Source code for out3Plot.outCom1DFA

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, PillowWriter

# Local imports
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
import avaframe.com1DFA.DFAtools as DFAtls
import avaframe.in3Utils.geoTrans as geoTrans
import avaframe.out3Plot.plotUtils as pU
import avaframe.in3Utils.fileHandlerUtils as fU

cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
cfgFlags = cfgMain['FLAGS']

[docs]def plotTrackParticle(outDirData, particlesList, trackedPartProp, cfg, dem): """ Plot time series of tracked partcles Parameters ---------- outDirData: str path to output directory particlesList: list list or particles dictionaries trackedPartProp: dict dictionary with time series of the wanted properties for tracked particles cfg : dict configuration read from ini file dem: dict dem dictionary with normal information """ cfgTrackPart = cfg['TRACKPARTICLES'] radius = cfgTrackPart.getfloat('radius') centerList = cfgTrackPart['centerTrackPartPoint'] centerList = centerList.split('|') center = {'x': np.array([float(centerList[0])]), 'y': np.array([float(centerList[1])])} center, _ = geoTrans.projectOnRaster(dem, center, interp='bilinear') time = trackedPartProp['time'] # do some ploting fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW*3, pU.figH*2)) fig.suptitle('Tracked particles') ax1 = plt.subplot(221) ax1 = addDem2Plot(ax1, dem, what='slope') circle1 = plt.Circle((center['x'], center['y']), radius, color='r') ax1.plot(trackedPartProp['x'], trackedPartProp['y']) ax1.add_patch(circle1) ax1.set_xlabel('x [m]') ax1.set_ylabel('y [m]') ax1.set_title('Trajectory') ax2 = plt.subplot(222) ax2.plot(time, trackedPartProp['m']) ax2.set_xlabel('t [s]') ax2.set_ylabel('m [kg]') ax2.set_title('Mass') ax3 = plt.subplot(223) velocity = DFAtls.norm(trackedPartProp['ux'], trackedPartProp['uy'], trackedPartProp['uz']) ax3.plot(time, velocity) ax3.set_xlabel('t [s]') ax3.set_ylabel('v [m/s]') ax3.set_title('Velocity') ax4 = plt.subplot(224) ax4.plot(time, trackedPartProp['h']) ax4.set_xlabel('t [s]') ax4.set_ylabel('h [m]') ax4.set_title('Flow thickness') pathDict = {} pathDict['pathResult'] = outDirData outFileName = 'trackedParticles' pU.saveAndOrPlot(pathDict, outFileName, fig) if cfgFlags.getboolean('showPlot'): fig2 = plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(111) for count in range(len(particlesList)): particles = particlesList[count] ax1 = updateTrackPart(particles, ax1, dem) ax1 = addDem2Plot(ax1, dem, what='slope') plt.pause(0.1)
# ani = FuncAnimation(fig2, update, round(len(Particles)), # fargs=(Particles, xllc, yllc, ax1, XX, YY, dem)) # # # # writer = PillowWriter(fps=4) # #"MalSecRel.gif", writer=writer) #"testTrackAlr1.gif", writer=writer)
[docs]def updateTrackPart(particles, ax, dem): """Update axes with particles (tracked particles are highlighted in red) """ header = dem['header'] xllc = header['xllcenter'] yllc = header['yllcenter'] X = particles['x'] + xllc Y = particles['y'] + yllc ax.clear() ax.set_title('t=%.2f s' % particles['t']) variable = particles['trackedParticles'] # set range and steps of colormap cc = np.where(variable == 1, True, False) ax.scatter(X, Y, c='b', cmap=None, marker='.') ax.scatter(X[cc], Y[cc], c='r', cmap=None, marker='.', s=5) return ax
[docs]def addParticles2Plot(particles, ax, dem, whatS='m', whatC='h', colBarResType=''): """Update axes with particles Parameters ---------- particles: dict particles dictionary ax: matplotlib ax object dem: dict dem dictionary with normal information whatS: str which particle property should be used for the markersize whatC: str which particle property should be used for the marker color """ header = dem['header'] xllc = header['xllcenter'] yllc = header['yllcenter'] X = particles['x'] + xllc Y = particles['y'] + yllc cmap = pU.cmapT if colBarResType != '': unit = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % colBarResType] else: unit = '' variableC = particles[whatC] variableS = particles[whatS] minMax = np.nanmax(variableS)-np.nanmin(variableS) if minMax>0: variableS = ((variableS-np.nanmin(variableS))/(np.nanmax(variableS)-np.nanmin(variableS)) + 1)* else: variableS = cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap(cmap, np.amin(variableC), np.amax(variableC), continuous=pU.contCmap) # set range and steps of colormap sc = ax.scatter(X, Y, c=variableC, s=variableS, cmap=cmap, marker='.', zorder=15) cb = pU.addColorBar(sc, ax, ticks, unit) return ax, cb
[docs]def addDem2Plot(ax, dem, what='slope', extent=''): """ Add dem to the background of a plot Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib ax object dem: dict dem dictionary with normal information what: str what information about the dem will be plotted? slope: use the dem slope (computed from the normals) to color the plot z : use the elevation to color the plot """ header = dem['header'] ncols = header['ncols'] nrows = header['nrows'] xllc = header['xllcenter'] yllc = header['yllcenter'] csz = header['cellsize'] xArray = np.linspace(xllc, xllc+(ncols-1)*csz, ncols) yArray = np.linspace(yllc, yllc+(nrows-1)*csz, nrows) cmap = pU.cmapGreys cmap.set_bad(color='white') if what == 'slope': value = dem['Nz'] / DFAtls.norm(dem['Nx'], dem['Ny'], dem['Nz']) elif what == 'z': value = dem['rasterData'] elif what == 'hillshade': ls = pU.LightSource(azdeg=pU.azimuthDegree, altdeg=pU.elevationDegree) value = dem['rasterData'] value = ls.hillshade(value, vert_exag=pU.vertExag, dx=value.shape[1], dy=value.shape[0]) else: value = dem['rasterData'] if extent == '': extent = [xArray.min(), xArray.max(), yArray.min(), yArray.max()] ref0, im = pU.NonUnifIm(ax, xArray, yArray, value, 'x [m]', 'y [m]', # extent=[2400, 2700, YY.min(), YY.max()], extent=extent, cmap=cmap, norm=None, zorder=0) CS = ax.contour(xArray, yArray, dem['rasterData'], levels=pU.hillshadeContLevs, colors='k', linewidths=0.5, zorder=3) # add labels ax.clabel(CS, CS.levels, inline=True, fontsize=8, zorder=3) # add info box with indication of label meaning pU.putInfoBox(ax, '- elevation [m]', location='upperLeft', color='gray', hAlignment='left', alphaF=1.0) return ax
[docs]def plotParticles(particlesList, cfg, dem): """ Plot particles on dem Parameters ---------- particlesList: list list or particles dictionaries cfg : dict configuration read from ini file dem: dict dem dictionary with normal information """ if cfgFlags.getboolean('showPlot'): for count in range(len(particlesList)): fig2 = plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(111) ax1.clear() particles = particlesList[count] ax1.set_title('t=%.2f s' % particles['t']) ax1 = addParticles2Plot(particles, ax1, dem, whatS='h', whatC='m') ax1 = addDem2Plot(ax1, dem, what='slope')
[docs]def addResult2Plot(ax, header, rasterData, resType, colorbar=True, contour=False): """ Add raster data to a plot Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib ax object header: dict raster header dictionary rasterData: 2D numpy array data to plot resType: str what kinf of result is it? ppr, pft... colorbar: bool If true add the colorbar """ xllc = header['xllcenter'] yllc = header['yllcenter'] csz = header['cellsize'] rowsMin, rowsMax, colsMin, colsMax, rasterData = pU.constrainPlotsToData(rasterData, csz, extentOption=False, constrainedData=True) xArray = np.linspace(xllc+colsMin*csz, xllc+colsMax*csz, colsMax-colsMin+1) yArray = np.linspace(yllc+rowsMin*csz, yllc+rowsMax*csz, rowsMax-rowsMin+1) extent = [xArray.min(), xArray.max(), yArray.min(), yArray.max()] unit = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % resType] contourLevels = pU.cfgPlotUtils['contourLevels%s' % resType] contourLevels = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(contourLevels) cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap(pU.colorMaps[resType], np.amin(rasterData), np.amax(rasterData), continuous=pU.contCmap) cmap.set_bad(alpha=0) rasterData = == 0, rasterData) ref0, im = pU.NonUnifIm(ax, xArray, yArray, rasterData, 'x [m]', 'y [m]', extent=extent, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, zorder=9) if colorbar: cb = pU.addColorBar(im, ax, ticks, unit) else: cb = None if contour: CS = ax.contour(xArray, yArray, rasterData, levels=contourLevels, colors='k') ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=8, zorder=10) else: CS = None return ax, extent, cb, CS