in2Trans: Transformation Utilities
Working with ASCII files
is a module created to handle raster ASCII files. It
contains different functions to read ASCII files and write the data to a numpy
array, to compare raster file headers or to write a raster to an ASCII file.
A description of the functions is available in
Working with shapefiles
is a module for handling shapefiles.
It contains different functions to read shapefiles and convert them to a python dictionary.
It also provides functions to extract or remove a feature from the shapefile dictionary.
Reading shapefiles
Shapefiles are converted to a python dictionary. The dictionary has information about the number of features as well as the coordinates of the points. The output dictionary SHPdata looks like this:
SHPdata['Name'] = ['nameFeature1', 'nameFeature2', 'nameFeature3']
SHPdata['x'] = [xCoordsssFeature1, xCoordsssFeature2, xCoordsssFeature3]
SHPdata['y'] = [yCoordsssFeature1, yCoordsssFeature2, yCoordsssFeature3]
SHPdata['z'] = [zerosss, zerosss, zerosss]
SHPdata['Start'] = [indexStartFeature1, indexStartFeature2, indexStartFeature3]
SHPdata['Length'] = [lenghtFeature1, lenghtFeature2, lenghtFeature3]
SHPdata['sks'] = 'ProjectionInformation'
A description of the functions is available in in2Trans.shpConversion