com1DFA Algorithm and workflow

Algorithm graph

The following graph describes the Dense Flow Avalanche simulation workflow (the different nodes are clickable and link to the detailed documentation)

digraph "com1DFA algorithm graph" { /* compound=true; */ newrank=true; size="100,100"; rankdir="TB"; graph [compound=true, ranksep=0.25, splines=ortho, fontname="helvetica", fontsize="24" fontcolor="#0E4160"]; /* subgraph [compound=true, ranksep=0.5, splines=ortho, fontname="helvetica", fontsize="32" fontcolor="#0E4160"]; */ node [shape=box style="rounded,filled" fontsize=18 fontcolor="#0E4160" fontname="helvetica" fillcolor="#51ADE5cf" penwidth=1.5]; edge [fontname="helvetica", fontsize="14" penwidth=1.5]; prepareMesh [label="Initialize Mesh", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#initialize-mesh" tooltip="Go to: initialize mesh" target="_top"]; prepareAreas [label= "Initialize release, entrainment and resistance areas", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#initialize-release-entrainment-and-resistance-areas" tooltip="Go to: release... initialization" target="_top"]; initializeParticles [label="Initialize particles", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#initialize-particles" tooltip="Go to: particle initialization" target="_top"]; initializeFields [label="Initialize fields", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#initialize-fields" tooltip="Go to: Initialize fields" target="_top"]; timeLoop [label=< <table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="1"> <tr><td align="left"><b>Time loop </b></td></tr> </table>>, href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#time-scheme-and-iterations" tooltip="Go to: Time scheme" target="_top"]; endTimeLoop [width=0 shape=point label=""]; intermediate0 [width=0 shape=point label=""]; intermediate1 [width=0 shape=point label=""]; intermediate2 [width=0 shape=point label=""]; artifViscosity [label="Artificial viscosity: update particles velocity", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#artificial-viscosity" tooltip="Go to: Artificial viscosity" target="_top"]; computeFrictForce [label="Compute bottom shear force", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#bottom-shear-force" tooltip="Go to: Bottom shear force" target="_top"]; computeGravityForce [label="Compute gravity driving force", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#compute-driving-force" tooltip="Go to: Gravity force" target="_top"]; computeResForce [label="Compute additional resistance forces", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#added-resistance-force" tooltip="Go to: Additional resistance" target="_top"]; updateMassEntr [label="Take entrainment into account, update mass and velocity", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#take-entrainment-into-account" tooltip="Go to: Add entrained mass" target="_top"]; updateMassDetr [label="Take detrainment into account, update mass", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#take-detrainment-into-account" tooltip="Go to: Add detrained mass" target="_top"]; computeSPHForce [label="Compute lateral pressure force using SPH", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#compute-lateral-pressure-forces" title="Go to: Add lateral pressure force" target="_top"]; updateVelocityDrive [label="Update velocity with driving force component", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#update-position" tooltip="Go to: Update Position" target="_top"]; updateVelocityFrict [label="Update velocity with friction force component", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#update-position" tooltip="Go to: Update Position" target="_top"]; updatePartPos [label="Update particle position", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#update-position" tooltip="Go to: Update Position" target="_top"]; correctPartPos [label="Correct position and velocity", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#correction-step" tooltip="Go to: Update Position" target="_top"]; addSecRelease [label="Release potential secondary release areas", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#add-secondary-release-area" tooltip="Go to: Secondary release" target="_top"]; updateFields [label="Update mesh properties", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#update-fields" tooltip="Go to: Update fields" target="_top"]; computePressure [label="Compute pressure", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#update-fields" tooltip="Go to: Compute Pressure" target="_top"]; updateParticlesFlowThickness [label="Update particles flow thickness", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#update-fields" tooltip="Go to: Update fields" target="_top"]; endSimulation [label="End simulation, return and export results", href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#simulation-outputs" tooltip="Go to: Simulation outputs" target="_top"]; initializeFields -> timeLoop [weight=10,ltail=cluster_initialization]; timeLoop -> intermediate0 [weight=10, arrowhead=none]; intermediate0 -> artifViscosity [weight=10,lhead=cluster_Forces]; updateMassDetr -> computeSPHForce [weight=10, ltail=cluster_Forces]; computeSPHForce -> intermediate1 [weight=10, arrowhead=none]; intermediate1 -> updateVelocityDrive [weight=10,lhead=cluster_2]; correctPartPos -> addSecRelease [weight=10,ltail=cluster_2]; addSecRelease -> intermediate2 [weight=10, arrowhead=none]; intermediate2 -> updateFields [weight=10,lhead=cluster_3]; updateParticlesFlowThickness -> endTimeLoop [weight=10,ltail=cluster_3, arrowhead=none]; endTimeLoop -> endSimulation [weight=10]; endTimeLoop -> timeLoop [weight=1, constraint=false]; /* prepareMesh -> timeLoop [weight=10,ltail=cluster_initialization]; timeLoop -> artifViscosity [weight=10,lhead=cluster_Forces]; artifViscosity -> computeSPHForce [weight=10, ltail=cluster_Forces]; computeSPHForce -> updateVelocityDrive [weight=10,lhead=cluster_2]; updateVelocityDrive -> addSecRelease [weight=10,ltail=cluster_2]; addSecRelease -> updateFields [weight=10,lhead=cluster_3]; updateFields -> endTimeLoop [weight=10,ltail=cluster_3, arrowhead=none]; endTimeLoop -> endSimulation [weight=10]; endTimeLoop -> timeLoop [weight=1, constraint=false]; */ subgraph cluster_initialization { /* rank=same; */ style="rounded"; color="#0E4160"; penwidth=3; prepareMesh -> prepareAreas[weight=10]; prepareAreas -> initializeParticles[weight=10]; initializeParticles -> initializeFields[weight=10]; label = "Initialize Simulation"; } subgraph cluster_Forces { /* rank=same; */ style="rounded"; color="#0E4160"; penwidth=3; artifViscosity -> computeFrictForce[weight=10]; computeFrictForce -> computeGravityForce[weight=10]; computeGravityForce -> computeResForce[weight=10]; computeResForce -> updateMassEntr[weight=10]; updateMassEntr -> updateMassDetr[weight=10]; label = "Compute Forces"; } subgraph cluster_2 { /* rank=same; */ updateVelocityDrive -> updateVelocityFrict [weight=10]; updateVelocityFrict -> updatePartPos [weight=10]; updatePartPos -> correctPartPos [weight=10]; href="../com1DFAAlgorithm.html#update-position" tooltip="Go to: Update Position" target="_top" label = "Update position"; style="rounded"; color="#0E4160"; penwidth=3; } subgraph cluster_3 { /* rank=same; */ updateFields -> computePressure [weight=10]; computePressure -> updateParticlesFlowThickness [weight=10]; label = "Update Fields"; style="rounded"; color="#0E4160"; penwidth=3; } }


At the beginning of the simulation, the avalanche folder and the configuration are read (Configuration). Input data is fetched according to the chosen configuration. Mesh, particles and fields are subsequently initialized.

Initialize Mesh

Read DEM ascii file provided in the Input folder (only one DEM ascii file allowed). If the DEM cell size is different from the :meshCellSize specified in the configuration from more than meshCellSizeThreshold [m] the DEM is remeshed (in3Trans.geoTrans.remesh()).

Prepare DEM for simulation, compute surface normals vector field, cell area (Mesh).

This is done in the com1DFA.com1DFA.initializeMesh() function.

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Initialize release, entrainment and resistance areas

Read and check shapefiles according to the configuration (check consistency between what is required by the configuration file and what is available in the Inputs folder). Convert shapefile features (polygons) to rasters (in3Utils.geoTrans.prepareArea()). Check consistency of rasters according to the following rules:

  • multiple release features in the release and secondary release shapefiles are allowed but they should not overlap. If they do, simulation terminates with an error message.

  • secondary release and entrainment rasters should no overlap between each other or with the main release. If they do, the overlapping part is removed. Order of priority is: main release, secondary release, entrainment area.

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Initialize Dam

If the dam option is activated (which is the case in the default configuration dam is True) AND the dam input shapefile is provided, the dam is initialized and will be take into account for in the DFA computation.

Initialize particles

Particles are initialized according to the release raster extracted from the release shapefile and the mass per particle determination method (massPerParticleDeterminationMethod) specified in the configuration. The mass per particle determination method can be chosen between:

  • MPPDIR= mass per particle direct. The massPerPart value is taken from the configuration and is the same for all cells.

  • MPPDH= mass per particles through release thickness. The massPerPart value is computed using the release thickness per particle deltaTh value given in the configuration and the area of the release mesh cell: \(\mbox{massPerPart} = \rho\times \mbox{cellArea} \times\mbox{deltaTh}\).

  • MPPKR= mass per particles through number of particles per kernel radius. There is no massPerPart since it can vary from one cell to another depending on the release thickness of the cells. The aim of this method is to ensure a constant density of particles within the snow domain (nPPK particles per kernel radius is the target value). This is related to the SPH method used for computing the flow thickness gradient. It requires a sufficient number of particles to properly approximate the flow thickness gradient. It makes the most sense to combine the MPPKR particle initialization method with the splitOption 1. In this combination, the particles will be merged or split to keep a constant density of particles per kernel radius (Particle splitting and merging).


If MPPDIR is used, consider adapting the mass per particle value when changing the mesh cell size from the default. This is important because, when using MPPDIR, the total number of particles is independent of the cell size. Hence, reducing the cell size results in less particles per cell, whereas when using MPPDH, the number of particles per cell is fixed (considering the respective release thickness and deltaTh value). Reducing the cell size will increase the total number of particles but not the number of particles per cell. Finally, using the MPPKR method, the number of particles per cell is independent from both cell size and release thickness (nPPK particles per kernel radius is the target value).

The number of particles placed in each release cell nPartPerCell is computed according to the massPerPart or nPPK depending on the massPerParticleDeterminationMethod chosen and the area and/or release thickness of the cell. The number should be an integer meaning that the float is rounded up or down with a probability corresponding to the decimal part (i.e. 5.7 will be rounded to 6 with a probability of 0.7 and 5 with a probability of 0.3). This ensures a better match with the desired massPerPart value.

There are then different ways to place the particles in the cells. This is decided by the initPartDistType parameter in the configuration file:

  • random initialization: The nPartPerCell particles are placed randomly within each release cell. This initialization method allows steps of ones in the choice of nPartPerCell, which enables to avoid large jumps in the mass of the particles or the number of particles per Cell between one release cell to another. Due to the random initialization process, some particles cluster can appear. For operational applications, this does not seem to have a significant impact since the particles will redistribute in the first few time steps due to the pressure gradient. For some specific research applications (e.g. the dam break test), clusters might disturb the results. In this case, applying an initialization reprocessing can help (see iniStep in the configuration file). The random number generator is controlled by a random seed which ensures the possibility to reproduce the DFA results.

  • uniform initialization: The release (square) cell is divided into (square) subcells (as many as nPartPerCell). The particles are placed in the center of each subcell. This method allows only steps of 1, 4, 9, 16, … due to the square subdivision of the cells. This can lead, in some cases, to significant variations in the number of particles per cell or in the mass of the particles. This can then lead to spurious numerical artifacts. The particles are aligned with the grid, which can also lead to some spurious numerical artifacts.

  • semirandom initialization: This method uses the uniform division of the release cell into subcells but the particles are placed randomly within each subcell. This method has the same disadvantage as the uniform method, it allows only steps of 1, 4, 9, 16, … due to the square subdivision of the cells. This can lead, in some cases, to significant variations in the number of particles per cell or in the mass of the particles. But due to the random position of particles in the subcells particles are not aligned anymore with the grid.

  • triangular initialization: The particles are initialized along a regular triangular mesh within the release area. This allows a regular distribution of particles with steps of one (like in the case of random initialization). The disadvantages are that the same triangle size is used within the whole release leading in some cases to significant differences in the mass of the particles. The same comment applies if multiple release features are used. Finally, this method only works for constant release thickness.


    This initialization option is meant to be used when the snow slide option is activated (cohesion activated). The behavior in the standard case (cohesion deactivated) has not been tested.

Particle properties

Other particles properties are also initialized here:
  • x, y, z - coordinates

  • m - mass of particle [kg]

  • h - flow thickness [m]

  • ux, uy, uz - velocity components [ms-1]

  • uAcc - approximation for particle acceleration between each computational time step (simply computed by (velocityMagnitude_t0 - velocityMagnitude_t1) / dt)

  • trajectoryLengthXY - traveled length of particle accumulated over time in xy plane

  • trajectoryLengthXYCor - trajectoryLengthXY corrected with the angle difference between the slope and the normal

  • trajectoryLengthXYZ - traveled length of a particle accumulated over time in xyz

  • travelAngle - travel angle computed using arctan((z0-z)/trajectoryLengthXY)

  • ID, parentID - particle IDs and parentID required if splitting, merging

  • t- corresponding time step

  • dmDet - detrained mass of particle [kg]

For more details, see com1DFA.com1DFA.initializeParticles().

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Initialize fields

All fields (mesh values defined as a raster) are initialized. Flow velocity, pressure, peak flow velocity and peak pressures are set to zero. Flow thickness and peak flow thickness are set according to the initial particle distribution. See com1DFA.com1DFA.initializeFields()

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Time scheme and iterations:

The mass and momentum equations described in Governing Equations for the Dense Flow Avalanche are solved numerically in time using an operator splitting method. The different forces involved are sequentially added to update the velocity (see Adding forces). Position is then updated using a centered Euler scheme. The time step can either be fixed or dynamically computed using the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) condition (in the second case one must set cflTimeStepping to True and set the desired CFL coefficient).

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Compute Forces:

This section gives an overview of the different steps to compute the forces acting on the snow particles. Those forces are separated in several terms: A gravity driving fore (\(F_{drive}\)), a friction force (\(F_{fric}\)), an entrainment force (related to the entrained mass of snow) and an artificial viscous force. Those forces are computed by the two following functions com1DFA.DFAfunctionsCython.computeForceC() and com1DFA.DFAfunctionsCython.computeForceSPHC().

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Artificial viscosity

This viscous friction force is artificially added to the numerical computation. The aim of this force is to stabilize the simulation and prevent neighbor particles to have too significantly different velocities. Physically, this force also makes sense and corresponds to some second order forces that were neglected (lateral shear stress) as explained in Artificial viscosity. This force is controlled by the subgridMixingFactor in the configuration file. Setting this parameter to 0 deactivates the artificial viscosity term. The default value (set to 100) does not have any physical foundation yet. Future work will help defining this parameter in a more physical way. Remember that the artificial viscosity is dependent on the grid cell size.

The velocity is updated immediately after using an explicit/implicit formulation.

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Compute friction forces

The friction force encompasses all forces that oppose the motion of the particles. One of those forces is the bottom shear force. The other is an optional resistance force. Both components are added to the \(F_{fric}\) force term.

This force accounts for the friction between the snow particles and the bottom surface. The expression of the bottom shear stress depends on the friction model chosen but can be written in the following general form, \(\tau^{(b)}_i = f(\sigma^{(b)},\overline{u},\overline{h},\rho_0,t,\mathbf{x})\). The friction model is set by the frictModel value and the corresponding parameters can be set in the configuration file. More details about the different friction models are given in Friction Model. Be aware that the normal stress on the bottom surface \(\sigma^{(b)}\) is composed of the normal component of the gravity force and the curvature acceleration term as shown in Eq.17. It is possible to deactivate the curvature acceleration component of the shear stress by setting the curvAcceleration coefficient to 0 in the configuration file.

An additional friction force called resistance can be added. This force aims to model the added resistance due to the specificity of the terrain on which the avalanche evolves, for example due to forests. To add a resistance force, one must provide a resistance shapefile in the Inputs/RES folder and switch the simType to res, entres or available to take this resistance area into account. Then, during the simulation, all particles flowing through this resistance area will undergo an extra resistance force. More details about how this force is computed and the different parameters chosen are found in Resistance.

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Compute driving force

This force takes into account the gravity force, which is the driving force of the snow motion. The expression of this force is rather simple, it represents the tangential (tangent to the surface) part of the gravity force (the normal part of the force is accounted for in the friction term).

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Take entrainment into account

Snow entrainment can be added to the simulation. One must provide an entrainment shapefile in Inputs/ENT and set the simType to ent, entres or available (see Initialize release, entrainment and resistance areas). In the entrainment areas defined by the entrainment shapefile, particles can entrain mass through erosion or plowing. In both mechanisms, one must account for three things:

  • change of mass due to the entrainment

  • change of momentum - entrained snow was accelerated from rest to the speed of the avalanche

  • loss of momentum due to the plowing or erosion processes -entrained mass bounds with the ground needs to be broken

These three terms are further detailed in Entrainment. The parameters used to compute these processes can be set in the configuration file.

In the numerics, the mass is updated according to the entrainment model in com1DFA.DFAfunctionsCython.computeEntMassAndForce(). The velocity is updated immediately after using an implicit formulation.

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Take detrainment into account

Snow detrainment can be added to the simulation. One must provide a resistance shapefile in Inputs/RES and set the simType to res, entres or available (see Initialize release, entrainment and resistance areas) and set the flag detrainment = True. If the flag detWithoutRes = True, the resistance force (see Compute friction forces) is not computed. If detWithoutRes = False, the detrainment effect and the resistance force are taken into account.

In the areas defined by the resistance shapefile (for example in forests), mass of particles can be detrained causing a change of mass due to the detrainment.

This is further detailed in Detrainment. The parameter used to compute these processes can be set in the configuration file.

In the numerics, the mass is updated according to the detrainment model in com1DFA.DFAfunctionsCython.computeDetMass().

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Compute lateral pressure forces

The lateral pressure forces (\(F_{SPH}\)) are related to the gradient of the flow thickness (Forces discretization). This gradient is computed using a smoothed particle hydrodynamic method (SPH gradient).

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Update position

Driving force, lateral pressure force and friction forces are subsequently used to update the velocity. Then the particle position is updated using a centered Euler scheme. These steps are done in com1DFA.DFAfunctionsCython.updatePositionC().

Take gravity and lateral pressure forces into account

\(F_{drive}\) and \(F_{SPH}\) are summed up and taken into account to update the velocity. This is done via an explicit method.

Take friction into account

\(F_{fric}\) is taken into account to update the velocity. This is done via an implicit method.

Update particle position

The particles position is updated using the new velocity and a centered Euler scheme:

\[\mathbf{x}_\text{new} = \mathbf{x}_\text{old} + dt 0.5 (\mathbf{u}_\text{old} + \mathbf{u}_\text{new})\]

Take dam interaction into account

If the dam option is activated, the interaction between the particles and the dam is taken into account. During the computation of the DFA simulation, at each time step, if a particle enters one of the dam cells, the dam algorithm is called. The first step is to check if the particle crosses the dam during the time step. If not, the particle position and velocity are updated as if there was no dam. If yes, the intersection point between the particle trajectory and the dam line is computed. The dam properties are interpolated at the intersection point (dam tangent and normal vectors). The wall tangent and normal vectors are updated taking the flow thickness into account. The particle position and velocity are updated taking the dam into account.

Let \(\mathbf{x_\text{foot}}\) and \(\mathbf{x_\text{new}}\) be the intersection point with the dam and the new particle position vector if there was no dam. \(\mathbf{u_\text{new}}\) is the new particle velocity with no dam. First the position \(\mathbf{x_\text{b}}\) after elastic bouncing of the particle on the dam is computed:

\[\mathbf{x_\text{b}} = \mathbf{x_\text{new}} - 2 \left\{\mathbf{n_w^\text{filled}} \cdot (\mathbf{x_\text{new}} - \mathbf{x_\text{foot}})\right\}\mathbf{n_w^\text{filled}}\]

Which gives the direction \(\mathbf{e_\text{b}}\):

\[\mathbf{e_\text{b}} = \mathbf{x_\text{b}} - \mathbf{x_\text{foot}}\]

Next, the restitution coefficient is accounted for which leads to the new velocity:

\[\mathbf{x^\star_\text{new}} = \mathbf{x_\text{foot}} - \alpha_\text{rest} \mathbf{e_\text{b}} = \alpha_\text{rest} \mathbf{x_\text{b}} + (1-\alpha_\text{rest}) \mathbf{x_\text{foot}})\]

The velocity vector \(\mathbf{u_\text{new}^\star}\) after the dam interaction reads:

\[\mathbf{u^\star_\text{new}} = (\mathbf{u_\text{new}} - 2 \left\{\mathbf{n_w^\text{filled}} \cdot \mathbf{u_\text{new}}\right\}\mathbf{n_w^\text{filled}})\alpha_\text{rest}\]

Finally, the new velocity and position are re-projected onto the topography.

Correction step:

The particles z coordinate it readjusted so that the particles lie on the surface of the slope. There are two reasons why the particles might not lie on the surface anymore after updating their position according to the computed velocities:

  • 1) because of the inaccuracy related to the time and space discretization. This can lead to a particle position being slightly above or under the surface. We want to correct this inaccuracy and therefore reproject the particle on the surface using its x and y coordinates.

  • 2) because of the curvature of the slope and the particle velocity, particles can become detached from the ground in - in this case, the particle is located above the surface. In the current state, the com1DFA kernel does not allow this. If a particle becomes detached, the particle is also reprojected onto the surface using its x and y coordinates.

Similarly, the particles velocity is corrected in order to ensure that it lies in the tangent plane to the surface (the velocity vector magnitude is preserved, only the direction is changed).

The way the particles position is reprojected onto the surface does not allow both the velocity magnitude and the particle displacement to match perfectly. This is amplified by highly curved topographies or abrupt changes in slope.

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Add secondary release area

If a secondary release area is provided, the flow thickness field from the previous time step is used to release a potential secondary release area. To do so, the flow thickness field is compared to the secondary release area rasters. If they overlap, the secondary release area is triggered and the secondary release particles are initialized and added to the flowing particles.

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Update fields

This steps are done in com1DFA.DFAfunctionsCython.updateFieldsC().

The mesh values are updated with the particles properties using particles to mesh interpolation methods. This is used to compute flow thickness, flow velocity and pressure fields from the particle properties.

Compute pressure

Pressure is computed following:

\[p = \mathbf{\rho} \mathbf{u}²,\]

where \(\rho\) is the snow density and \(\mathbf{u}\) is the flow velocity. This is done in com1DFA.DFAfunctionsCython.computePressure().

Update particles flow thickness

The mesh flow thickness is finally used to update the particle flow thickness value using mesh to particle interpolation methods.

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Simulation outputs

At the end of the simulation, the result fields are exported to .asc files in com1DFA.com1DFA.exportFields() and the information gathered in an info dictionary is used to create a markdown report (log2Report.generateReport.writeReport()). Further details on the available outputs can be found in Output.

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