDF, on='simName').set_index('index') # add value of first parameter used for ordering for colorcoding in plots sortingParameter = inputsDF[varParList[0]].to_list() typeCP = type(sortingParameter[0]) if cfgSetup['referenceSimValue'] != '': typeCP = type(sortingParameter[0]) if typeCP == str: sortingValues = [x.lower() for x in sortingParameter] indexRef = sortingValues.index(typeCP(cfgSetup['referenceSimValue'].lower())) valRef = sortingParameter[indexRef] elif typeCP in [float, int]: colorValues = np.asarray(sortingParameter) indexRef = (np.abs(colorValues - typeCP(cfgSetup['referenceSimValue']))).argmin() valRef = colorValues[indexRef] else: indexRef = sortingParameter.index(typeCP(cfgSetup['referenceSimValue'])) valRef = sortingParameter[indexRef]'Reference Simulation is based on %s = %s - closest value found is: %s' % (varParList[0], cfgSetup['referenceSimValue'], str(valRef))) refSimulation = inputsDF[inputsDF[varParList[0]] == valRef]['simName'].to_list()[0] colorVariation = True else: # reference simulation refSimulation = inputsDF.iloc[0]['simName'] # inputsDF.head(1)['simName'].values[0] colorVariation = False elif cfgSetup['referenceSimName'] != '': colorVariation = False # if no colorVariation info and refeenceSimValue available but referenceSimName is given - set # simulation with referenceSimName in name as referene simulation simFound = False for inputIndex, inputsDFrow in inputsDF.iterrows(): if cfgSetup['referenceSimName'] in str(inputsDFrow['simName']): refSimulation = inputsDFrow['simName']'Reference Simulation is based on provided simName: %s' % cfgSetup['referenceSimName']) simFound = True break if not simFound: refSimulation = inputsDF.iloc[0]['simName']'Reference Simulation is based on first simulation in folder') else: colorVariation = False refSimulation = inputsDF.iloc[0]['simName']'Reference Simulation is based on first simulation in folder') return refSimulation, inputsDF, colorVariation
[docs]def computeCellSizeSL(cfgSetup, refResultHeader): """ Get the new (s, l) coordinate cell size read by default the reference result file cell size. If a 'cellSizeSL' is specified in cfgSetup then use this one Parameters ----------- refResultHeader: dict dictionary wiht the raster header cfgSetup: configParser object configuration for aimec - with field cellSizeSL Returns -------- cellSizeSL: float cell size to be used for the (s, l) coordinates """ if cfgSetup['cellSizeSL'] == '': cellSizeSL = refResultHeader['cellsize']'cellSizeSL is read from the reference header and is : %.2f m' % cellSizeSL) else: try: cellSizeSL = cfgSetup.getfloat('cellSizeSL')'cellSizeSL is read from the configuration file and is : %.2f m' % cellSizeSL) except ValueError: message = ('cellSizeSL is read from the configuration file but should be a number, you provided: %s' % cfgSetup['cellSizeSL']) log.error(message) raise ValueError(message) return cellSizeSL
[docs]def makeDomainTransfo(pathDict, inputsDF, cfgSetup): """ Make domain transformation This function returns the information about the domain transformation Data given on a regular grid is projected on a nonuniform grid following a polyline to end up with "straightend raster" Parameters ---------- pathDict : dict dictionary with paths to dem and lines for Aimec analysis inputsDF : dataFrame dataframe with simulations to analyze and associated path to raster data cfgSetup : configparser configparser with ana3AIMEC settings defined in ana3AIMECCfg.ini regarding domain transformation (domain width w, and new cellsize, startOfRunoutAreaAngle or interpolation method, resType and referenceFile to get header info) Returns ------- rasterTransfo: dict domain transformation information: gridx: 2D numpy array x coord of the new raster points in old coord system gridy: 2D numpy array y coord of the new raster points in old coord system s: 1D numpy array new coord system in the polyline direction l: 1D numpy array new coord system in the cross direction x: 1D numpy array coord of the resampled polyline in old coord system y: 1D numpy array coord of the resampled polyline in old coord system rasterArea: 2D numpy array real area of the cells of the new raster indStartOfRunout: int index for start of the runout area (in s) """ # Read input parameters demSource = pathDict['demSource'] refSimulation = pathDict['refSimulation'] refResultSource = inputsDF[inputsDF['simName']==refSimulation][cfgSetup['resType']].to_list()[0] ProfileLayer = pathDict['profileLayer'] splitPointSource = pathDict['splitPointSource'] DefaultName = pathDict['projectName'] w = cfgSetup.getfloat('domainWidth') startOfRunoutAreaAngle = cfgSetup.getfloat('startOfRunoutAreaAngle') log.debug('Data-file %s analysed and domain transformation done' % demSource) # read dem and reference result file dem = IOf.readRaster(demSource) refResult = IOf.readRaster(refResultSource) # get the cell size for the (s, l) raster cellSizeSL = computeCellSizeSL(cfgSetup, refResult['header']) # Initialize transformation dictionary rasterTransfo = {} rasterTransfo['domainWidth'] = w rasterTransfo['cellSizeSL'] = cellSizeSL # read avaPath avaPath = shpConv.readLine(ProfileLayer, DefaultName, dem) # read split point splitPoint = shpConv.readPoints(splitPointSource, dem) # add 'z' coordinate to the avaPath avaPath, _ = geoTrans.projectOnRaster(dem, avaPath) # reverse avaPath if necessary _, avaPath = geoTrans.checkProfile(avaPath, projSplitPoint=None) log.debug('Creating new raster along polyline: %s' % ProfileLayer) # Get new Domain Boundaries DB # input: ava path # output: Left and right side points for the domain rasterTransfo = geoTrans.path2domain(avaPath, rasterTransfo) # Make transformation matrix rasterTransfo = makeTransfoMat(rasterTransfo) # calculate the real area of the new cells as well as the scoord rasterTransfo = getSArea(rasterTransfo) ########################################################################## # put back the scale due to the desired cellsize rasterTransfo['s'] = rasterTransfo['s']*cellSizeSL rasterTransfo['l'] = rasterTransfo['l']*cellSizeSL rasterTransfo['gridx'] = rasterTransfo['gridx']*cellSizeSL rasterTransfo['gridy'] = rasterTransfo['gridy']*cellSizeSL rasterTransfo['rasterArea'] = rasterTransfo['rasterArea']*cellSizeSL*cellSizeSL # (x,y) coordinates of the resampled avapth (centerline where l = 0) n = np.shape(rasterTransfo['l'])[0] indCenter = int(np.floor(n/2)) rasterTransfo['x'] = rasterTransfo['gridx'][:, indCenter] rasterTransfo['y'] = rasterTransfo['gridy'][:, indCenter] ################################################################# # add 'z' coordinate to the centerline rasterTransfo, _ = geoTrans.projectOnRaster(dem, rasterTransfo) # find projection of split point on the centerline centerline projPoint = geoTrans.findSplitPoint(rasterTransfo, splitPoint) rasterTransfo['indSplit'] = projPoint['indSplit'] # prepare find start of runout area points angle, tmp, ds = geoTrans.prepareAngleProfile(startOfRunoutAreaAngle, rasterTransfo) # find the runout point: first point under startOfRunoutAreaAngle indStartOfRunout = geoTrans.findAngleProfile(tmp, ds, cfgSetup.getfloat('dsMin')) rasterTransfo['indStartOfRunout'] = indStartOfRunout rasterTransfo['xBetaPoint'] = rasterTransfo['x'][indStartOfRunout] rasterTransfo['yBetaPoint'] = rasterTransfo['y'][indStartOfRunout] rasterTransfo['startOfRunoutAreaAngle'] = angle[indStartOfRunout]'Start of run-out area at the %.2f ° point of coordinates (%.2f, %.2f)' % (rasterTransfo['startOfRunoutAreaAngle'], rasterTransfo['xBetaPoint'], rasterTransfo['yBetaPoint'])) return rasterTransfo
[docs]def splitSection(DB, i): """ Splits the ith segment of domain boundary DB in the s direction (direction of the path) Parameters ---------- DB: dict domain Boundary dictionary: DBXl: 1D numpy array x coord of the left boundary DBXr: 1D numpy array x coord of the right boundary DBYl: 1D numpy array y coord of the left boundary DBYr: 1D numpy array y coord of the right boundary i: int index of the segment of DB to split Returns ------- (x,y) coordinates of the ith left and right splited Boundaries bxl: 1D numpy array byl: 1D numpy array bxr: 1D numpy array byr: 1D numpy array m: int number of elements on the new segments """ # left edge xl0 = DB['DBXl'][i] xl1 = DB['DBXl'][i+1] yl0 = DB['DBYl'][i] yl1 = DB['DBYl'][i+1] dxl = xl1 - xl0 dyl = yl1 - yl0 Vl = np.array((dxl, dyl)) zl = np.linalg.norm(Vl) # right edge xr0 = DB['DBXr'][i] xr1 = DB['DBXr'][i+1] yr0 = DB['DBYr'][i] yr1 = DB['DBYr'][i+1] dxr = xr1 - xr0 dyr = yr1 - yr0 Vr = np.array((dxr, dyr)) zr = np.linalg.norm(Vr) # number of segments m = int(max(np.ceil(zl), np.ceil(zr))+1) # make left segment bxl = np.linspace(xl0, xl1, m) byl = np.linspace(yl0, yl1, m) # make right segment bxr = np.linspace(xr0, xr1, m) byr = np.linspace(yr0, yr1, m) return bxl, byl, bxr, byr, m
[docs]def makeTransfoMat(rasterTransfo): """ Make transformation matrix. Takes a Domain Boundary and finds the (x,y) coordinates of the new raster point (the one following the path) Parameters ---------- rasterTransfo: dict dictionary containing: domainWidth: float cellSize: float DBXl: 1D numpy array x coord of the left boundary DBXr: 1D numpy array x coord of the right boundary DBYl: 1D numpy array y coord of the left boundary DBYr: 1D numpy array y coord of the right boundary Returns ------- rasterTransfo: dict rasterTransfo dictionary updated with gridx: 2D numpy array x coord of the new raster points in old coord system gridy: 2D numpy array y coord of the new raster points in old coord system l: 1D numpy array new coord system in the cross direction """ w = rasterTransfo['domainWidth'] cellSize = rasterTransfo['cellSizeSL'] # number of points describing the avaPath n_pnt = np.shape(rasterTransfo['DBXr'])[0] # Working with no dimentions # (the cellsize scaling will be readded at the end) # lcoord is the distance from the polyline (cross section) # the maximum step size should be smaller then the cellsize nTot = np.ceil(w/cellSize) # take the next odd integer. This ensures that the lcoord = 0 exists nTot = int(nTot+1) if ((nTot % 2) == 0) else int(nTot) n2Tot = int(np.floor(nTot/2)) lcoord = np.linspace(-n2Tot, n2Tot, nTot) # this way, 0 is in lcoord # initialize new_rasters newGridRasterX = np.array([]) # xcoord of the points of the new raster newGridRasterY = np.array([]) # ycoord of the points of the new raster # loop on each section of the path for i in range(n_pnt-1): # split edges in segments bxl, byl, bxr, byr, m = splitSection(rasterTransfo, i) # bxl, byl, bxr, byr reprensent the s direction (olong path) # loop on segments of section for j in range(m-1): # this is the cross section segment (l direction) x = np.linspace(bxl[j], bxr[j], nTot) # line coordinates x y = np.linspace(byl[j], byr[j], nTot) # line coordinates y # save x and y coordinates of the new raster points if i == 0 and j == 0: newGridRasterX = x.reshape(1, nTot) newGridRasterY = y.reshape(1, nTot) else: newGridRasterX = np.append(newGridRasterX, x.reshape(1, nTot), axis=0) newGridRasterY = np.append(newGridRasterY, y.reshape(1, nTot), axis=0) # add last column x = np.linspace(bxl[m-1], bxr[m-1], nTot) # line coordinates x y = np.linspace(byl[m-1], byr[m-1], nTot) # line coordinates y newGridRasterX = np.append(newGridRasterX, x.reshape(1, nTot), axis=0) newGridRasterY = np.append(newGridRasterY, y.reshape(1, nTot), axis=0) rasterTransfo['l'] = lcoord rasterTransfo['gridx'] = newGridRasterX rasterTransfo['gridy'] = newGridRasterY return rasterTransfo
[docs]def getSArea(rasterTransfo): """ Get the s curvilinear coordinate and area on the new raster Find the scoord corresponding to the transformation and the Area of the cells of the new raster Parameters ---------- rasterTransfo: dict dictionary containing: domainWidth: float cellSize: float gridx: 2D numpy array x coord of the new raster points in old coord system gridy: 2D numpy array y coord of the new raster points in old coord system Returns ------- rasterTransfo: dict rasterTransfo dictionary updated with s: 1D numpy array new coord system in the polyline direction rasterArea: 2D numpy array real area of the cells of the new raster """ xcoord = rasterTransfo['gridx'] ycoord = rasterTransfo['gridy'] # add ghost lines and columns to the coord matrix # in order to perform dx and dy calculation n, m = np.shape(xcoord) xcoord = np.append(xcoord, xcoord[:, -2].reshape(n, 1), axis=1) ycoord = np.append(ycoord, ycoord[:, -2].reshape(n, 1), axis=1) n, m = np.shape(xcoord) xcoord = np.append(xcoord, xcoord[-2, :].reshape(1, m), axis=0) ycoord = np.append(ycoord, ycoord[-2, :].reshape(1, m), axis=0) n, m = np.shape(xcoord) # calculate dx and dy for each point in the l direction dxl = xcoord[0:n-1, 1:m]-xcoord[0:n-1, 0:m-1] dyl = ycoord[0:n-1, 1:m]-ycoord[0:n-1, 0:m-1] # # deduce the distance in l direction # Vl2 = (dxl*dxl + dyl*dyl) # Vl = np.sqrt(Vl2) # calculate dx and dy for each point in the s direction dxs = xcoord[1:n, 0:m-1]-xcoord[0:n-1, 0:m-1] dys = ycoord[1:n, 0:m-1]-ycoord[0:n-1, 0:m-1] # deduce the distance in s direction Vs2 = (dxs*dxs + dys*dys) Vs = np.sqrt(Vs2) # Method 1 # calculate area of each cell using Gauss's area formula # sum_i{x_(i)*y_(i+1) + y_(i)*x_(i+1)} # i = 1 : top left in the matrix : [0:n-1, 0:m-1] x1 = xcoord[0:n-1, 0:m-1] y1 = ycoord[0:n-1, 0:m-1] # i = 2 : top right in the matrix : [1:n, 0:m-1] x2 = xcoord[1:n, 0:m-1] y2 = ycoord[1:n, 0:m-1] # i = 3 : bottom right in the matrix : [1:n, 1:m] x3 = xcoord[1:n, 1:m] y3 = ycoord[1:n, 1:m] # i = 4 : bottom left in the matrix : [0:n-1, 1:m] x4 = xcoord[0:n-1, 1:m] y4 = ycoord[0:n-1, 1:m] area = np.abs(x1*y2-y1*x2 + x2*y3-y2*x3 + x3*y4-y3*x4 + x4*y1-y4*x1)/2 # Method 2 # calculate area of each cell assuming they are parallelogramms # (which is wrong) # newAreaRaster = np.abs(dxl*dys - dxs*dyl) # save Area matrix rasterTransfo['rasterArea'] = area # get scoord ds = Vs[:, int(np.floor(m/2))-1] scoord = np.cumsum(ds)-ds[0] rasterTransfo['s'] = scoord return rasterTransfo
[docs]def transform(fname, rasterTransfo, interpMethod): """ Transfer data from old raster to new raster Assign value to the points of the new raster (after domain transormation) Parameters ---------- fname: str, dict path to rasterfile to transform- or already read to dict with data as numpy nd array rasterTransfo: dict transformation information interpMethod: str interpolation method to chose between 'nearest' and 'bilinear' Returns ------- newData: 2D numpy array new_data = z, pressure or depth... corresponding to fname on the new raster """ if isinstance(fname, dict): data = fname name = 'simulation' else: name = data = IOf.readRaster(fname) # read tranformation info newGridRasterX = rasterTransfo['gridx'] newGridRasterY = rasterTransfo['gridy'] n, m = np.shape(newGridRasterX) xx = newGridRasterX yy = newGridRasterY Points = {} Points['x'] = xx.flatten() Points['y'] = yy.flatten() iib = len(Points['x']) Points, ioob = geoTrans.projectOnRaster(data, Points, interp=interpMethod) newData = Points['z'].reshape(n, m) log.debug('Data-file: %s - %d raster values transferred - %d out of original raster bounds!' % (name, iib-ioob, ioob)) return newData
[docs]def assignData(fnames, rasterTransfo, interpMethod): """ Transfer data from old raster to new raster Loops through paths in fnames and calls transfom Transform affects values to the points of the new raster (after domain transormation) Parameters ---------- fnames: list of str list of path to rasterfile to transform rasterTransfo: dict transformation information interpMethod: str interpolation method to chose between 'nearest' and 'bilinear' Returns ------- newData: 2D numpy array new_data = z, pressure or depth... corresponding to fname on the new raster """ maxtopo = len(fnames) avalData = np.array(([None] * maxtopo)) log.debug('Transfer data of %d file(s) from old to new raster' % maxtopo) for i in range(maxtopo): fname = fnames[i] avalData[i] = transform(fname, rasterTransfo, interpMethod) return avalData
[docs]def analyzeMass(fnameMass, simName, refSimName, resAnalysisDF, time=None): """ Analyse Mass data Parameters ---------- fnameMass: str path to mass data to analyse simName: str simulation Name refSimName: str reference simulation Name resAnalysisDF: dataFrame results from Aimec Analysis to update with mass info time: None or 1D numpy array None at the first call of the function, then a 1D array that will be used to analyze all other mass results Returns ------- resAnalysisDF: dataFrame results from Aimec Analysis updated with mass inifo: relMass: float release mass entMass: float entrained mass finalMass: float final mass relativMassDiff: float the final mass diff with ref (in %) growthIndex: float growth index growthGrad: float growth gradient entMassFlowArray: 1D numpy array entrained mass function of time totalMassArray: 1D numpy array total mass function of time time: 1D numpy array time array for mass analysis """ log.debug('Analyzing mass') log.debug('{: <10} {: <10} {: <10}'.format('Sim number ', 'GI ', 'GR ')) # analyze mass releasedMass, entrainedMass, finalMass, grIndex, grGrad, entMassFlow, totalMass, time = readWrite(fnameMass, time) resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'relMass'] = releasedMass resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'finalMass'] = finalMass resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'entMass'] = entrainedMass resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'growthIndex'] = grIndex resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'growthGrad'] = grGrad releasedMassRef = resAnalysisDF.loc[refSimName, 'relMass'] finalMassRef = resAnalysisDF.loc[refSimName, 'finalMass'] relativMassDiff = (finalMass-finalMassRef)/finalMassRef*100 if not (releasedMass == releasedMassRef): log.warning('Release masses differ between simulations!')'{: <10} {:<10.4f} {:<10.4f}'.format(*[simName, grIndex, grGrad])) resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'relativMassDiff'] = relativMassDiff if simName == refSimName: resAnalysisDF['entMassFlowArray'] = np.nan resAnalysisDF['entMassFlowArray'] = resAnalysisDF['entMassFlowArray'].astype(object) resAnalysisDF['totalMassArray'] = np.nan resAnalysisDF['totalMassArray'] = resAnalysisDF['totalMassArray'].astype(object)[simName, 'entMassFlowArray'] = entMassFlow[simName, 'totalMassArray'] = totalMass return resAnalysisDF, time
[docs]def computeRunOut(cfgSetup, rasterTransfo, resAnalysisDF, transformedRasters, simName): """ Compute runout based on peak field results Parameters ---------- cfgSetup: confiParser aimec analysis configuration rasterTransfo: dict transformation information resAnalysisDF : dataFrame analysis results from aimec containing: PResCrossMax: 1D numpy array max of the peak result in each cross section PResCrossMean: 1D numpy array mean of the peak result in each cross section transformedRasters: dict dict with transformed dem and peak results simName: str simulation ID Returns ------- resAnalysisDF : dataFrame result dataFrame updated withfor each simulation the: xRunout: float x coord of the runout point measured from the begining of the path. run-out calculated with the MAX result in each cross section yRunout: float y coord of the runout point measured from the begining of the path. run-out calculated with the MAX result in each cross section sRunout: float runout distance measured from the begining of the path. run-out calculated with the MAX result in each cross section xMeanRunout: float x coord of the runout point measured from the begining of the path. run-out calculated with the MEAN result in each cross section yMeanRunout: float y coord of the runout point measured from the begining of the path. run-out calculated with the MEAN result in each cross section sMeanRunout: float runout distance measured from the begining of the path. run-out calculated with the MEAN result in each cross section elevRel: float elevation of the release area (based on first point with peak field > thresholdValue) deltaH: float elevation fall difference between elevRel and altitude of run-out point """ # read inputs scoord = rasterTransfo['s'] lcoord = rasterTransfo['l'] n = np.shape(lcoord)[0] n = int(np.floor(n/2)+1) x = rasterTransfo['x'] y = rasterTransfo['y'] gridx = rasterTransfo['gridx'] gridy = rasterTransfo['gridy'] resType = cfgSetup['resType'] thresholdValue = cfgSetup.getfloat('thresholdValue') transformedDEMRasters = transformedRasters['newRasterDEM'] PResRasters = transformedRasters['newRaster' + resType.upper()] PResCrossMax = resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, resType + 'CrossMax'] PResCrossMean = resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, resType + 'CrossMean'] log.debug('Computing runout') lindex = np.nonzero(PResCrossMax > thresholdValue)[0] if lindex.any(): cUpper = min(lindex) cLower = max(lindex) else: log.error('No max values > threshold found. threshold = %4.2f, too high?' % thresholdValue) cUpper = 0 cLower = 0 # search in mean values lindex = np.nonzero(PResCrossMean > thresholdValue)[0] if lindex.any(): cUpperm = min(lindex) cLowerm = max(lindex) else: log.error('No average values > threshold found. threshold = %4.2f, too high?' % thresholdValue) cUpperm = 0 cLowerm = 0 resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'sRunout'] = scoord[cLower] index = np.nanargmax(PResRasters[cLower, :]) resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'lRunout'] = lcoord[index] resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'xRunout'] = gridx[cLower, index] resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'yRunout'] = gridy[cLower, index] resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'sMeanRunout'] = scoord[cLowerm] resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'xMeanRunout'] = x[cLowerm] resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'yMeanRunout'] = y[cLowerm] resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'elevRel'] = transformedDEMRasters[cUpper, n] resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'deltaH'] = transformedDEMRasters[cUpper, n] - transformedDEMRasters[cLower, n] return resAnalysisDF
[docs]def analyzeField(simName, rasterTransfo, transformedRaster, dataType, resAnalysisDF): """ Analyse transformed field Analyse transformed raster: compute the Max and Mean values in each cross section as well as the overall maximum Parameters ---------- simName: str simulation name rasterTransfo: dict transformation information transformedRaster: 2D numpy array raster after transformation dataType: str type of the data to analyze ('ppr', 'pfd', 'pfv', ...) resAnalysisDF: dataFrame result dataFrame to be updated Returns ------- Updates the resAnalysisDF input dataFrame with: -maxaCrossMax: float overall maximum -aCrossMax: 1D numpy array containing the max of the field in each cross section -aCrossMean: 1D numpy array containing the mean of the field in each cross section """ # read inputs rasterArea = rasterTransfo['rasterArea'] # initialize Arrays log.debug('Analyzing %s' % (dataType)) log.debug('{: <10} {: <10}'.format('Sim number ', 'maxCrossMax ')) # Max Mean in each Cross-Section for each field maxaCrossMax, aCrossMax, aCrossMean = getMaxMeanValues(transformedRaster, rasterArea) log.debug('{: <10} {:<10.4f}'.format(*[simName, maxaCrossMax])) resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'max' + dataType + 'CrossMax'] = maxaCrossMax[simName, dataType + 'CrossMax'] = aCrossMax[simName, dataType + 'CrossMean'] = aCrossMean return resAnalysisDF
[docs]def analyzeArea(rasterTransfo, resAnalysisDF, simName, newRasters, cfgSetup, pathDict): """Compare results to reference. Compute True positive, False negative... areas. Parameters ---------- rasterTransfo: dict transformation information resAnalysisDF: dataFrame dataFrame containing Aimec results to update simName: str simulation Name newRasters: dict dict with tranformed raster for reference and curent simulation cfgSetup: confiParser numerical value of the limit to use for the runout computation as well as the levels for the contour line plot pathDict: dict path to data dem data and lines for aimec analysis Returns ------- resAnalysisDF: dataFrame dataFrame containing Aimec results updated with: TP: float ref = True sim2 = True FN: float ref = False sim2 = True FP: float ref = True sim2 = False TN: float ref = False sim2 = False """ resType = cfgSetup['resType'] refSimulationName = pathDict['refSimulation'] cellarea = rasterTransfo['rasterArea'] indStartOfRunout = rasterTransfo['indStartOfRunout'] thresholdValue = cfgSetup.getfloat('thresholdValue') contourLevels = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(cfgSetup['contourLevels']) # rasterinfo nStart = indStartOfRunout # inputs for plot inputs = {} inputs['runoutLength'] = resAnalysisDF.loc[refSimulationName, 'sRunout'] inputs['refData'] = newRasters['newRefRaster' + resType.upper()] inputs['nStart'] = nStart inputs['resType'] = resType thresholdArray = contourLevels thresholdArray = np.append(thresholdArray, thresholdValue) inputs['thresholdArray'] = thresholdArray inputs['diffLim'] = cfgSetup.getfloat('diffLim') rasterdata = newRasters['newRaster' + resType.upper()] # take first simulation as reference refMask = copy.deepcopy(inputs['refData']) # prepare mask for area resAnalysis refMask = np.where(np.isnan(refMask), 0, refMask) refMask = np.where(refMask <= thresholdValue, 0, refMask) refMask = np.where(refMask > thresholdValue, 1, refMask) # comparison rasterdata with mask log.debug('{: <15} {: <15} {: <15} {: <15} {: <15}'.format('Sim number ', 'TP ', 'FN ', 'FP ', 'TN')) compRasterMask = copy.deepcopy(rasterdata) # prepare mask for area resAnalysis compRasterMask = np.where(np.isnan(compRasterMask), 0, compRasterMask) compRasterMask = np.where(compRasterMask <= thresholdValue, 0, compRasterMask) compRasterMask = np.where(compRasterMask > thresholdValue, 1, compRasterMask) tpInd = np.where((refMask[nStart:] == 1) & (compRasterMask[nStart:] == 1)) fpInd = np.where((refMask[nStart:] == 0) & (compRasterMask[nStart:] == 1)) fnInd = np.where((refMask[nStart:] == 1) & (compRasterMask[nStart:] == 0)) tnInd = np.where((refMask[nStart:] == 0) & (compRasterMask[nStart:] == 0)) # subareas tp = np.nansum(cellarea[tpInd[0] + nStart, tpInd[1]]) fp = np.nansum(cellarea[fpInd[0] + nStart, fpInd[1]]) fn = np.nansum(cellarea[fnInd[0] + nStart, fnInd[1]]) tn = np.nansum(cellarea[tnInd[0] + nStart, tnInd[1]]) # take reference (first simulation) as normalizing area areaSum = tp + fn if areaSum > 0: log.debug('{: <15} {:<15.4f} {:<15.4f} {:<15.4f} {:<15.4f}'.format( *[simName, tp/areaSum, fn/areaSum, fp/areaSum, tn/areaSum])) if tp + fp == 0: log.warning('Simulation %s did not reach the run-out area for threshold %.2f %s' % (simName, thresholdValue, pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit' + cfgSetup['resType']])) resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'TP'] = tp resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'TN'] = tn resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'FP'] = fp resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'FN'] = fn # inputs for plot inputs['compData'] = rasterdata # masked data for the dataThreshold given in the ini file inputs['refRasterMask'] = refMask inputs['compRasterMask'] = compRasterMask inputs['simName'] = simName compPlotPath = None if simName != refSimulationName: # only plot comparisons of simulations to reference compPlotPath = outAimec.visuComparison(rasterTransfo, inputs, pathDict) return resAnalysisDF, compPlotPath
[docs]def readWrite(fname_ent, time): """ Get mass balance information Read mass balance files to get mass properties of the simulation (total mass, entrained mass...). Checks for mass conservation Parameters ---------- fname_ent: list of str list of pah to mass balance files Returns ------- relMass: float release mass entMassentMassFlow: float entrained mass flow (kg/s) finalMass: float final mass growthIndex: float growthGrad: float """ # load data # time, total mass, entrained mass massTime = np.loadtxt(fname_ent, delimiter=',', skiprows=1) timeSimulation = massTime[:, 0] dt = timeSimulation[1:] - timeSimulation[:-1] timeResults = [massTime[0, 0], massTime[-1, 0]] totMassResults = [massTime[0, 1], massTime[-1, 1]] relMass = totMassResults[0] if time is None: time = np.arange(0, int(timeResults[1]), 0.1) entMassFlow = np.interp(time, massTime[1:, 0], massTime[1:, 2]/dt) totalMass = np.interp(time, massTime[:, 0], massTime[:, 1]) entrainedMass = np.sum(massTime[:, 2]) finalMass = totMassResults[1] # check mass balance'Total mass change between first and last time step in sim %s is: %.1f kg' % (fname_ent.stem, totMassResults[1] - relMass))'Total entrained mass in sim %s is: %.1f kg' % (fname_ent.stem, entrainedMass)) if (totMassResults[1] - relMass) == 0: diff = np.abs((totMassResults[1] - relMass) - entrainedMass) if diff > 0: log.warning('Conservation of mass is not satisfied') log.warning('Total mass change and total entrained mass differ from %.4f kg' % (diff)) else:'Total mass change and total entrained mass differ from %.4f kg' % (diff)) else: diff = np.abs((totMassResults[1] - relMass) - entrainedMass)/(totMassResults[1] - relMass) if diff*100 > 0.05: log.warning('Conservation of mass is not satisfied') log.warning('Total mass change and total entrained mass differ from %.4f %%' % (diff*100)) else:'Total mass change and total entrained mass differ from %.4f %%' % (diff*100)) # growth results growthIndex = totMassResults[1]/totMassResults[0] growthGrad = (totMassResults[1] - totMassResults[0]) / (timeResults[1] - timeResults[0]) return relMass, entrainedMass, finalMass, growthIndex, growthGrad, entMassFlow, totalMass, time
[docs]def getMaxMeanValues(rasterdataA, rasterArea): """Compute average, max values in each cross section for a given input raster Read mass balance files to get mass properties of the simulation (total mass, entrained mass...). Checks for mass conservation Parameters ---------- rasterdataA: 2D numpy array raster data rasterArea: 2D numpy array raster area corresponding to rasterdataA Returns ------- mma: float maximum maximum of rasterdataA aCrossMax: 1D numpy array max of rasterdataA in each cross section aCrossMean: 1D numpy array mean of rasterdataA in each cross section (area weighted) """ # get mean max for each cross section for A field rasterArea = np.where(np.where(np.isnan(rasterdataA), 0, rasterdataA) > 0, rasterArea, 0) areaSum = np.nansum(rasterArea, axis=1) areaSum = np.where(areaSum > 0, areaSum, 1) aCrossMean = np.nansum(rasterdataA*rasterArea, axis=1)/areaSum # aCrossMean = np.nanmean(rasterdataA, axis=1) aCrossMax = np.nanmax(rasterdataA, 1) # maximum of field a maxaCrossMax = np.nanmax(aCrossMax) return maxaCrossMax, aCrossMax, aCrossMean
[docs]def setAvaPath(pathDict, dem): """ fetch path shapefile, prepare for AIMEC, set z-coordinate Parameters ----------- pathDict: dict info on path to aimec path, split Point, dem: dict dictionary with DEM header and data Returns -------- avaPath: dict info on aimec path coordinates, ... splitPoint: dict info on split point coordinates """ # fetch input parameters profileLayer = pathDict['profileLayer'] splitPointSource = pathDict['splitPointSource'] defaultName = pathDict['projectName'] # read avaPath avaPath = shpConv.readLine(profileLayer, defaultName, dem) # read split point splitPoint = shpConv.readPoints(splitPointSource, dem) # add 'z' coordinate to the avaPath avaPath, _ = geoTrans.projectOnRaster(dem, avaPath) # reverse avaPath if necessary _, avaPath = geoTrans.checkProfile(avaPath, projSplitPoint=None) log.debug('Creating new raster along polyline: %s' % profileLayer) return avaPath, splitPoint
[docs]def scalePathWithCellSize(rasterTransfo, cellSizeSL): """ use desired cellsize to scale ava path and create s, l coordinates and coordinates of the resampled polyline in the old coord systems x, y Parameters ---------- rasterTransfo: dict domain transformation info cellSizeSL: float desired cell size of sl raster Returns -------- rasterTransfo: dict updated dictionary with new coordinate system """ # put back the scale due to the desired cellsize rasterTransfo['s'] = rasterTransfo['s']*cellSizeSL rasterTransfo['l'] = rasterTransfo['l']*cellSizeSL rasterTransfo['gridx'] = rasterTransfo['gridx']*cellSizeSL rasterTransfo['gridy'] = rasterTransfo['gridy']*cellSizeSL rasterTransfo['rasterArea'] = rasterTransfo['rasterArea']*cellSizeSL*cellSizeSL # (x,y) coordinates of the resampled avapth (centerline where l = 0) n = np.shape(rasterTransfo['l'])[0] indCenter = int(np.floor(n/2)) rasterTransfo['x'] = rasterTransfo['gridx'][:, indCenter] rasterTransfo['y'] = rasterTransfo['gridy'][:, indCenter] return rasterTransfo
[docs]def findStartOfRunoutArea(dem, rasterTransfo, cfgSetup, splitPoint): """ find start of runout area point using splitPoint add info on x, y coordinates of point, angle, index Parameters ----------- dem: dict dictionary with DEM header and data rasterTransfo: dict domain transformation info cfgSetup: configparser object configuration for aimec splitPoint: dict dictionary with split Point coordinates Returns -------- rasterTransfo: dict updated dictionary with info on start of runout location,... """ # fetch input parameters from config startOfRunoutAreaAngle = cfgSetup.getfloat('startOfRunoutAreaAngle') # add 'z' coordinate to the centerline rasterTransfo, _ = geoTrans.projectOnRaster(dem, rasterTransfo) # find projection of split point on the centerline projPoint = geoTrans.findSplitPoint(rasterTransfo, splitPoint) rasterTransfo['indSplit'] = projPoint['indSplit'] # prepare find start of runout area points angle, tmp, ds = geoTrans.prepareAngleProfile(startOfRunoutAreaAngle, rasterTransfo) # find the runout point: first point under startOfRunoutAreaAngle indStartOfRunout = geoTrans.findAngleProfile(tmp, ds, cfgSetup.getfloat('dsMin')) # add info to rasterTransfo dict rasterTransfo['indStartOfRunout'] = indStartOfRunout rasterTransfo['xBetaPoint'] = rasterTransfo['x'][indStartOfRunout] rasterTransfo['yBetaPoint'] = rasterTransfo['y'][indStartOfRunout] rasterTransfo['startOfRunoutAreaAngle'] = angle[indStartOfRunout]'Start of run-out area at the %.2f ° point of coordinates (%.2f, %.2f)' % (rasterTransfo['startOfRunoutAreaAngle'], rasterTransfo['xBetaPoint'], rasterTransfo['yBetaPoint'])) return rasterTransfo
[docs]def makeDomainTransfoOnTheGo(avaDir, dem, cfgSetup, pathDict): """ Make domain transformation This function returns the information about the domain transformation Data given on a regular grid is projected on a nonuniform grid following a polyline to end up with "straightend raster" Parameters ---------- avaDir: pathlib path or str path to avalanche directory dem: dict dictionary with header and raster data pathDict : dict dictionary with paths to lines for Aimec analysis cfgSetup : configparser configparser with ana3AIMEC settings defined in ana3AIMECCfg.ini regarding domain transformation (domain width w, and new cellsize, startOfRunoutAreaAngle or interpolation method, resType and referenceFile to get header info) pathDict: dict dictionary with info on avalanche path, splitPoint, project name Returns ------- rasterTransfo: dict domain transformation information: gridx: 2D numpy array x coord of the new raster points in old coord system gridy: 2D numpy array y coord of the new raster points in old coord system s: 1D numpy array new coord system in the polyline direction l: 1D numpy array new coord system in the cross direction x: 1D numpy array coord of the resampled polyline in old coord system y: 1D numpy array coord of the resampled polyline in old coord system rasterArea: 2D numpy array real area of the cells of the new raster indStartOfRunout: int index for start of the runout area (in s) """ # read input parameters from AIMEC secton in configuration w = cfgSetup.getfloat('domainWidth') # get the cell size for the (s, l) raster cellSizeSL = computeCellSizeSL(cfgSetup, dem['header']) # Initialize transformation dictionary rasterTransfo = {} rasterTransfo['domainWidth'] = w rasterTransfo['cellSizeSL'] = cellSizeSL # read avaPath avaPath, splitPoint = setAvaPath(pathDict, dem) # Get new Domain Boundaries DB # input: ava path # output: Left and right side points for the domain rasterTransfo = geoTrans.path2domain(avaPath, rasterTransfo) # Make transformation matrix rasterTransfo = makeTransfoMat(rasterTransfo) # calculate the real area of the new cells as well as the scoord rasterTransfo = getSArea(rasterTransfo) # put back the scale due to the desired cellsize and get x,y of resample avapath rasterTransfo = scalePathWithCellSize(rasterTransfo, cellSizeSL) # add info on start of runout area rasterTransfo = findStartOfRunoutArea(dem, rasterTransfo, cfgSetup, splitPoint) return rasterTransfo