Source code for com1DFA.com1DFA

    Main functions for python DFA kernel

import copy
import logging
import math
import os
import pathlib
import pickle
import platform
import time
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
from itertools import product

import matplotlib.tri as tri
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import Polygon as sPolygon

if == "nt":
    from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool as Pool
elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
    from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool as Pool
    from multiprocessing import Pool

# Local imports
from avaframe.version import getVersion
import avaframe.in2Trans.shpConversion as shpConv
import avaframe.in3Utils.geoTrans as geoTrans
from avaframe.in3Utils import initializeProject as iP
import avaframe.com1DFA.timeDiscretizations as tD
import avaframe.out3Plot.outCom1DFA as outCom1DFA
import avaframe.com1DFA.DFAtools as DFAtls
import avaframe.com1DFA.com1DFATools as com1DFATools
import avaframe.com1DFA.particleTools as particleTools
import avaframe.com1DFA.DFAfunctionsCython as DFAfunC
import avaframe.com1DFA.DFAToolsCython as DFAtllsC
import avaframe.com1DFA.damCom1DFA as damCom1DFA
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
import avaframe.in3Utils.fileHandlerUtils as fU
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
import avaframe.out3Plot.outDebugPlots as debPlot
import avaframe.com1DFA.deriveParameterSet as dP
import avaframe.com1DFA.com1DFA as com1DFA
from avaframe.in1Data import getInput as gI
from avaframe.out1Peak import outPlotAllPeak as oP
from avaframe.log2Report import generateReport as gR
from avaframe.com1DFA import particleInitialisation as pI
from avaframe.com1DFA import checkCfg
from avaframe.ana5Utils import distanceTimeAnalysis as dtAna
import avaframe.out3Plot.outDistanceTimeAnalysis as dtAnaPlots
import threading

# Set flags here
# create local logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cfgAVA = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
debugPlot = cfgAVA["FLAGS"].getboolean("debugPlot")

[docs]def com1DFAPreprocess(cfgMain, typeCfgInfo, cfgInfo): """preprocess information from configuration, read input data and gather into inputSimFiles, create one config object for each of all desired simulations, create dataFrame with one line per simulations of already existing sims in avalancheDir Parameters ------------ cfgMain: configparser object main configuration of AvaFrame typeCfgInfo: str name of type of cfgInfo (cfgFromFile or cfgFromObject) cfgInfo: str or pathlib Path or configparser object path to configuration file if overwrite is desired - optional if not local (if available) or default configuration will be loaded if cfgInfo is a configparser object take this as initial config Returns -------- simDict: dict dictionary with one key per simulation to perform including its config object inputSimFiles: dict dictionary with input files info outDir: str path to store outputs """ avalancheDir = cfgMain["MAIN"]["avalancheDir"] # read initial configuration if typeCfgInfo in ["cfgFromFile", "cfgFromDefault"]: cfgStart = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA, fileOverride=cfgInfo, toPrint=False) elif typeCfgInfo == "cfgFromObject": cfgStart = cfgInfo # fetch input data and create work and output directories inputSimFilesAll, outDir, simDFExisting, simNameExisting = com1DFATools.initializeInputs( avalancheDir, cfgStart["GENERAL"].getboolean("cleanRemeshedRasters") ) # create dictionary with one key for each simulation that shall be performed simDict = dP.createSimDict(avalancheDir, com1DFA, cfgStart, inputSimFilesAll, simNameExisting) return simDict, outDir, inputSimFilesAll, simDFExisting
[docs]def com1DFAMain(cfgMain, cfgInfo=""): """preprocess information from ini and run all desired simulations, create outputs and reports Parameters ------------ cfgMain: configparser object main configuration of AvaFrame cfgInfo: str or pathlib Path or configparser object path to configuration file if overwrite is desired - optional if not local (if available) or default configuration will be loaded if cfgInfo is a configparser object take this as initial config if path to a directory is provided - load one or multiple override configuration files Returns -------- dem: dict dictionary with dem header and raster data (that has been used for the final run) plotDict: dict information on result plot paths reportDictList: list list of report dictionaries for all performed simulations simDF: pandas dataFrame configuration dataFrame of the simulations computed (if no simulation computed, configuration dataFrame of the already existing ones) """ avalancheDir = cfgMain["MAIN"]["avalancheDir"] # fetch type of cfgInfo typeCfgInfo = com1DFATools.checkCfgInfoType(cfgInfo) if typeCfgInfo == "cfgFromDir": # preprocessing to create configuration objects for all simulations to run by reading multiple cfg files simDict, inputSimFiles, simDFExisting, outDir = com1DFATools.createSimDictFromCfgs(cfgMain, cfgInfo) else: # preprocessing to create configuration objects for all simulations to run simDict, outDir, inputSimFiles, simDFExisting = com1DFAPreprocess(cfgMain, typeCfgInfo, cfgInfo)"The following simulations will be performed") for key in simDict:"Simulation: %s" % key) exportFlag = simDict[key]["cfgSim"]["EXPORTS"].getboolean("exportData") # initialize reportDict list reportDictList = list() # is there any simulation to run? if bool(simDict): # reset simDF and timing simDF = pd.DataFrame() tCPUDF = pd.DataFrame() dem = dict() startTime = time.time()"--- STARTING (potential) PARALLEL PART ----") # Get number of CPU Cores wanted nCPU = cfgUtils.getNumberOfProcesses(cfgMain, len(simDict)) # Supply compute task with inputs com1DFACoreTaskWithInput = partial(com1DFACoreTask, simDict, inputSimFiles, avalancheDir, outDir) # Create parallel pool and run # with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nCPU) as pool: with Pool(processes=nCPU) as pool: results =, simDict) pool.close() pool.join() # Split results to according structures for result in results: simDF = pd.concat([simDF, result[0]], axis=0) tCPUDF = pd.concat([tCPUDF, result[1]], axis=0) dem = result[2] # only last dem is used reportDictList.append(result[3]) timeNeeded = "%.2f" % (time.time() - startTime)"Overall (parallel) com1DFA computation took: %s s " % timeNeeded)"--- ENDING (potential) PARALLEL PART ----") # postprocessing: writing report, creating plots dem, plotDict, reportDictList, simDFNew = com1DFAPostprocess( simDF, tCPUDF, simDFExisting, cfgMain, dem, reportDictList, exportData=exportFlag ) return dem, plotDict, reportDictList, simDFNew else: log.warning("There is no simulation to be performed for releaseScenario") return 0, {}, [], ""
[docs]def com1DFACoreTask(simDict, inputSimFiles, avalancheDir, outDir, cuSim): """This is a subdivision of com1DFAMain to allow for parallel execution. Please read this in the context of the com1DFAMain function. """ simDF = pd.DataFrame() tCPUDF = pd.DataFrame() # load configuration object for current sim cfg = simDict[cuSim]["cfgSim"] # check configuraton for consistency checkCfg.checkCfgConsistency(cfg) # fetch simHash for current sim simHash = simDict[cuSim]["simHash"]"%s runs as process: %s, %s" % (cuSim, os.getpid(), threading.current_thread().ident)) # append configuration to dataframe simDF = cfgUtils.appendCgf2DF(simHash, cuSim, cfg, simDF) # log simulation name"Run simulation: %s" % cuSim) # ++++++++++PERFORM com1DFA SIMULAITON++++++++++++++++ ( dem, reportDict, cfgFinal, tCPU, particlesList, ) = com1DFA.com1DFACore(cfg, avalancheDir, cuSim, inputSimFiles, outDir, simHash=simHash)[simHash, "nPart"] = str(int(particlesList[0]["nPart"])) # append time to data frame tCPUDF = cfgUtils.appendTcpu2DF(simHash, tCPU, tCPUDF) # create hash to check if configuration didn't change simHashFinal = cfgUtils.cfgHash(cfgFinal) if simHashFinal != simHash: cfgUtils.writeCfgFile(avalancheDir, com1DFA, cfg, fileName="%s_butModified" % simHash) message = "Simulation configuration has been changed since start" log.error(message) raise AssertionError(message) # return simDF, tCPUDF, simDFExisting, cfg, cfgMain, dem, reportDictList return simDF, tCPUDF, dem, reportDict
[docs]def com1DFAPostprocess(simDF, tCPUDF, simDFExisting, cfgMain, dem, reportDictList, exportData): """postprocessing of simulation results: save configuration to csv, create plots and report Parameters ----------- simDF: pandas DataFrame dataframe with one line per simulation and info on parameters used tCPUDF: computation time simDFExisting: pandas DataFrame dataframe with one line per simulation and info on parameters used before simulations have been performed cfgMain: configparser object global avaframe config dem: dict dem dictionary reportDictList: list list of dictionaries for each simulation with info for report creation exportData: bool if True result fields are exported and plots generated Returns -------- dem: dict dictionary with dem header and raster data (that has been used for final sim) plotDict: dict information on result plot paths reportDictList: list list of report dictionaries for all performed simulations simDFNew: pandas dataFrame configuration dataFrame of the simulations computed and the ones that have been already in the Outputs folder (if no simulation computed, configuration dataFrame of the already existing ones) """ modName = "com1DFA" avalancheDir = cfgMain["MAIN"]["avalancheDir"] # prepare for writing configuration info simDF = cfgUtils.convertDF2numerics(simDF) # add cpu time info to the dataframe simDF = simDF.join(tCPUDF) # write the actually simulated sims to a separate csv file, # this is used for the qgis connector cfgUtils.writeAllConfigurationInfo(avalancheDir, simDF, specDir="", csvName="latestSims.csv") # append new simulations configuration to old ones (if they exist), # return total dataFrame and write it to csv simDFNew = pd.concat([simDF, simDFExisting], axis=0) cfgUtils.writeAllConfigurationInfo(avalancheDir, simDFNew, specDir="") # create plots and report reportDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, "Outputs", modName, "reports") fU.makeADir(reportDir) # Generate plots for all peakFiles if exportData: plotDict = oP.plotAllPeakFields(avalancheDir, cfgMain["FLAGS"], modName, demData=dem) else: plotDict = "" # create contour line plot reportDictList, _ = outCom1DFA.createContourPlot(reportDictList, avalancheDir, simDF) if cfgMain["FLAGS"].getboolean("createReport"): # write report gR.writeReport(reportDir, reportDictList, cfgMain["FLAGS"].getboolean("reportOneFile"), plotDict) return dem, plotDict, reportDictList, simDFNew
[docs]def com1DFACore(cfg, avaDir, cuSimName, inputSimFiles, outDir, simHash=""): """Run main com1DFA model This will compute a dense flow avalanche with the settings specified in cfg and the name cuSimName Parameters ---------- cfg : configparser object configuration object for simulation to be performed cuSimName: str name of simulation inputSimFiles: dict dictionary with input files, release scenario chosen according to inputSimFiles['releaseScenario'] avaDir : str or pathlib object path to avalanche directory outDir: str or pathlib object path to Outputs simHash: str unique sim ID Returns ------- reportDictList : list list of dictionaries that contain information on simulations that can be used for report generation dem: dict dictionary with info on header and dem data reportDict: dict dictionary that contains information on simulation that can be used for report generation cfg: configparser object configuration object for simulation to be performed infoDict['tCPU']: dict info on cpu timing particlesList: list list of particle dictionaries for all saving time steps """ # select release area input data according to chosen release scenario inputSimFiles = gI.selectReleaseFile(inputSimFiles, cfg["INPUT"]["releaseScenario"]) # create required input from input files demOri, inputSimLines = prepareInputData(inputSimFiles, cfg) if cfg["GENERAL"].getboolean("iniStep"): # append buffered release Area inputSimLines = pI.createReleaseBuffer(cfg, inputSimLines) # set thickness values for the release area, entrainment and secondary release areas relName, inputSimLines, badName = prepareReleaseEntrainment( cfg, inputSimFiles["releaseScenario"], inputSimLines ) log.debug("Perform %s simulation" % cuSimName) # +++++++++PERFORM SIMULAITON++++++++++++++++++++++ # for timing the sims startTime = time.time() # initialize particles, fields, dem particles, fields, dem, reportAreaInfo = initializeSimulation( cfg, outDir, demOri, inputSimLines, cuSimName ) # ------------------------ # Start time step computation Tsave, particlesList, fieldsList, infoDict = DFAIterate( cfg, particles, fields, dem, inputSimLines, simHash=simHash ) # write mass balance to File writeMBFile(infoDict, avaDir, cuSimName) tCPUDFA = "%.2f" % (time.time() - startTime)"cpu time DFA = %s s" % (tCPUDFA))) # export particles dictionaries of saving time steps # (if particles is not in resType, only first and last time step are saved) outDirData = outDir / "particles" fU.makeADir(outDirData) savePartToPickle(particlesList, outDirData, cuSimName) # export particles properties for visulation if cfg["VISUALISATION"].getboolean("writePartToCSV"): particleTools.savePartToCsv(cfg["VISUALISATION"]["visuParticleProperties"], particlesList, outDir) # write report dictionary reportDict = createReportDict(avaDir, cuSimName, relName, inputSimLines, cfg, reportAreaInfo) # add time and mass info to report reportDict = reportAddTimeMassInfo(reportDict, tCPUDFA, infoDict) # Result parameters to be exported if cfg["EXPORTS"].getboolean("exportData"): exportFields(cfg, Tsave, fieldsList, dem, outDir, cuSimName) else: # fetch contourline info contDictXY = outCom1DFA.fetchContCoors( dem["header"], fieldsList[-1][cfg["VISUALISATION"]["contourResType"]], cfg["VISUALISATION"], cuSimName, ) reportDict["contours"] = contDictXY if particlesList[-1]["nExitedParticles"] != 0.0: log.warning( "%d particles have been removed during simulation because they exited the domain" % particlesList[-1]["nExitedParticles"] ) cfgTrackPart = cfg["TRACKPARTICLES"] # track particles if cfgTrackPart.getboolean("trackParticles"): particlesList, trackedPartProp, track = trackParticles(cfgTrackPart, dem, particlesList) if track: outDirData = outDir / "particles" fU.makeADir(outDirData) outCom1DFA.plotTrackParticle(outDirData, particlesList, trackedPartProp, cfg, dem, cuSimName) return dem, reportDict, cfg, infoDict["tCPU"], particlesList
[docs]def prepareReleaseEntrainment(cfg, rel, inputSimLines): """set thickness values for release, secondary release and entrainment set flag to append _AF to release scenario name if it includes an underscore Parameters ---------- cfg : dict configuration parameters - keys: relTh, secRelArea, secondaryRelTh rel : str path to release file inputSimLines: dict dictionary with dictionaries with input data infos (releaseLine, entLine, ...) Returns ------- relName : str release name inputSimLines : dict dictionary with dictionaries with input data infos now updated with thickness values (releaseLine, entLine, ...) badName : boolean changed release name """ # Set release areas and release thickness relName = rel.stem badName = False if "_" in relName: badName = True log.warning( "Release area scenario file name includes an underscore \ the suffix _AF will be added for the simulation name" ) # set release thickness if cfg["GENERAL"].getboolean("relThFromFile") is False: releaseLine = setThickness(cfg, inputSimLines["releaseLine"], "relTh") inputSimLines["releaseLine"] = releaseLine log.debug("Release area scenario: %s - perform simulations" % (relName)) if cfg["GENERAL"].getboolean("iniStep"): # set release thickness for buffer releaseLineBuffer = setThickness(cfg, inputSimLines["releaseLineBuffer"], "relTh") inputSimLines["releaseLineBuffer"] = releaseLineBuffer if cfg.getboolean("GENERAL", "secRelArea"): secondaryReleaseLine = setThickness(cfg, inputSimLines["secondaryReleaseLine"], "secondaryRelTh") else: inputSimLines["entResInfo"]["flagSecondaryRelease"] = "No" secondaryReleaseLine = None inputSimLines["secondaryReleaseLine"] = secondaryReleaseLine if cfg["GENERAL"]["simTypeActual"] in ["ent", "entres"]: # set entrainment thickness entLine = setThickness(cfg, inputSimLines["entLine"], "entTh") inputSimLines["entLine"] = entLine return relName, inputSimLines, badName
[docs]def setThickness(cfg, lineTh, typeTh): """set thickness in line dictionary of release, entrainment, second. release Parameters ----------- cfg: config parser configuration settings lineTh: dict dictionary with info on line (e.g. release area line) typeTh: str type of thickness to be set (e.g. relTh for release thickness) Returns -------- lineTh: dict updated dictionary with new key: thickness and thicknessSource """ # create thickness flag name thFlag = typeTh + "FromShp" # set thickness source info if cfg["GENERAL"].getboolean(thFlag): if cfg["INPUT"]["thFromIni"] != "" and typeTh in cfg["INPUT"]["thFromIni"]: lineTh["thicknessSource"] = ["ini file"] * len(lineTh["thickness"]) else: lineTh["thicknessSource"] = ["shp file"] * len(lineTh["thickness"]) else: lineTh["thicknessSource"] = ["ini file"] * len(lineTh["thickness"]) # set thickness value info read from ini file that has been updated from shp or ini previously for count, id in enumerate(lineTh["id"]): if cfg["GENERAL"].getboolean(thFlag): thName = typeTh + id lineTh["thickness"][count] = cfg["GENERAL"].getfloat(thName) else: thName = typeTh lineTh["thickness"][count] = cfg["GENERAL"].getfloat(thName) return lineTh
[docs]def prepareInputData(inputSimFiles, cfg): """Fetch input data Parameters ---------- inputSimFiles : dict dictionary containing - relFile : str, path to release area file - demFile : str, path to dem file in Inputs/ - secondaryReleaseFile : str, path to secondaryRelease file - entFiles : str, path to entrainment file - resFile : str, path to resistance file - entResInfo : flag dict flag if Yes entrainment and/or resistance areas found and used for simulation flag True if a Secondary Release file found and activated cfg: configparser object configuration for simType and secondary rel Returns ------- demOri : dict dictionary with dem info (header original origin), raster data correct mesh cell size this dem has been remeshed/read from remeshed if chosen cell size is not equal to cell size of DEM in Inputs/ inputSimLines : dict dictionary containing - releaseLine : dict, release line dictionary - secondaryReleaseLine : dict, secondaryRelease line dictionary - entLine : dict, entrainment line dictionary - resLine : dict, resistance line dictionary - entrainmentArea : str, entrainment file name - resistanceArea : str, resistance file name - entResInfo : flag dict flag if Yes entrainment and/or resistance areas found and used for simulation flag True if a Secondary Release file found and activated """ # load data entResInfo = inputSimFiles["entResInfo"].copy() relFile = inputSimFiles["releaseScenario"] # get dem dictionary - already read DEM with correct mesh cell size demOri = gI.initializeDEM(cfg["GENERAL"]["avalancheDir"], demPath=cfg["INPUT"]["DEM"]) dOHeader = demOri["header"] # read data from relThFile if needed, already with correct mesh cell size relThFieldData, inputSimFiles["relThFile"] = gI.initializeRelTh(cfg, dOHeader) # get line from release area polygon releaseLine = shpConv.readLine(relFile, "release1", demOri) releaseLine["file"] = relFile releaseLine["type"] = "Release" # check for holes in release area polygons gI.checkForMultiplePartsShpArea(cfg["GENERAL"]["avalancheDir"], releaseLine, "com1DFA", type="release") # get line from secondary release area polygon if cfg["GENERAL"].getboolean("secRelArea"): if entResInfo["flagSecondaryRelease"] == "Yes": secondaryReleaseFile = inputSimFiles["secondaryReleaseFile"] secondaryReleaseLine = shpConv.readLine(secondaryReleaseFile, "", demOri) secondaryReleaseLine["fileName"] = secondaryReleaseFile secondaryReleaseLine["type"] = "Secondary release" # check for holes in secondary release area polygons gI.checkForMultiplePartsShpArea( cfg["GENERAL"]["avalancheDir"], secondaryReleaseLine, "com1DFA", type="secondary release" ) else: message = "No secondary release file found" log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message) else: secondaryReleaseLine = None # set False entResInfo["flagSecondaryRelease"] = "No" # get line from entrainement area polygon if cfg["GENERAL"]["simTypeActual"] in ["ent", "entres"]: entFile = inputSimFiles["entFile"] entLine = shpConv.readLine(entFile, "", demOri) entrainmentArea = entLine["fileName"] = entFile entLine["type"] = "Entrainment" # check for holes in entrainment area polygons gI.checkForMultiplePartsShpArea( cfg["GENERAL"]["avalancheDir"], entLine, "com1DFA", type="entrainment" ) else: entLine = None entrainmentArea = "" # get line from resistance area polygon if cfg["GENERAL"]["simTypeActual"] in ["entres", "res"]: resFile = inputSimFiles["resFile"] resLine = shpConv.readLine(resFile, "", demOri) resistanceArea = resLine["fileName"] = resFile resLine["type"] = "Resistance" # check for holes in resistance area polygons gI.checkForMultiplePartsShpArea( cfg["GENERAL"]["avalancheDir"], resLine, "com1DFA", type="resistance" ) else: resLine = None resistanceArea = "" # get line from dam if cfg["GENERAL"].getboolean("dam"): if entResInfo["dam"] == "Yes": damFile = inputSimFiles["damFile"] damLine = shpConv.readLine(damFile, "", demOri) damLine["fileName"] = [damFile] damLine["type"] = "Dam" else: message = "Take dam is set, but no dam file found, skipping it" log.debug(message) damLine = None else: damLine = None inputSimLines = { "releaseLine": releaseLine, "secondaryReleaseLine": secondaryReleaseLine, "entLine": entLine, "resLine": resLine, "damLine": damLine, "entrainmentArea": entrainmentArea, "resistanceArea": resistanceArea, "entResInfo": entResInfo, "relThField": relThFieldData, } return demOri, inputSimLines
[docs]def createReportDict(avaDir, logName, relName, inputSimLines, cfg, reportAreaInfo): """create simulaton report dictionary Parameters ---------- logName : str simulation scenario name relName : str release name relDict : dict release dictionary cfg : configparser simulation configuration entrainmentArea : str entrainment file name resistanceArea : str resistance file name Returns ------- reportST : dict simulation scenario dictionary """ # load parameters dateTimeInfo ="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") entInfo = reportAreaInfo["entrainment"] resInfo = reportAreaInfo["resistance"] entrainmentArea = inputSimLines["entrainmentArea"] resistanceArea = inputSimLines["resistanceArea"] relDict = inputSimLines["releaseLine"] secRelAreaInfo = reportAreaInfo["secRelArea"] if secRelAreaInfo == "No": secRelAreaFlag = "No" else: secRelAreaFlag = "Yes" # Get default cfg and convert to dict for comparison cfgGen = cfg["GENERAL"] # Create dictionary reportST = {} reportST = { "headerLine": {"type": "title", "title": "com1DFA Simulation"}, "avaName": {"type": "avaName", "name": str(avaDir)}, "simName": {"type": "simName", "name": logName}, "time": {"type": "time", "time": dateTimeInfo}, "Simulation Parameters": { "type": "list", "Program version": getVersion(), "Parameter set": "Default", "Release Area Scenario": relName, "Entrainment": entInfo, "Resistance": resInfo, "Secondary release area": secRelAreaFlag, "Density [kgm-3]": cfgGen["rho"], "Friction model": cfgGen["frictModel"], }, "Release Area": { "type": "columns", "Release area scenario": relName, "Release Area": relDict["Name"], "Release thickness [m]": relDict["thickness"], }, } # add frict parameters if cfgGen["frictModel"].lower() == "samosat": reportST["Friction model"] = { "type": "columns", "model": "samosAT", "mu": cfgGen["musamosat"], "tau0": cfgGen["tau0samosat"], "Rs0": cfgGen["Rs0samosat"], "kappa": cfgGen["kappasamosat"], "R": cfgGen["Rsamosat"], "B": cfgGen["Bsamosat"], } elif cfgGen["frictModel"].lower() == "samosatsmall": reportST["Friction model"] = { "type": "columns", "model": "samosATSmall", "mu": cfgGen["musamosatsmall"], "tau0": cfgGen["tau0samosatsmall"], "Rs0": cfgGen["Rs0samosatsmall"], "kappa": cfgGen["kappasamosatsmall"], "R": cfgGen["Rsamosatsmall"], "B": cfgGen["Bsamosatsmall"], } elif cfgGen["frictModel"].lower() == "samosatmedium": reportST["Friction model"] = { "type": "columns", "model": "samosATMedium", "mu": cfgGen["musamosatmedium"], "tau0": cfgGen["tau0samosatmedium"], "Rs0": cfgGen["Rs0samosatmedium"], "kappa": cfgGen["kappasamosatmedium"], "R": cfgGen["Rsamosatmedium"], "B": cfgGen["Bsamosatmedium"], } elif cfgGen["frictModel"].lower() == "voellmy": reportST["Friction model"] = { "type": "columns", "model": "Voellmy", "mu": cfgGen["muvoellmy"], "xsi": cfgGen["xsivoellmy"], } elif cfgGen["frictModel"].lower() == "coulomb": reportST["Friction model"] = {"type": "columns", "model": "Coulomb", "mu": cfgGen["mucoulomb"]} elif cfgGen["frictModel"].lower() == "wetsnow": reportST["Friction model"] = { "type": "columns", "model": "wetsnow", "mu": cfgGen["mu0wetsnow"], "xsi": cfgGen["mu0wetsnow"], } # check if secondary release area if secRelAreaFlag == "Yes": reportST["Secondary release Area"] = secRelAreaInfo # Check if parameter set is modified from default, and add section to report if "_C_" in logName: reportST["Simulation Parameters"]["Parameter set"] = "Changed" reportST.update({"Parameters changed from default": {"type": "list"}}) cfgDict = cfgUtils.convertConfigParserToDict(cfg) _, changedVals = com1DFATools.compareSimCfgToDefaultCfgCom1DFA(cfgDict) for key, val in changedVals.items(): valStr = val["new_value"] + " (default is " + val["old_value"] + ")" reportST["Parameters changed from default"][key] = valStr if entInfo == "Yes": entDict = inputSimLines["entLine"] reportST.update( { "Entrainment area": { "type": "columns", "Entrainment area scenario": entrainmentArea, "Entrainment thickness [m]": entDict["thickness"], "Entrainment density [kgm-3]": cfgGen["rhoEnt"], } } ) if resInfo == "Yes": reportST.update({"Resistance area": {"type": "columns", "Resistance area scenario": resistanceArea}}) reportST["Release Area"].update(reportAreaInfo["Release area info"]) return reportST
[docs]def reportAddTimeMassInfo(reportDict, tCPUDFA, infoDict): """Add time and mass info to report""" # add mass info reportDict["Simulation Parameters"].update({"Initial mass [kg]": ("%.2f" % infoDict["initial mass"])}) reportDict["Simulation Parameters"].update({"Final mass [kg]": ("%.2f" % infoDict["final mass"])}) reportDict["Simulation Parameters"].update( {"Entrained mass [kg]": ("%.2f" % infoDict["entrained mass"])} ) reportDict["Simulation Parameters"].update( {"Entrained volume [m3]": ("%.2f" % infoDict["entrained volume"])} ) # add stop info reportDict["Simulation Parameters"].update(infoDict["stopInfo"]) # add computation time to report dict reportDict["Simulation Parameters"].update({"Computation time [s]": tCPUDFA}) return reportDict
[docs]def initializeMesh(cfg, demOri, num): """Create rectangular mesh Reads the DEM information, computes the normal vector field and boundries to the DEM. Also generates the grid for the neighbour search Parameters ---------- demOri : dict dictionary with initial dem information num : int chose between 4, 6 or 8 (using then 4, 6 or 8 triangles) or 1 to use the simple cross product method Returns ------- dem : dict dictionary relocated in (0,0) and completed with normal field and boundaries as well as neighbour search grid information """ # set origin to 0, 0 for computations, store original origin dem = setDEMoriginToZero(demOri) dem["originalHeader"] = demOri["header"].copy() # read dem header headerDEM = dem["header"] nColsDEM = headerDEM["ncols"] nRowsDEM = headerDEM["nrows"] cszDEM = headerDEM["cellsize"] # get normal vector of the grid mesh dem = geoTrans.getNormalMesh(dem, num=num) # Prepare SPH grid headerNeighbourGrid = {} cszNeighbourGrid = cfg.getfloat("sphKernelRadius") headerNeighbourGrid["cellsize"] = cszNeighbourGrid headerNeighbourGrid["ncols"] = np.ceil(nColsDEM * cszDEM / cszNeighbourGrid) headerNeighbourGrid["nrows"] = np.ceil(nRowsDEM * cszDEM / cszNeighbourGrid) headerNeighbourGrid["xllcenter"] = 0 headerNeighbourGrid["yllcenter"] = 0 dem["headerNeighbourGrid"] = headerNeighbourGrid # get real Area dem = DFAtls.getAreaMesh(dem, num) projArea = nColsDEM * nRowsDEM * cszDEM * cszDEM areaRaster = dem["areaRaster"] log.debug("Largest cell area: %.2f m²" % (np.nanmax(areaRaster))) log.debug("Projected Area : %.2f" % projArea) log.debug("Total Area : %.2f" % np.nansum(areaRaster)) return dem
[docs]def setDEMoriginToZero(demOri): """set origin of DEM to 0,0""" dem = copy.deepcopy(demOri) dem["header"]["xllcenter"] = 0 dem["header"]["yllcenter"] = 0 return dem
[docs]def initializeSimulation(cfg, outDir, demOri, inputSimLines, logName): """create simulaton report dictionary Parameters ---------- cfg : str simulation scenario name outDir : pathlib path path to output directory (to save the dam foot line if a dam is used) demOri : dict dictionary with original dem inputSimLines : dict releaseLine : dict release line dictionary releaseLineBuffer: dict release line buffer dictionary - optional if iniStep True secondaryReleaseLine : dict secondary release line dictionary entLine : dict entrainment line dictionary resLine : dict resistance line dictionary logName : str simulation scenario name Returns ------- particles : dict particles dictionary at initial time step list of secondary release particles to be used fields : dict fields dictionary at initial time step dem : dict dictionary with new dem (lower left center at origin) """ cfgGen = cfg["GENERAL"] methodMeshNormal = cfg.getfloat("GENERAL", "methodMeshNormal") thresholdPointInPoly = cfgGen.getfloat("thresholdPointInPoly") relThField = inputSimLines["relThField"] # ----------------------- # Initialize mesh log.debug("Initializing Mesh") dem = initializeMesh(cfgGen, demOri, methodMeshNormal) # ------------------------ log.debug("Initializing main release area") # process release info to get it as a raster if cfg["GENERAL"].getboolean("iniStep"): releaseLine = inputSimLines["releaseLineBuffer"] releaseLineReal = inputSimLines["releaseLine"] # check if release features overlap between features geoTrans.prepareArea(releaseLineReal, dem, thresholdPointInPoly, combine=True, checkOverlap=True) buffer1 = ( cfg["GENERAL"].getfloat("sphKernelRadius") * cfg["GENERAL"].getfloat("additionallyFixedFactor") * cfg["GENERAL"].getfloat("bufferZoneFactor") ) if len(relThField) == 0: # if no release thickness field or function - set release according to shapefile or ini file # this is a list of release rasters that we want to combine releaseLineReal = geoTrans.prepareArea( releaseLineReal, dem, buffer1, thList=releaseLineReal["thickness"], combine=True, checkOverlap=False, ) else: # if relTh provided - set release thickness with field or function releaseLineReal = geoTrans.prepareArea( releaseLineReal, dem, buffer1, combine=True, checkOverlap=False ) else: releaseLine = inputSimLines["releaseLine"] # check if release features overlap between features geoTrans.prepareArea(releaseLine, dem, thresholdPointInPoly, combine=True, checkOverlap=True) if len(relThField) == 0: # if no release thickness field or function - set release according to shapefile or ini file # this is a list of release rasters that we want to combine releaseLine = geoTrans.prepareArea( releaseLine, dem, np.sqrt(2), thList=releaseLine["thickness"], combine=True, checkOverlap=False ) else: # if relTh provided - set release thickness with field or function releaseLine = geoTrans.prepareArea(releaseLine, dem, np.sqrt(2), combine=True, checkOverlap=False) # plot release area scenario outCom1DFA.plotReleaseScenarioView( cfgGen["avalancheDir"], releaseLine, dem, ("Release Scenario %s" % inputSimLines["releaseLine"]["file"].stem), logName, ) # compute release area header = dem["header"] csz = header["cellsize"] relRaster = releaseLine["rasterData"] # for area computation use smaller threshold to identify raster cells that lie within release line # as for creating particles a bigger radius is chosen as particles that lie outside are removed afterwards releaseLineArea = releaseLine.copy() relAreaActualList, relAreaProjectedList, _ = gI.computeAreasFromRasterAndLine(releaseLineArea, dem) relAreaProjected = np.sum(relAreaProjectedList) relAreaActual = np.sum(relAreaActualList) reportAreaInfo = { "Release area info": { "Projected Area [m2]": "%.2f" % (relAreaProjected), "Actual Area [m2]": "%.2f" % (relAreaActual), } } # ------------------------ # initialize simulation # create primary release area particles and fields releaseLine["header"] = dem["originalHeader"] inputSimLines["releaseLine"]["header"] = dem["originalHeader"] particles = initializeParticles( cfgGen, releaseLine, dem, inputSimLines=inputSimLines, logName=logName, relThField=relThField ) particles, fields = initializeFields(cfg, dem, particles, releaseLine) # initialize Dam damLine = inputSimLines["damLine"] # FSO: disabled writing of damFootLine inside the initializeWallLines. # This is not threadsafe and leads to errors on multiprocessing # damFootLinePath = outDir / 'dam' / 'damFootLine.shp' # damLine = damCom1DFA.initializeWallLines(cfgGen, dem, damLine, damFootLinePath) damLine = damCom1DFA.initializeWallLines(cfgGen, dem, damLine, "") dem["damLine"] = damLine # perform initialisation step for redistributing particles if cfg["GENERAL"].getboolean("iniStep"): startTimeIni = time.time() particles, fields = pI.getIniPosition(cfg, particles, dem, fields, inputSimLines, relThField) tIni = time.time() - startTimeIni "Ini step for initialising particles finalized, total mass: %.2f, number of particles: %d" % (np.sum(particles["m"]), particles["nPart"]) ) log.debug("Time needed for ini step: %.2f s" % (tIni)) # ------------------------ # process secondary release info to get it as a list of rasters secondaryReleaseInfo, reportAreaInfo = initializeSecRelease( inputSimLines, dem, relRaster, reportAreaInfo ) particles["secondaryReleaseInfo"] = secondaryReleaseInfo # initialize entrainment and resistance # get info of simType and whether or not to initialize resistance and entrainment simTypeActual = cfgGen["simTypeActual"] entrMassRaster, entrEnthRaster, reportAreaInfo = initializeMassEnt( dem, simTypeActual, inputSimLines["entLine"], reportAreaInfo, thresholdPointInPoly, cfgGen ) # check if entrainment and release overlap entrMassRaster = geoTrans.checkOverlap(entrMassRaster, relRaster, "Entrainment", "Release", crop=True) entrEnthRaster = geoTrans.checkOverlap(entrEnthRaster, relRaster, "Entrainment", "Release", crop=True) # check for overlap with the secondary release area if secondaryReleaseInfo["flagSecondaryRelease"] == "Yes": for secRelRaster in secondaryReleaseInfo["rasterData"]: entrMassRaster = geoTrans.checkOverlap( entrMassRaster, secRelRaster, "Entrainment", "Secondary release ", crop=True ) entrEnthRaster = geoTrans.checkOverlap( entrEnthRaster, secRelRaster, "Entrainment", "Secondary release ", crop=True ) # surfacic entrainment mass available (unit kg/m²) fields["entrMassRaster"] = entrMassRaster fields["entrEnthRaster"] = entrEnthRaster entreainableMass = np.nansum(fields["entrMassRaster"] * dem["areaRaster"])"Mass available for entrainment: %.2f kg" % (entreainableMass)) log.debug("Initializing resistance area") cResRaster, reportAreaInfo = initializeResistance( cfgGen, dem, simTypeActual, inputSimLines["resLine"], reportAreaInfo, thresholdPointInPoly ) fields["cResRaster"] = cResRaster return particles, fields, dem, reportAreaInfo
[docs]def initializeParticles(cfg, releaseLine, dem, inputSimLines="", logName="", relThField=""): """Initialize DFA simulation Create particles and fields dictionary according to config parameters release raster and dem Parameters ---------- cfg: configparser configuration for DFA simulation releaseLine: dict dictionary with info on release dem : dict dictionary with dem information inputSimLines: dictionary info on input files; real releaseline info required for iniStep relThField: 2D numpy array if the release thickness is not uniform, give here the releaseRaster Returns ------- particles : dict particles dictionary at initial time step fields : dict fields dictionary at initial time step """ # get simulation parameters rho = cfg.getfloat("rho") gravAcc = cfg.getfloat("gravAcc") cpIce = cfg.getfloat("cpIce") TIni = cfg.getfloat("TIni") avaDir = cfg["avalancheDir"] massPerParticleDeterminationMethod = cfg["massPerParticleDeterminationMethod"] interpOption = cfg.getfloat("interpOption") # read dem header header = dem["header"] ncols = header["ncols"] nrows = header["nrows"] csz = header["cellsize"] # if the release is not constant but given by a varying function, we need both the mask giving the cells # to be initialized and the raster giving the flow thickness value relRasterMask = releaseLine["rasterData"] if len(relThField) == 0: relRaster = releaseLine["rasterData"] else:"Release thickness read from relThFile") relRaster = relThField areaRaster = dem["areaRaster"] # get the initialization method used relThForPart = getRelThFromPart(cfg, releaseLine, relThField) massPerPart, nPPK = com1DFATools.getPartInitMethod(cfg, csz, relThForPart) # initialize arrays partPerCell = np.zeros(np.shape(relRaster), dtype=np.int64) # find all non empty cells (meaning release area) indRelY, indRelX = np.nonzero(relRasterMask) if inputSimLines != "": indRelYReal, indRelXReal = np.nonzero(inputSimLines["releaseLine"]["rasterData"]) else: indRelYReal, indRelXReal = np.nonzero(relRaster) iReal = list(zip(indRelYReal, indRelXReal)) # get approximate ratio between projected and real release area # because relRasterMask has a none 0 value where the release is but we want a 1 there realArea = np.sum(areaRaster * np.where(relRasterMask > 0, 1, 0)) projectedArea = csz * csz * np.size(indRelY) ratioArea = projectedArea / realArea # make option available to read initial particle distribution from file if cfg.getboolean("initialiseParticlesFromFile"): if cfg.getboolean("iniStep"): message = ( "If initialiseParticlesFromFile is used, iniStep cannot be performed - chose only one option" ) log.error(message) raise AssertionError(message) particles, hPartArray = particleTools.initialiseParticlesFromFile( cfg, avaDir, releaseLine["file"].stem ) else: # initialize random generator rng = np.random.default_rng(cfg.getint("seed")) nPart = 0 xPartArray = np.empty(0) yPartArray = np.empty(0) mPartArray = np.empty(0) aPartArray = np.empty(0) hPartArray = np.empty(0) idFixed = np.empty(0) if len(relThField) != 0 and cfg.getboolean("iniStep"): # set release thickness to a constant value for initialisation relRaster = np.where(relRaster > 0.0, cfg.getfloat("relTh"), 0.0) log.warning("relThField!= 0, but relRaster set to relTh value (from ini)") # loop on non empty cells for indRelx, indRely in zip(indRelX, indRelY): # compute number of particles for this cell hCell = relRaster[indRely, indRelx] aCell = areaRaster[indRely, indRelx] xPart, yPart, mPart, n, aPart = particleTools.placeParticles( hCell, aCell, indRelx, indRely, csz, massPerPart, nPPK, rng, cfg, ratioArea ) nPart = nPart + n partPerCell[indRely, indRelx] = n # initialize particles position, mass, height... xPartArray = np.append(xPartArray, xPart) yPartArray = np.append(yPartArray, yPart) mPartArray = np.append(mPartArray, mPart * np.ones(n)) aPartArray = np.append(aPartArray, aPart * np.ones(n)) if (indRely, indRelx) in iReal: idFixed = np.append(idFixed, np.zeros(n)) else: idFixed = np.append(idFixed, np.ones(n)) hPartArray = DFAtllsC.projOnRaster( xPartArray, yPartArray, relRaster, csz, ncols, nrows, interpOption ) hPartArray = np.asarray(hPartArray) # for the MPPKR option use hPart and aPart to define the mass of the particle (this means, within a cell # partticles have the same area but may have different flow thickness which means a different mass) if massPerParticleDeterminationMethod == "MPPKR": mPartArray = rho * aPartArray * hPartArray # create dictionnary to store particles properties particles = {} particles["nPart"] = nPart particles["x"] = xPartArray particles["y"] = yPartArray # adding z component particles, _ = geoTrans.projectOnRaster(dem, particles, interp="bilinear") particles["m"] = mPartArray particles["idFixed"] = idFixed # initialize enthalpy particles["totalEnthalpy"] = TIni * cpIce + gravAcc * particles["z"] particles["massPerPart"] = massPerPart particles["mTot"] = np.sum(particles["m"]) particles["h"] = hPartArray particles["ux"] = np.zeros(np.shape(hPartArray)) particles["uy"] = np.zeros(np.shape(hPartArray)) particles["uz"] = np.zeros(np.shape(hPartArray)) particles["uAcc"] = np.zeros(np.shape(hPartArray)) particles["velocityMag"] = np.zeros(np.shape(hPartArray)) particles["trajectoryLengthXY"] = np.zeros(np.shape(hPartArray)) particles["trajectoryLengthXYCor"] = np.zeros(np.shape(hPartArray)) particles["trajectoryLengthXYZ"] = np.zeros(np.shape(hPartArray)) particles["trajectoryAngle"] = np.zeros(np.shape(hPartArray)) particles["stoppCriteria"] = False mPartArray = particles["m"] kineticEne = np.sum(0.5 * mPartArray * DFAtls.norm2(particles["ux"], particles["uy"], particles["uz"])) particles["kineticEne"] = kineticEne particles["potentialEne"] = np.sum(gravAcc * mPartArray * particles["z"]) particles["peakKinEne"] = kineticEne particles["peakForceSPH"] = 0.0 particles["forceSPHIni"] = 0.0 particles["peakMassFlowing"] = 0 particles["simName"] = logName particles["xllcenter"] = dem["originalHeader"]["xllcenter"] particles["yllcenter"] = dem["originalHeader"]["yllcenter"] particles["nExitedParticles"] = 0.0 # remove particles that might lay outside of the release polygon if not cfg.getboolean("iniStep") and not cfg.getboolean("initialiseParticlesFromFile"): particles = geoTrans.checkParticlesInRelease( particles, releaseLine, cfg.getfloat("thresholdPointInPoly") ) # add a particles ID: # integer ranging from 0 to nPart in the initialisation. # Everytime that a new particle is created, it gets a new ID that is > nID # where nID is the number of already used IDs # (enable tracking of particles even if particles are added or removed) # unique identifier for each particle particles["ID"] = np.arange(particles["nPart"]) # keep track of the identifier (usefull to add identifier to newparticles) particles["nID"] = particles["nPart"] # keep track of parents (usefull for new particles created after splitting) particles["parentID"] = np.arange(particles["nPart"]) # initialize time t = 0 particles["t"] = t relCells = np.size(indRelY) partPerCell = particles["nPart"] / relCells if massPerParticleDeterminationMethod != "MPPKR": # we need to set the nPPK aTot = np.sum(particles["m"] / (rho * particles["h"])) # average number of particles per kernel radius nPPK = particles["nPart"] * math.pi * csz**2 / aTot particles["nPPK"] = nPPK "Initialized particles. MTot = %.2f kg, %s particles in %.2f cells." % (particles["mTot"], particles["nPart"], relCells) ) "Mass per particle = %.2f kg and particles per cell = %.2f." % (particles["mTot"] / particles["nPart"], partPerCell) ) if debugPlot: debPlot.plotPartIni(particles, dem) return particles
[docs]def getRelThFromPart(cfg, releaseLine, relThField): """get release thickness for initialising particles - use max value Parameters ----------- cfg: configparser object configuration settings releaseLine: dict info on releaseline (thickness) relThField: numpy array or str release thickness field if used, else empty string Returns -------- relThForPart: float max value of release thickness """ if len(relThField) != 0: relThForPart = np.amax(relThField) elif cfg.getboolean("relThFromShp"): relThForPart = np.amax(np.asarray(releaseLine["thickness"], dtype=float)) else: relThForPart = cfg.getfloat("relTh") return relThForPart
[docs]def initializeFields(cfg, dem, particles, releaseLine): """Initialize fields and update particles flow thickness. Eventually build bond array if snowSlide is activated Parameters ---------- cfg: configparser configuration for DFA simulation dem : dict dictionary with dem information particles : dict particles dictionary at initial time step Returns ------- particles : dict particles dictionary at initial time step updated with the flow thickness fields : dict fields dictionary at initial time step releaseLine : dict release line dictionary """ # read config cfgGen = cfg["GENERAL"] # what result types are desired as output (we need this to decide which fields we actually need to compute) resTypes = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(cfgGen["resType"]) resTypesReport = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(cfg["REPORT"]["plotFields"]) resTypesLast = list(set(resTypes + resTypesReport)) # read dem header header = dem["header"] ncols = header["ncols"] nrows = header["nrows"] # initialize fields fields = {} fields["pfv"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) fields["pft"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) fields["FV"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) fields["FT"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) fields["FM"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) fields["Vx"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) fields["Vy"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) fields["Vz"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) # for optional fields, initialize with dummys (minimum size array). The cython functions then need something # even if it is empty to run properly if ("TA" in resTypesLast) or ("pta" in resTypesLast): fields["pta"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) fields["TA"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) fields["computeTA"] = True log.debug("Computing Travel Angle") else: fields["pta"] = np.zeros((1, 1)) fields["TA"] = np.zeros((1, 1)) fields["computeTA"] = False if "pke" in resTypesLast: fields["pke"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) fields["computeKE"] = True log.debug("Computing Kinetic energy") else: fields["pke"] = np.zeros((1, 1)) fields["computeKE"] = False if ("P" in resTypesLast) or ("ppr" in resTypesLast): fields["P"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) fields["ppr"] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) fields["computeP"] = True log.debug("Computing Pressure") else: fields["P"] = np.zeros((1, 1)) fields["ppr"] = np.zeros((1, 1)) fields["computeP"] = False particles = DFAfunC.getNeighborsC(particles, dem) particles, fields = DFAfunC.updateFieldsC(cfgGen, particles, dem, fields) if cfgGen.getint("snowSlide") == 1: # Initialize the bonds between particles if the snowSlide is activated # get particles x = particles["x"] y = particles["y"] # get release outline (in order to remove spurious bonds) xOutline = releaseLine["x"] - dem["originalHeader"]["xllcenter"] yOutline = releaseLine["y"] - dem["originalHeader"]["yllcenter"] # original triangulation (make delaunay triangulation on points) triangles = tri.Triangulation(x, y) # Cleaning up the triangles (remove unwanted bonds) # masking triangles exiting the release (plan small buffer to be sure to keep all inner edges) # this happends on non-convex release areas outline = sPolygon(zip(xOutline, yOutline)).buffer(cfgGen.getfloat("thresholdPointInPoly")) mask = [ not outline.contains(sPolygon(zip(x[tri], y[tri]))) for tri in triangles.get_masked_triangles() ] triangles.set_mask(mask) # masking triangles with sidelength bigger than some threshold # (this removes spurious bonds that appear on the sides of the release polygon) triang = triangles.triangles # Mask off unwanted triangles. xtri = x[triang] - np.roll(x[triang], 1, axis=1) ytri = y[triang] - np.roll(y[triang], 1, axis=1) maxi = np.max(np.sqrt(xtri**2 + ytri**2), axis=1) if cfgGen["initPartDistType"] == "triangular": # if it is a regular triangular mesh, remove all bonds longer than the triangle side size (np.nanmin(maxi)) maxRadius = np.nanmin(maxi) * 1.1 else: # otherwise remove bonds that are longer than sqrt(5)csz (worst case senario with one particle per cell) maxRadius = dem["header"]["cellsize"] * math.sqrt(5) triangles.set_mask(maxi > maxRadius) # build the bond array from the triagular mesh (put it to a format that suits us for cython) particles = DFAfunC.initializeBondsC(particles, triangles) # debugg plot if debugPlot: debPlot.plotBondsSnowSlideFinal(cfg, particles, dem) return particles, fields
[docs]def initializeSecRelease(inputSimLines, dem, relRaster, reportAreaInfo): """Initialize secondary release area Parameters ---------- inputSimLines : dict dict with - entResInfo : dict, with the flagSecondaryRelease - secondaryReleaseLine : dict, secondary release line dictionary dem: dict dem dictionary relRaster: 2D numpy array release Raster (to check overlap) reportAreaInfo: dict simulation area information dictionary Returns ------- secondaryReleaseInfo: dict inputSimLines['secondaryReleaseLine'] dictionary completed with - header: the dem original header - rasterData: list of secondary release rasters (without the overlapping part with the release) - flagSecondaryRelease: 'Yes' if a secondary release is there reportAreaInfo: dict updated simulation area information dictionary """ if inputSimLines["entResInfo"]["flagSecondaryRelease"] == "Yes": secondaryReleaseInfo = inputSimLines["secondaryReleaseLine"]"Initializing secondary release area: %s" % secondaryReleaseInfo["fileName"])"Secondary release area features: %s" % (secondaryReleaseInfo["Name"])) secondaryReleaseInfo["header"] = dem["originalHeader"] # fetch secondary release areas secondaryReleaseInfo = geoTrans.prepareArea( secondaryReleaseInfo, dem, np.sqrt(2), thList=secondaryReleaseInfo["thickness"], combine=False ) # remove overlaping parts of the secondary release area with the main release areas noOverlaprasterList = [] for secRelRatser, secRelName in zip( secondaryReleaseInfo["rasterData"], secondaryReleaseInfo["Name"] ): noOverlaprasterList.append( geoTrans.checkOverlap( secRelRatser, relRaster, "Secondary release " + secRelName, "Release", crop=True ) ) secondaryReleaseInfo["flagSecondaryRelease"] = "Yes" # replace the rasterData with noOverlaprasterList (which is the list of rasterData without the overlapping # part with the release) secondaryReleaseInfo["rasterData"] = noOverlaprasterList reportAreaInfo["secRelArea"] = { "type": "columns", "Secondary release area scenario": secondaryReleaseInfo["fileName"].stem, "features": secondaryReleaseInfo["Name"].copy(), "thickness [m]": secondaryReleaseInfo["thickness"].copy(), } else: secondaryReleaseInfo = {} secondaryReleaseInfo["flagSecondaryRelease"] = "No" reportAreaInfo["secRelArea"] = "No" return secondaryReleaseInfo, reportAreaInfo
[docs]def initializeMassEnt(dem, simTypeActual, entLine, reportAreaInfo, thresholdPointInPoly, cfgGen): """Initialize mass for entrainment Parameters ---------- dem: dict dem dictionary simTypeActual: str simulation type entLine: dict entrainment line dictionary reportAreaInfo: dict simulation area information dictionary thresholdPointInPoly: float threshold val that decides if a point is in the polygon, on the line or very close but outside cfgGen: config parser General configuration Returns ------- entrMassRaster : 2D numpy array raster of available mass for entrainment reportAreaInfo: dict simulation area information dictionary completed with entrainment area info """ # read dem header header = dem["originalHeader"] ncols = header["ncols"] nrows = header["nrows"] if "ent" in simTypeActual: entrainmentArea = entLine["fileName"]"Initializing entrainment area: %s" % (entrainmentArea))"Entrainment area features: %s" % (entLine["Name"])) entLine = geoTrans.prepareArea(entLine, dem, thresholdPointInPoly, thList=entLine["thickness"]) entrMassRaster = entLine["rasterData"] # ToDo: not used in samos but implemented # tempRaster = cfgGen.getfloat('entTempRef') + (dem['rasterData'] - cfgGen.getfloat('entMinZ')) # * cfgGen.getfloat('entTempGrad') # entrEnthRaster = np.where(tempRaster < 0, tempRaster*cfgGen.getfloat('cpIce'), # tempRaster*cfgGen.getfloat('cpWtr')/cfgGen.getfloat('hFusion')) entrEnthRaster = np.where( entrMassRaster > 0, cfgGen.getfloat("entTempRef") * cfgGen.getfloat("cpIce"), 0 ) reportAreaInfo["entrainment"] = "Yes" else: entrMassRaster = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) entrEnthRaster = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) reportAreaInfo["entrainment"] = "No" entrMassRaster = entrMassRaster * cfgGen.getfloat("rhoEnt") return entrMassRaster, entrEnthRaster, reportAreaInfo
[docs]def initializeResistance(cfg, dem, simTypeActual, resLine, reportAreaInfo, thresholdPointInPoly): """Initialize resistance matrix Parameters ---------- dem: dict dem dictionary simTypeActual: str simulation type resLine: dict resistance line dictionary reportAreaInfo: dict simulation area information dictionary thresholdPointInPoly: float threshold val that decides if a point is in the polygon, on the line or very close but outside Returns ------- cResRaster : 2D numpy array raster of resistance coefficients reportAreaInfo: dict simulation area information dictionary completed with entrainment area info """ d = cfg.getfloat("dRes") cw = cfg.getfloat("cw") sres = cfg.getfloat("sres") # read dem header header = dem["originalHeader"] ncols = header["ncols"] nrows = header["nrows"] if simTypeActual in ["entres", "res"]: resistanceArea = resLine["fileName"]"Initializing resistance area: %s" % (resistanceArea))"Resistance area features: %s" % (resLine["Name"])) resLine = geoTrans.prepareArea(resLine, dem, thresholdPointInPoly) mask = resLine["rasterData"] cResRaster = 0.5 * d * cw / (sres * sres) * mask reportAreaInfo["resistance"] = "Yes" else: cResRaster = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) reportAreaInfo["resistance"] = "No" return cResRaster, reportAreaInfo
[docs]def DFAIterate(cfg, particles, fields, dem, inputSimLines, simHash=""): """Perform time loop for DFA simulation Save results at desired intervals Parameters ---------- cfg: configparser configuration for DFA simulation particles : dict particles dictionary at initial time step - secondaryReleaseParticles : list, of secondary release area particles dictionaries at initial time step fields : dict fields dictionary at initial time step dem : dict dictionary with dem information inputSimLines : dict dictionary with input data dictionaries (releaseLine, entLine, ...) Returns ------- particlesList : list list of particles dictionary fieldsList : list list of fields dictionary (for each time step saved) tCPU : dict computation time dictionary infoDict : dict Dictionary of all simulations carried out """ cfgGen = cfg["GENERAL"] # Initialise cpu timing tCPU = { "timeLoop": 0, "timeForce": 0.0, "timeForceSPH": 0.0, "timePos": 0.0, "timeNeigh": 0.0, "timeField": 0.0, } # Load configuration settings tEnd = cfgGen.getfloat("tEnd") dtSave = fU.splitTimeValueToArrayInterval(cfgGen["tSteps"], tEnd) sphOption = cfgGen.getint("sphOption") log.debug("using sphOption %s:" % sphOption) # desired output fields resTypes = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(cfgGen["resType"]) # add particles to the results type if trackParticles option is activated if cfg.getboolean("TRACKPARTICLES", "trackParticles"): resTypes = list(set(resTypes + ["particles"])) # make sure to save all desiered resuts for first and last time step for # the report resTypesReport = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(cfg["REPORT"]["plotFields"]) # always add particles to first and last time step resTypesLast = list(set(resTypes + resTypesReport + ["particles"])) # derive friction type # turn friction model into integer frictModelsList = [ "samosat", "coulomb", "voellmy", "wetsnow", "samosatsmall", "samosatmedium", "voellmyminshear", "coulombminshear", ] frictModel = cfgGen["frictModel"].lower() frictType = frictModelsList.index(frictModel) + 1 log.debug("Friction Model used: %s, %s" % (frictModelsList[frictType - 1], frictType)) # Initialise Lists to save fields and add initial time step particlesList = [] fieldsList = [] timeM = [] massEntrained = [] massTotal = [] # setup a result fields info data frame to save max values of fields and avalanche front resultsDF = setupresultsDF(resTypesLast, cfg["VISUALISATION"].getboolean("createRangeTimeDiagram")) # TODO: add here different time stepping options log.debug("Use standard time stepping") # Initialize time and counters nSave = 1 tCPU["nSave"] = nSave nIter = 1 nIter0 = 1 particles["iterate"] = True t = particles["t"] log.debug("Saving results for time step t = %f s", t) fieldsList, particlesList = appendFieldsParticles( fieldsList, particlesList, particles, fields, resTypesLast ) zPartArray0 = copy.deepcopy(particles["z"]) # create range time diagram # check if range-time diagram should be performed, if yes - initialize if cfg["VISUALISATION"].getboolean("createRangeTimeDiagram"): demRT = dtAna.setDemOrigin(dem) mtiInfo, dtRangeTime, cfgRangeTime = dtAna.initializeRangeTime(dtAna, cfg, demRT, simHash) # fetch initial time step too mtiInfo, dtRangeTime = dtAna.fetchRangeTimeInfo( cfgRangeTime, cfg, dtRangeTime, t, demRT["header"], fields, mtiInfo ) cfgRangeTime["GENERAL"]["simHash"] = simHash # add initial time step to Tsave array Tsave = [0] # derive time step for first iteration if cfgGen.getboolean("sphKernelRadiusTimeStepping"): dtSPHKR = tD.getSphKernelRadiusTimeStep(dem, cfgGen) dt = dtSPHKR else: # get time step dt = cfgGen.getfloat("dt") particles["dt"] = dt t = t + dt # Start time step computation while t <= tEnd * (1.0 + 1.0e-13) and particles["iterate"]: startTime = time.time() log.debug("Computing time step t = %f s, dt = %f s" % (t, dt)) # Perform computations particles, fields, zPartArray0, tCPU = computeEulerTimeStep( cfgGen, particles, fields, zPartArray0, dem, tCPU, frictType ) # set max values of fields to dataframe if cfg["VISUALISATION"].getboolean("createRangeTimeDiagram"): rangeValue = mtiInfo["rangeList"][-1] else: rangeValue = "" resultsDF = addMaxValuesToDF(resultsDF, fields, t, resTypesLast, rangeValue=rangeValue) tCPU["nSave"] = nSave particles["t"] = t # write mass balance info massEntrained.append(particles["massEntrained"]) massTotal.append(particles["mTot"]) timeM.append(t) # print progress to terminal print("time step t = %f s\r" % t, end="") # create range time diagram # determine avalanche front and flow characteristics in respective coodrinate system if cfg["VISUALISATION"].getboolean("createRangeTimeDiagram") and t >= dtRangeTime[0]: mtiInfo, dtRangeTime = dtAna.fetchRangeTimeInfo( cfgRangeTime, cfg, dtRangeTime, t, demRT["header"], fields, mtiInfo ) # create plots for tt diagram animation if cfgRangeTime["PLOTS"].getboolean("animate") and cfg["VISUALISATION"].getboolean("TTdiagram"): TTResType = cfgRangeTime["GENERAL"]["rangeTimeResType"] dtAnaPlots.animationPlot( demRT, fields[TTResType], demRT["header"]["cellsize"], TTResType, cfgRangeTime, mtiInfo, t, ) # make sure the array is not empty if t >= (dtSave[0] - 1.0e-8): Tsave.append(t) log.debug("Saving results for time step t = %f s", t) log.debug("MTot = %f kg, %s particles" % (particles["mTot"], particles["nPart"])) log.debug(("cpu time Force = %s s" % (tCPU["timeForce"] / nIter))) log.debug(("cpu time ForceSPH = %s s" % (tCPU["timeForceSPH"] / nIter))) log.debug(("cpu time Position = %s s" % (tCPU["timePos"] / nIter))) log.debug(("cpu time Neighbour = %s s" % (tCPU["timeNeigh"] / nIter))) log.debug(("cpu time Fields = %s s" % (tCPU["timeField"] / nIter))) fieldsList, particlesList = appendFieldsParticles( fieldsList, particlesList, particles, fields, resTypes ) # remove saving time steps that have already been saved dtSave = updateSavingTimeStep(dtSave, cfg["GENERAL"], t) # debugg plot if debugPlot: debPlot.plotBondsSnowSlideFinal(cfg, particles, dem, inputSimLines) # derive time step if cfgGen.getboolean("sphKernelRadiusTimeStepping"): dt = dtSPHKR else: # get time step dt = cfgGen.getfloat("dt") particles["dt"] = dt t = t + dt nIter = nIter + 1 nIter0 = nIter0 + 1 tCPUtimeLoop = time.time() - startTime tCPU["timeLoop"] = tCPU["timeLoop"] + tCPUtimeLoop tCPU["nIter"] = nIter"Ending computation at time t = %f s", t - dt) log.debug("Saving results for time step t = %f s", t - dt)"MTot = %f kg, %s particles" % (particles["mTot"], particles["nPart"])) log.debug("Computational performances:") log.debug(("cpu time Force = %s s" % (tCPU["timeForce"] / nIter))) log.debug(("cpu time ForceSPH = %s s" % (tCPU["timeForceSPH"] / nIter))) log.debug(("cpu time Position = %s s" % (tCPU["timePos"] / nIter))) log.debug(("cpu time Neighbour = %s s" % (tCPU["timeNeigh"] / nIter))) log.debug(("cpu time Fields = %s s" % (tCPU["timeField"] / nIter))) log.debug(("cpu time timeLoop = %s s" % (tCPU["timeLoop"] / nIter))) log.debug( ( "cpu time total other = %s s" % ( ( tCPU["timeForce"] + tCPU["timeForceSPH"] + tCPU["timePos"] + tCPU["timeNeigh"] + tCPU["timeField"] ) / nIter ) ) ) Tsave.append(t - dt) fieldsList, particlesList = appendFieldsParticles( fieldsList, particlesList, particles, fields, resTypesLast ) # debugg plot if debugPlot: debPlot.plotBondsSnowSlideFinal(cfg, particles, dem, inputSimLines) # create infoDict for report and mass log file infoDict = { "massEntrained": massEntrained, "timeStep": timeM, "massTotal": massTotal, "tCPU": tCPU, "final mass": massTotal[-1], "initial mass": massTotal[0], "entrained mass": np.sum(massEntrained), "entrained volume": (np.sum(massEntrained) / cfgGen.getfloat("rhoEnt")), } # determine if stop criterion is reached or end time stopCritNotReached = particles["iterate"] avaTime = particles["t"] stopCritPer = cfgGen.getfloat("stopCrit") * 100.0 # update info dict with stopping info for report if stopCritNotReached: infoDict.update( { "stopInfo": { "Stop criterion": "end Time reached: %.2f" % avaTime, "Avalanche run time [s]": "%.2f" % avaTime, } } ) else: infoDict.update( { "stopInfo": { "Stop criterion": "< %.2f percent of PKE" % stopCritPer, "Avalanche run time [s]": "%.2f" % avaTime, } } ) # create range time diagram # export data for range-time diagram if cfg["VISUALISATION"].getboolean("createRangeTimeDiagram"): lastTimeStep = t - dt # first append final time step mtiInfo, dtRangeTime = dtAna.fetchRangeTimeInfo( cfgRangeTime, cfg, dtRangeTime, lastTimeStep, demRT["header"], fields, mtiInfo ) dtAna.exportData(mtiInfo, cfgRangeTime, "com1DFA") # save resultsDF to file resultsDFPath = pathlib.Path(cfgGen["avalancheDir"], "Outputs", "com1DFA", "resultsDF_%s.csv" % simHash) resultsDF.to_csv(resultsDFPath) return Tsave, particlesList, fieldsList, infoDict
[docs]def setupresultsDF(resTypes, cfgRangeTime): """setup result fields max values dataframe for initial time step for all resTypes used and optional for avalanche front Parameters ----------- resTypes: list list of all resultTypes cfgRangeTime: bool config info if range time diagram should be performed and rangeList is available Returns -------- resultsDF: dataframe data frame with on line for iniital time step and max and mean values of fields """ resDict = {"timeStep": [0.0]} for resT in resTypes: if resT != "particles": resDict["max" + resT] = [0.0] if cfgRangeTime: resDict["rangeList"] = [0.0] resultsDF = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(resDict) resultsDF = resultsDF.set_index("timeStep") return resultsDF
[docs]def addMaxValuesToDF(resultsDF, fields, timeStep, resTypes, rangeValue=""): """add max values of peakFields to dataframe and optionally rangeValue Parameters ----------- fields: dict dict with all result type fields resultsDF: dataframe data frame with on line for each time step and max and mean values of fields timeStep: float computation time step resTypes: list list of all resultTypes rangeValue: float avalanche front location -optional Returns -------- resultsDF: data frame updated data frame """ newLine = [] for resT in resTypes: if resT != "particles": newLine.append(np.nanmax(fields[resT])) if rangeValue != "": newLine.append(rangeValue) resultsDF.loc[timeStep] = newLine return resultsDF
[docs]def updateSavingTimeStep(dtSave, cfg, t): """update saving time step list Parameters ----------- dtSave: list list of time steps that shall be saved cfg: configparser object configuration settings, end time step t: float actual time step Returns -------- dtSave: list updated list of saving time steps """ if dtSave.size == 1: dtSave = np.asarray([2 * cfg.getfloat("tEnd")]) else: indSave = np.where(dtSave > (t + 1.0e-8)) dtSave = dtSave[indSave] return dtSave
[docs]def appendFieldsParticles(fieldsList, particlesList, particles, fields, resTypes): """append fields and optionally particle dictionaries to list for export Parameters ------------ particles: dict dictionary with particle properties fields: dict dictionary with all result type fields resTypes: list list with all result types that shall be exported Returns ------- Fields: list updated list with desired result type fields dictionary Particles: list updated list with particles dicionaries """ fieldAppend = {} for resType in resTypes: if resType == "particles": particlesList.append(copy.deepcopy(particles)) elif resType != "": fieldAppend[resType] = copy.deepcopy(fields[resType]) fieldsList.append(fieldAppend) return fieldsList, particlesList
[docs]def writeMBFile(infoDict, avaDir, logName): """write mass balance info to file Parameters ----------- infoDict: dict info on mass avaDir: str or pathlib path path to avalanche directory logName: str simulation name """ t = infoDict["timeStep"] massEntrained = infoDict["massEntrained"] massTotal = infoDict["massTotal"] # write mass balance info to log file massDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, "Outputs", "com1DFA") fU.makeADir(massDir) with open(massDir / ("mass_%s.txt" % logName), "w") as mFile: mFile.write("time, current, entrained\n") for m in range(len(t)): mFile.write("%.02f, %.06f, %.06f\n" % (t[m], massTotal[m], massEntrained[m]))
[docs]def computeEulerTimeStep(cfg, particles, fields, zPartArray0, dem, tCPU, frictType): """compute next time step using an euler forward scheme Parameters ---------- cfg: configparser configuration for DFA simulation particles : dict particles dictionary at t fields : dict fields dictionary at t zPartArray0 : dict z coordinate of particles at t=0s dem : dict dictionary with dem information tCPU : dict computation time dictionary frictType: int indicator for chosen type of friction model Returns ------- particles : dict particles dictionary at t + dt fields : dict fields dictionary at t + dt tCPU : dict computation time dictionary """ # get forces startTime = time.time() # loop version of the compute force log.debug("Compute Force C") particles, force, fields = DFAfunC.computeForceC(cfg, particles, fields, dem, frictType) tCPUForce = time.time() - startTime tCPU["timeForce"] = tCPU["timeForce"] + tCPUForce # compute lateral force (SPH component of the calculation) startTime = time.time() if cfg.getint("sphOption") == 0: force["forceSPHX"] = np.zeros(np.shape(force["forceX"])) force["forceSPHY"] = np.zeros(np.shape(force["forceY"])) force["forceSPHZ"] = np.zeros(np.shape(force["forceZ"])) else: log.debug("Compute Force SPH C") particles, force = DFAfunC.computeForceSPHC( cfg, particles, force, dem, cfg.getint("sphOption"), gradient=0 ) tCPUForceSPH = time.time() - startTime tCPU["timeForceSPH"] = tCPU["timeForceSPH"] + tCPUForceSPH # add bonding force if required (if snowSlide is activated) if cfg.getint("snowSlide") == 1: force, particles = DFAfunC.computeCohesionForceC(cfg, particles, force) # update velocity and particle position startTime = time.time() # particles = updatePosition(cfg, particles, dem, force) log.debug("Update position C") particles = DFAfunC.updatePositionC(cfg, particles, dem, force, fields, typeStop=0) tCPUPos = time.time() - startTime tCPU["timePos"] = tCPU["timePos"] + tCPUPos # Split particles if cfg.getint("splitOption") == 0: # split particles with too much mass # this only splits particles that grew because of entrainment log.debug("Split particles") particles = particleTools.splitPartMass(particles, cfg) elif cfg.getint("splitOption") == 1: # split merge operation # first update fields (compute grid values) because we need the h of the particles to get the aPart # ToDo: we could skip the update field and directly do the split merge. This means we would use the old h startTime = time.time() log.debug("update Fields C") particles, fields = DFAfunC.updateFieldsC(cfg, particles, dem, fields) tcpuField = time.time() - startTime tCPU["timeField"] = tCPU["timeField"] + tcpuField # Then split merge particles particles = particleTools.splitPartArea(particles, cfg, dem) particles = particleTools.mergePartArea(particles, cfg, dem) # release secondary release area? if particles["secondaryReleaseInfo"]["flagSecondaryRelease"] == "Yes": particles, zPartArray0 = releaseSecRelArea(cfg, particles, fields, dem, zPartArray0) # get particles location (neighbours for sph) startTime = time.time() log.debug("get Neighbours C") particles = DFAfunC.getNeighborsC(particles, dem) tCPUNeigh = time.time() - startTime tCPU["timeNeigh"] = tCPU["timeNeigh"] + tCPUNeigh # update fields (compute grid values) startTime = time.time() log.debug("update Fields C") if fields["computeTA"]: particles = DFAfunC.computeTrajectoryAngleC(particles, zPartArray0) particles, fields = DFAfunC.updateFieldsC(cfg, particles, dem, fields) tCPUField = time.time() - startTime tCPU["timeField"] = tCPU["timeField"] + tCPUField return particles, fields, zPartArray0, tCPU
[docs]def releaseSecRelArea(cfg, particles, fields, dem, zPartArray0): """Release secondary release area if trigered Initialize particles of the trigured secondary release area and add them to the simulation (particles dictionary) """ secondaryReleaseInfo = particles["secondaryReleaseInfo"] flowThicknessField = fields["FT"] secRelRasterList = secondaryReleaseInfo["rasterData"] secRelRasterNameList = secondaryReleaseInfo["Name"] count = 0 indexRel = [] for secRelRaster, secRelRasterName in zip(secRelRasterList, secRelRasterNameList): # do the two arrays intersect (meaning a flowing particle entered the # secondary release area) mask = (secRelRaster > 0) & (flowThicknessField > 0) if mask.any(): # create secondary release area particles"Initializing secondary release area feature %s" % secRelRasterName) secRelInfo = shpConv.extractFeature(secondaryReleaseInfo, count) secRelInfo["rasterData"] = secRelRaster secRelParticles = initializeParticles(cfg, secRelInfo, dem) # release secondary release area by just appending the particles "Releasing secondary release area %s at t = %.2f s" % (secRelRasterName, particles["t"]) ) particles = particleTools.mergeParticleDict(particles, secRelParticles) # save index of secRel feature indexRel.append(secRelRasterName) # save initial z position for travel angle computation zPartArray0 = np.append(zPartArray0, copy.deepcopy(secRelParticles["z"])) count = count + 1 secondaryReleaseInfo["rasterData"] = secRelRasterList particles["secondaryReleaseInfo"] = secondaryReleaseInfo for item in indexRel: iR = secRelRasterNameList.index(item) # remove it from the secondary release area list secRelRasterList.pop(iR) secondaryReleaseInfo = shpConv.removeFeature(secondaryReleaseInfo, iR) secRelRasterNameList.pop(iR) # update secondaryReleaseInfo secondaryReleaseInfo["rasterData"] = secRelRasterList particles["secondaryReleaseInfo"] = secondaryReleaseInfo return particles, zPartArray0
[docs]def savePartToPickle(dictList, outDir, logName): """Save each dictionary from a list to a pickle in outDir; works also for one dictionary instead of list Note: particle coordinates are still in com1DFA reference system with origin 0,0 Parameters --------- dictList: list or dict list of dictionaries or single dictionary outDir: str path to output directory logName : str simulation Id """ if isinstance(dictList, list): for dict in dictList: fi = open(outDir / ("particles_%s_%09.4f.p" % (logName, dict["t"])), "wb") pickle.dump(dict, fi) fi.close() else: fi = open(outDir / ("particles_%s_%09.4f.p" % (logName, dictList["t"])), "wb") pickle.dump(dictList, fi) fi.close()
[docs]def trackParticles(cfgTrackPart, dem, particlesList): """track particles from initial area Find all particles in an initial area. Find the same particles in the other time steps (+ the children if they were splitted). Extract time series of given properties of the tracked particles Parameters ----------- cfgTrackPart: configParser centerTrackPartPoint : str centerTrackPartPoint of the location of the particles to track (x|y coordinates) radius : str radius of the circle around point particleProperties: str list of particles properties to extract ('x', 'y', 'ux', 'm'...) dem: dict dem dictionary particlesList: list list of particles dictionary Returns ------- particlesList : list Particles list of dict updated with the 'trackedParticles' array (in the array, ones for particles that are tracked, zeros otherwise) trackedPartProp: dict dictionary with time series of the wanted properties for tracked particles track: boolean False if no particles are tracked """ # read particle properties to be extracted particleProperties = cfgTrackPart["particleProperties"] if particleProperties == "": particleProperties = ["x", "y", "z", "ux", "uy", "uz", "m", "h"] else: particleProperties = set(["x", "y", "z", "ux", "uy", "uz", "m", "h"] + particleProperties.split("|")) # read location of particle to be tracked radius = cfgTrackPart.getfloat("radius") centerList = cfgTrackPart["centerTrackPartPoint"] centerList = centerList.split("|") centerTrackPartPoint = {"x": np.array([float(centerList[0])]), "y": np.array([float(centerList[1])])} centerTrackPartPoint["x"] = centerTrackPartPoint["x"] - dem["originalHeader"]["xllcenter"] centerTrackPartPoint["y"] = centerTrackPartPoint["y"] - dem["originalHeader"]["yllcenter"] # start by finding the particles to be tracked particles2Track, track = particleTools.findParticles2Track( particlesList[0], centerTrackPartPoint, radius ) if track: # find those same particles and their children in the particlesList particlesList, nPartTracked = particleTools.getTrackedParticles(particlesList, particles2Track) # extract the wanted properties for the tracked particles trackedPartProp = particleTools.getTrackedParticlesProperties( particlesList, nPartTracked, particleProperties ) else: trackedPartProp = None return particlesList, trackedPartProp, track
[docs]def readFields(inDir, resType, simName="", flagAvaDir=True, comModule="com1DFA", timeStep="", atol=1.0e-6): """Read ascii files within a directory and return List of dictionaries Parameters ----------- inDir: str path to input directory resType: list list of desired result types, if string converted to list simName : str simulation name flagAvaDir: bool if True inDir corresponds to an avalanche directory and pickles are read from avaDir/Outputs/com1DFA/particles comModule: str module that computed the particles timeStep: float or list of floats desired time step if difference to time step of field file is smaller than atol field is found - optional atol: float look for matching time steps with atol tolerance - default is atol=1.e-6 Returns ------- fieldsList : list list of fields dictionaries fieldHeader: dict raster header corresponding to first element in fieldsList timeList: list tme corresponding to elements in fieldsList """ if isinstance(resType, list) is False: resType = [resType] if flagAvaDir: inDir = pathlib.Path(inDir, "Outputs", comModule, "peakFiles", "timeSteps") # initialise list of fields dictionaries fieldsList = [] timeList = [] first = True for r in resType: # search for all files within directory if simName: name = "*" + simName + "*" + r + "*.asc" else: name = "*" + r + "*.asc" FieldsNameList = list(inDir.glob(name)) timeListTemp = [float(element.stem.split("_t")[-1]) for element in FieldsNameList] FieldsNameList = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(timeListTemp, FieldsNameList))] count = 0 for fieldsName in FieldsNameList: t = float(fieldsName.stem.split("_t")[-1]) if timeStep == "" or np.isclose(timeStep, t, atol=atol).any(): # initialize field Dict if first: fieldsList.append({}) timeList.append(t) field = IOf.readRaster(fieldsName) fieldsList[count][r] = field["rasterData"] count = count + 1 first = False if count == 0: log.warning("No matching fields found in %s" % inDir) fieldHeader = None fieldsList = [] else: fieldHeader = field["header"] return fieldsList, fieldHeader, timeList
[docs]def exportFields(cfg, Tsave, fieldsList, dem, outDir, logName): """export result fields to Outputs directory according to result parameters and time step that can be specified in the configuration file Parameters ----------- cfg: dict configurations Tsave: list list of time step that corresponds to each dict in Fields Fields: list list of Fields for each dtSave outDir: str outputs Directory Returns -------- exported peak fields are saved in Outputs/com1DFA/peakFiles """ resTypesGen = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(cfg["GENERAL"]["resType"]) resTypesReport = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(cfg["REPORT"]["plotFields"]) if "particles" in resTypesGen: resTypesGen.remove("particles") if "particles" in resTypesReport: resTypesReport.remove("particles") numberTimes = len(Tsave) - 1 countTime = 0 for timeStep in Tsave: if (countTime == numberTimes) or (countTime == 0): # for last time step we need to add the report fields resTypes = list(set(resTypesGen + resTypesReport)) else: resTypes = resTypesGen for resType in resTypes: resField = fieldsList[countTime][resType] if resType == "ppr": # convert from Pa to kPa resField = resField * 0.001 if resType == "pke": # convert from J/cell to kJ/m² # (by dividing the peak kinetic energy per cell by the real area of the cell) resField = resField * 0.001 / dem["areaRaster"] dataName = logName + "_" + resType + "_" + "t%.2f" % (Tsave[countTime]) + ".asc" # create directory outDirPeak = outDir / "peakFiles" / "timeSteps" fU.makeADir(outDirPeak) outFile = outDirPeak / dataName IOf.writeResultToAsc(dem["originalHeader"], resField, outFile, flip=True) if countTime == numberTimes: log.debug( "Results parameter: %s exported to Outputs/peakFiles for time step: %.2f - FINAL time step " % (resType, Tsave[countTime]) ) dataName = logName + "_" + resType + ".asc" # create directory outDirPeakAll = outDir / "peakFiles" fU.makeADir(outDirPeakAll) outFile = outDirPeakAll / dataName IOf.writeResultToAsc(dem["originalHeader"], resField, outFile, flip=True) else: log.debug( "Results parameter: %s has been exported to Outputs/peakFiles for time step: %.2f " % (resType, Tsave[countTime]) ) countTime = countTime + 1
[docs]def prepareVarSimDict(standardCfg, inputSimFiles, variationDict, simNameExisting=""): """Prepare a dictionary with simulations that shall be run with varying parameters following the variation dict Parameters ----------- standardCfg : configParser object default configuration or local configuration inputSimFiles: dict info dict on available input data variationDict: dict dictionary with parameter to be varied as key and list of it's values simNameExisting: list list of simulation names that already exist (optional). If provided, only carry on simulations that do not exist Returns ------- simDict: dict dicionary with info on simHash, releaseScenario, release area file path, simType and contains full configuration configparser object for simulation run """ # get list of simulation types that are desired if "simTypeList" in variationDict: simTypeList = variationDict["simTypeList"] del variationDict["simTypeList"] else: simTypeList = standardCfg["GENERAL"]["simTypeList"].split("|") # get a list of simulation types that are desired AND available standardCfg, simTypeList = getSimTypeList(standardCfg, simTypeList, inputSimFiles) # set simTypeList (that has been checked if available) as parameter in variationDict variationDict["simTypeList"] = simTypeList # create a dataFrame with all possible combinations of the variationDict values variationDF = pd.DataFrame(product(*variationDict.values()), columns=variationDict.keys()) # generate a dictionary of full simulation info for all simulations to be performed # simulation info must contain: simName, releaseScenario, relFile, configuration as dictionary simDict = {} # loop over all simulations that shall be performed according to variationDF # one row per simulation"Start working on variations") for row in variationDF.itertuples():"New line in variationDF-------") # convert full configuration to dict cfgSim = cfgUtils.convertConfigParserToDict(standardCfg) # create release scenario name for simulation name rel, cfgSim = gI.fetchReleaseFile( inputSimFiles, row._asdict()["releaseScenario"], cfgSim, variationDict["releaseScenario"] ) relName = rel.stem if "_" in relName: relNameSim = relName + "_AF" else: relNameSim = relName # update info for parameters that are given in variationDF for parameter in variationDict: # add simType cfgSim["GENERAL"]["simTypeActual"] = row._asdict()["simTypeList"] # update parameter value - now only single value for each parameter keyList = [ "relThPercentVariation", "entThPercentVariation", "secondaryRelThPercentVariation", "relThRangeVariation", "entThRangeVariation", "secondaryRelThRangeVariation", "relThRangeFromCiVariation", "entThRangeFromCiVariation", "secondaryRelThRangeFromCiVariation", "relThDistVariation", "entThDistVariation", "secondaryRelThDistVariation", ] if parameter in keyList: # set thickness value according to percent variation info cfgSim = dP.setThicknessValueFromVariation( parameter, cfgSim, cfgSim["GENERAL"]["simTypeActual"], row ) elif parameter == "releaseScenario": cfgSim["INPUT"][parameter] = row._asdict()[parameter] else: cfgSim["GENERAL"][parameter] = row._asdict()[parameter] # update INPUT section - delete non relevant parameters if cfgSim["GENERAL"]["simTypeActual"] not in ["ent", "entres"]: cfgSim["INPUT"].pop("entrainmentScenario", None) cfgSim["INPUT"].pop("entThId", None) cfgSim["INPUT"].pop("entThThickness", None) cfgSim["INPUT"].pop("entThCi95", None) if cfgSim["GENERAL"]["secRelArea"] == "False": cfgSim["INPUT"].pop("secondaryReleaseScenario", None) cfgSim["INPUT"].pop("secondaryRelThId", None) cfgSim["INPUT"].pop("secondaryRelThThickness", None) cfgSim["INPUT"].pop("secondaryRelThCi95", None) # check if DEM in Inputs has desired mesh size pathToDem = dP.checkRasterMeshSize(cfgSim, inputSimFiles["demFile"], "DEM") cfgSim["INPUT"]["DEM"] = pathToDem # check if RELTH in Inputs has desired mesh size # if "relThFromFile" in cfgSim["GENERAL"]: if cfgSim["GENERAL"]["relThFromFile"] == "True": pathToRelTh = dP.checkRasterMeshSize(cfgSim, inputSimFiles["relThFile"], "RELTH") cfgSim["INPUT"]["relThFile"] = pathToRelTh else: cfgSim["INPUT"]["relThFile"] = "" # add thickness values if read from shp and not varied cfgSim = dP.appendShpThickness(cfgSim) # check differences to default and add indicator to name defID, _ = com1DFATools.compareSimCfgToDefaultCfgCom1DFA(cfgSim) # if frictModel is samosATAuto compute release vol if cfgSim["GENERAL"]["frictModel"].lower() == "samosatauto": pathToDemFull = pathlib.Path(cfgSim["GENERAL"]["avalancheDir"], "Inputs", pathToDem) relVolume = fetchRelVolume(rel, cfgSim, pathToDemFull, inputSimFiles["secondaryReleaseFile"]) else: relVolume = "" # check sphKernelRadius setting cfgSim = checkCfg.checkCellSizeKernelRadius(cfgSim) # only keep friction model parameters that are used cfgSim = checkCfg.checkCfgFrictionModel(cfgSim, relVolume=relVolume) # set frictModelIndicator, this needs to happen AFTER checkCfgFrictModel frictIndi = com1DFATools.setFrictTypeIndicator(cfgSim) # convert back to configParser object cfgSimObject = cfgUtils.convertDictToConfigParser(cfgSim) # create unique hash for simulation configuration simHash = cfgUtils.cfgHash(cfgSimObject) simName = "_".join( filter( None, [ relNameSim, simHash, defID, frictIndi, row._asdict()["simTypeList"], cfgSim["GENERAL"]["modelType"], ], ) ) # check if simulation exists. If yes do not append it if simName not in simNameExisting: simDict[simName] = { "simHash": simHash, "releaseScenario": relName, "simType": row._asdict()["simTypeList"], "relFile": rel, "cfgSim": cfgSimObject, } # write configuration file cfgUtils.writeCfgFile( cfgSimObject["GENERAL"]["avalancheDir"], com1DFA, cfgSimObject, fileName=simName ) else: log.warning("Simulation %s already exists, not repeating it" % simName)"Done preparing variations -----") inputSimFiles.pop("demFile") return simDict
[docs]def getSimTypeList(standardCfg, simTypeList, inputSimFiles): """Define available simulation types of requested types Parameters ----------- standardCfg : configParser object default configuration or local configuration simTypeList: List list of simTypes to conpute (ent, null...) inputSimFiles: dict info dict on available input data Returns -------- standardCfg : configParser object configuration with updated 'secRelArea' depending on if a secondary release file is available or not simTypeList: list list of requested simTypes where also the required input data is available """ # read entrainment resistance info entResInfo = inputSimFiles["entResInfo"] # check if set simType is a valid option validSimTypesStr = "available|null|ent|entres|res" validSimTypes = validSimTypesStr.split("|") validArray = [True if item in validSimTypes else False for item in simTypeList] if False in validArray: message = "A non-valid entry found in simType, valid Types are %s" % validSimTypesStr log.error(message) raise AssertionError(message) # define simulation type if "available" in simTypeList: if entResInfo["flagEnt"] == "Yes" and entResInfo["flagRes"] == "Yes": simTypeList.append("entres") elif entResInfo["flagEnt"] == "Yes" and entResInfo["flagRes"] == "No": simTypeList.append("ent") elif entResInfo["flagEnt"] == "No" and entResInfo["flagRes"] == "Yes": simTypeList.append("res") # always add null simulation simTypeList.append("null") simTypeList.remove("available") # remove duplicate entries simTypeList = set(simTypeList) simTypeList = sorted(list(simTypeList), reverse=False) if "ent" in simTypeList or "entres" in simTypeList: if entResInfo["flagEnt"] == "No": message = "No entrainment file found" log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message) if "res" in simTypeList or "entres" in simTypeList: if entResInfo["flagRes"] == "No": message = "No resistance file found" log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message) if standardCfg["GENERAL"].getboolean("secRelArea"): if entResInfo["flagSecondaryRelease"] == "No": standardCfg["GENERAL"]["secRelArea"] = "False" else:"Using the secondary release area file: %s" % inputSimFiles["secondaryReleaseFile"]) return standardCfg, simTypeList
[docs]def runOrLoadCom1DFA(avalancheDir, cfgMain, runDFAModule=True, cfgFile="", deleteOutput=True): """Run or load DFA results depending on runDFAModule=True or False Parameters ----------- avalancheDir: pathlib path avalanche directory path cfgMain : configParser object main avaframe configuration runDFAModule: bool True to run the DFA simulation Falso to load the results dataFrame and dem cfgFile: str or pathlib path path to cfgFile to read overall configuration - optional if not provided the local or default config is used deleteOutput: Boolean True to delete the com1DFA output dir before running com1DFA (used only if runDFAModule=True) Returns -------- dem: dict dem dictionary simDF: dataFrame simulation results dataframe resTypeList: list list of output files resTypes available (ppr, pft...) """ if runDFAModule: # clean avalanche directory iP.cleanModuleFiles(avalancheDir, com1DFA, deleteOutput=deleteOutput) # Run the DFA simulation dem, _, _, simDF = com1DFA.com1DFAMain(cfgMain, cfgInfo=cfgFile) else: # read simulation dem demOri = gI.readDEM(avalancheDir) dem = com1DFA.setDEMoriginToZero(demOri) dem["originalHeader"] = demOri["header"].copy() # load DFA results simDF, _ = cfgUtils.readAllConfigurationInfo(avalancheDir) if simDF is None: message = "Did not find any com1DFA simulations in %s/Outputs/com1DFA/" % avalancheDir log.error(message) raise FileExistsError(message) dataDF, resTypeList = fU.makeSimFromResDF(avalancheDir, "com1DFA", inputDir="", simName="") simDF = simDF.reset_index().merge(dataDF, on="simName").set_index("index") return dem, simDF, resTypeList
[docs]def fetchRelVolume(releaseFile, cfg, pathToDem, secondaryReleaseFile, radius=0.01): """compute release area volume using release line and thickness info and dem if in config settings secRelArea is True - also include secondary release area in release volume estimate Parameters ----------- releaseFile: pathlib path path to release area shp file cfg: dict config settings of current sim pathToDem: pathlib path path to dem file used for current sim releaseFile: pathlib path, None path to secondary release area shp file or None if not available radius : float include all cells which center is in the release line or close enough Returns --------- relVolume: float volume of release area in m3 """ # convert back to configParser object cfg = cfgUtils.convertDictToConfigParser(cfg) # read simulation dem demVol = IOf.readRaster(pathToDem, noDataToNan=True) demVol["originalHeader"] = demVol["header"].copy() methodMeshNormal = cfg["GENERAL"].getfloat("methodMeshNormal") # get normal vector of the grid mesh demVol = geoTrans.getNormalMesh(demVol, num=methodMeshNormal) demVol = DFAtls.getAreaMesh(demVol, methodMeshNormal) # compute volume of release area relVolume = initializeRelVol(cfg, demVol, releaseFile, radius, releaseType="primary") if cfg["GENERAL"]["secRelArea"] == "True": # compute volume of secondary release area secondaryRelVolume = initializeRelVol( cfg, demVol, secondaryReleaseFile, radius, releaseType="secondary" ) totalVolume = relVolume + secondaryRelVolume "release volume is: %.2f m3 and secondary release volume is: %.2f m3 - total volume: %.2f m3 " % (relVolume, secondaryRelVolume, totalVolume) ) relVolume = relVolume + secondaryRelVolume else:"release volume is: %.2f m3" % relVolume) return relVolume
[docs]def initializeRelVol(cfg, demVol, releaseFile, radius, releaseType="primary"): """initialize release line and apply thickness to compute release volume Parameters cfg: dict configuration settings demVol: dct dictionary with info on DEM data, area releaseFile: pathlib path path to release area shp file radius: float include all cells which center is in the release line or close enough releaseType: str name of release area type, e.g. primary, secondary Returns --------- relVolume: float volume of the release area """ if releaseType == "primary": typeTh = "relTh" else: typeTh = "secondaryRelTh" # create release line releaseLine = {} releaseLine = shpConv.readLine(releaseFile, "release1", demVol) # check if release features overlap between features thresholdPointInPoly = cfg["GENERAL"].getfloat("thresholdPointInPoly") geoTrans.prepareArea(releaseLine, demVol, thresholdPointInPoly, combine=True, checkOverlap=True) releaseLine["type"] = "Release" # check if release thickness provided as field or constant value # TODO why only for releaseType primary? if cfg["GENERAL"]["relThFromFile"] == "True" and releaseType == "primary": # read relThField from file relThFilePath = pathlib.Path(cfg["GENERAL"]["avalancheDir"], "Inputs", cfg["INPUT"]["relThFile"]) relThFieldFull = IOf.readRaster(relThFilePath) relThField = relThFieldFull["rasterData"] # create raster from polygon releaseLine = geoTrans.prepareArea(releaseLine, demVol, radius, combine=True, checkOverlap=False) # mask the relThField with raster from polygon releaseLineMask =["rasterData"] == 0.0, releaseLine["rasterData"]) releaseLineField =, relThField) relVolumeField = (, relThField) * demVol["areaRaster"] ) relVolume = np.nansum(relVolumeField) if debugPlot: debPlot.plotVolumeRelease(releaseLine, relThField, releaseLineField) else: relThField = "" # set thickness values on releaseLine releaseLine = setThickness(cfg, releaseLine, typeTh) # when creating raster from polygon apply release thickness releaseLine = geoTrans.prepareArea( releaseLine, demVol, radius, thList=releaseLine["thickness"], combine=True, checkOverlap=False ) # compute release volume using raster and dem area relVolume = np.nansum(releaseLine["rasterData"] * demVol["areaRaster"]) return relVolume