

Fetch input datasets required for simulation, duplicated function because now fetch all available files simulation type set differently in com1DFA compared to com1DFAOrig: TODO: remove duplicate once it is not required anymore


avaDir (str or pathlib object) – path to avalanche directory


inputSimFiles – dictionary with all the input files

  • demFile : str (first element of list), list of full path to DEM .asc file

  • relFiles : list, list of full path to release area scenario .shp files

  • secondaryReleaseFile : str, full path to secondary release area .shp file

  • entFile : str, full path to entrainment area .shp file

  • resFile : str, full path to resistance area .shp file

  • entResInfo : flag dict

flag if Yes entrainment and/or resistance areas found and used for simulation flag True if a Secondary Release file found and activated

Return type
