Source code for out3Plot.outAna1Plots

# imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pds
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import logging
import copy

# local imports
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
import avaframe.com1DFA.DFAtools as DFAtls
import avaframe.com1DFA.com1DFA as com1DFA
from avaframe.in1Data import getInput as gI
import avaframe.out3Plot.plotUtils as pU
import avaframe.out3Plot.outCom1DFA as outCom1DFA

# create local logger
# change log level in calling module to DEBUG to see log messages
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Simi Sol plots
[docs]def saveSimiSolProfile(cfgMain, cfgSimi, fields, limits, simiDict, tSave, header, outDirTest, simHash): """Generate plots of the comparison of DFA solution and simiSol Parameters ----------- cfgMain: configparser main cfg cfgSimi: configparser simiSol cfg fieldsList: list list of fields Dictionaries solSimi: dict dictionary with similiarty solution tSave: float time coresponding to fields header: dict field header dictionary outDirTest: str or pathlib output directory simHash: str hash of the curent simulation """ # get particle parameters xCenter = simiDict["xCenter"] # get info on DEM extent ncols = header["ncols"] nrows = header["nrows"] xllc = header["xllcenter"] yllc = header["yllcenter"] csz = header["cellsize"] xArrayFields = np.linspace(xllc, xllc + (ncols - 1) * csz, ncols) yArrayFields = np.linspace(yllc, yllc + (nrows - 1) * csz, nrows) comSol = { "xArrayFields": xArrayFields, "yArrayFields": yArrayFields, "fields": fields, } comSol["outDirTest"] = outDirTest comSol["tSave"] = tSave # profile in flow direction fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(4 * pU.figW, 2 * pU.figH)) fig1.suptitle( "Similarty solution test, t = %.2f s (simulation %s)" % (tSave, simHash), fontsize=20, ) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 0)) comSol["indFinal"] = int(nrows * 0.5) - 1 ax1, ax11 = _plotVariable(ax1, cfgSimi, simiDict, comSol, limits, "xaxis") ax1.set_title("Profile in flow direction (y = 0 m)") # profile across flow direction comSol["indFinal"] = int(np.round((xCenter - xllc) / csz) + 1) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 1)) ax2, ax22 = _plotVariable(ax2, cfgSimi, simiDict, comSol, limits, "yaxis") ax2.set_title("Profile across flow direction (x = %.2f m)" % xCenter) pU.saveAndOrPlot( {"pathResult": outDirTest / "pics"}, "compareProfileSimiSol%s_%.2f." % (simHash, tSave), fig1, )
[docs]def makeContourSimiPlot(avalancheDir, simHash, fieldFT, limits, simiDict, fieldHeader, tSave, outDirTest): """ """ fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharex=True, figsize=(pU.figW * 4, pU.figH * 2)) # make flow momentum comparison plot ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 1), (0, 0)) ax1 = addContour2Plot(ax1, fieldFT, simiDict, fieldHeader, limits, nLevels=16) ax1.set_title(pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFT"] + " contours at t = %.2f s" % tSave) pU.putAvaNameOnPlot(ax1, avalancheDir) pU.saveAndOrPlot( {"pathResult": outDirTest / "pics"}, "compareContourSimiSol%s_%.2f." % (simHash, tSave), fig, ) return fig
def _plotVariable(ax1, cfg, simiDict, comSol, limits, axis, particles=False): """Plot flow thickness and velocity for similarity solution and simulation results in axis direction Parameters ----------- ax1: matplotlib axis object cfg: configParser similarity solution cfg simiDict: dict dictionary with similiarty solution for h, u, and xCenter at required time step comSol: dict dictionary of simulation results and info (particles, fields, indices, time step) axis: str xaxis or yaxis """ # com1DFA results fields = comSol["fields"] xArrayFields = comSol["xArrayFields"] yArrayFields = comSol["yArrayFields"] # particle properties if particles: x = comSol["x"] y = comSol["y"] h = comSol["h"] v = comSol["v"] indFinal = comSol["indFinal"] # similarity solution results vSimi = simiDict["vSimi"] vxSimi = simiDict["vxSimi"] vySimi = simiDict["vySimi"] vzSimi = simiDict["vzSimi"] hSimi = simiDict["hSimi"] xCenter = simiDict["xCenter"] ax2 = ax1.twinx() # get limits widthX = limits["widthX"] widthY = limits["widthY"] maxFT = limits["maxFT"] minMz = limits["minMz"] maxFM = limits["maxFM"] if axis == "xaxis": ax1.axvline(x=xCenter, linestyle=":", color="b") FT = fields["FT"][indFinal, :] hSimi = hSimi[indFinal, :] # DFA simulation l1 = ax1.plot(xArrayFields, FT, "k", label="h") l2 = ax2.plot( xArrayFields, FT * fields["FV"][indFinal, :], "g", label=getLabel("", "", dir="", vert=True), ) l3 = ax2.plot( xArrayFields, FT * fields["Vx"][indFinal, :], "m", label=getLabel("", "", dir="x"), ) l4 = ax2.plot( xArrayFields, FT * fields["Vy"][indFinal, :], "b", label=getLabel("", "", dir="y"), ) l5 = ax2.plot( xArrayFields, FT * fields["Vz"][indFinal, :], "c", label=getLabel("", "", dir="z"), ) if particles: ax1.plot(x, h, ".k", linestyle="None", label="part flow thickness") ax2.plot( x, h * v, ".g", linestyle="None", label=getLabel("part", "", dir="", vert=True), ) # similarity solution ax1.plot(xArrayFields, hSimi, "--k") ax2.plot(xArrayFields, hSimi * vSimi[indFinal, :], "--g") ax2.plot(xArrayFields, hSimi * vxSimi[indFinal, :], "--m") ax2.plot(xArrayFields, hSimi * vySimi[indFinal, :], "--b") ax2.plot(xArrayFields, hSimi * vzSimi[indFinal, :], "--c") ax1.set_xlabel("x in [m]") ax1.text(xCenter + 5, -0.05, "x = %.2f m" % (xCenter), color="b") ax1.set_xlim([xCenter - widthX, xCenter + widthX]) ax1.set_ylim([-0.05, maxFT]) ax2.set_ylim([minMz, maxFM]) # mere legends of both axes lns = l1 + l2 + l3 + l4 + l5 labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns] ax1.legend(lns, labs, loc="upper right") elif axis == "yaxis": FT = fields["FT"][:, indFinal] hSimi = hSimi[:, indFinal] # DFA simulation l1 = ax1.plot(yArrayFields, FT, "k") l2 = ax2.plot(yArrayFields, FT * fields["FV"][:, indFinal], "g") l3 = ax2.plot(yArrayFields, FT * fields["Vx"][:, indFinal], "m") l4 = ax2.plot(yArrayFields, FT * fields["Vy"][:, indFinal], "b") l5 = ax2.plot(yArrayFields, FT * fields["Vz"][:, indFinal], "c") if particles: ax1.plot(y, h, ".k", linestyle="None") ax2.plot(y, h * v, ".g", linestyle="None") # similarity solution ax1.plot(yArrayFields, hSimi, "--k") ax2.plot(yArrayFields, hSimi * vSimi[:, indFinal], "--g") ax2.plot(yArrayFields, hSimi * vxSimi[:, indFinal], "--m") ax2.plot(yArrayFields, hSimi * vySimi[:, indFinal], "--b") ax2.plot(yArrayFields, hSimi * vzSimi[:, indFinal], "--c") ax1.set_xlabel("y in [m]") ax1.set_xlim([-widthY, widthY]) ax1.set_ylim([-0.05, maxFT]) ax2.set_ylim([minMz, maxFM]) ax1.set_ylabel(pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFT"] + " [" + pU.cfgPlotUtils["unitFT"] + "]") ax1.grid(color="grey", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.5) color = "tab:green" ax2.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor=color) ax2.grid(color="tab:green", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.5) ax2.set_ylabel(getLabel("", "", dir="") + " [" + pU.cfgPlotUtils["unitFTV"] + "]", color=color) props = dict(boxstyle="round", alpha=0) text = "analytical solution (dashed line) \n numerical solution (full line)" ax1.text(0.05, 0.95, text, transform=ax1.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props) return ax1, ax2
[docs]def plotSimiSolSummary( avalancheDir, timeList, fieldsList, fieldHeader, simiDict, hErrorL2Array, hErrorLMaxArray, vhErrorL2Array, vhErrorLMaxArray, outDirTest, simDFrow, simHash, cfgSimi, ): """Plot sumary figure of the similarity solution test Parameters ----------- avalancheDir: pathlib path path to avalanche directory timeList: list list of time steps fieldsList: list list of fields dictionaries timeList: list list of time steps fieldHeader: dict header dictionary with info about the extend and cell size simiDict: dict analytic solution dictionary fieldHeader: dict header dictionary with info about the extend and cell size hErrorL2Array: numpy array L2 error on flow thickness for saved time steps hErrorLMaxArray: numpy array LMax error on flow thickness for saved time steps vErrorL2Array: numpy array L2 error on flow velocity for saved time steps vErrorLMaxArray: numpy array LMax error on flow velocity for saved time steps outDirTest: pathlib path path output directory (where to save the figures) simDFrow: dataFrame data frame row corresponding to simHash simHash: str com1DFA simulation id cfgSimi: configParser object SIMISOL configuration """ paramInfo = cfgSimi["paramInfo"].split("|") tSave = cfgSimi.getfloat("tSave") relativ = cfgSimi.getboolean("relativError") indT = min(np.searchsorted(timeList, tSave), min(len(timeList) - 1, len(fieldsList) - 1)) tSave = timeList[indT] xCenter = simiDict["xCenter"] # get plots limits limits = getPlotLimits(cfgSimi, [fieldsList[indT]], fieldHeader) # get info on DEM extent ncols = fieldHeader["ncols"] nrows = fieldHeader["nrows"] xllc = fieldHeader["xllcenter"] yllc = fieldHeader["yllcenter"] csz = fieldHeader["cellsize"] xArrayFields = np.linspace(xllc, xllc + (ncols - 1) * csz, ncols) yArrayFields = np.linspace(yllc, yllc + (nrows - 1) * csz, nrows) comSol = { "xArrayFields": xArrayFields, "yArrayFields": yArrayFields, "fields": fieldsList[indT], } comSol["outDirTest"] = outDirTest comSol["tSave"] = tSave # create figures and plots fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW * 4, pU.figH * 2)) fig.suptitle( "Similarty solution test, t = %.2f s (simulation %s)" % (tSave, simHash), fontsize=30, ) # make comparison profile plot in flow direction ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 6), (0, 0), colspan=3) comSol["indFinal"] = int(nrows * 0.5) - 1 ax1, ax11 = _plotVariable(ax1, cfgSimi, simiDict, comSol, limits, "xaxis") ax1.set_title("Profile in flow direction (y = 0 m)") # make flow momentum comparison plot ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 6), (0, 3), colspan=3) comSol["indFinal"] = int(np.round((xCenter - xllc) / csz) + 1) ax2, ax22 = _plotVariable(ax2, cfgSimi, simiDict, comSol, limits, "yaxis") ax2.set_title("Profile across flow direction (x = %.2f m)" % xCenter) # make bird view plot ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 6), (1, 0), colspan=2) ax3 = addContour2Plot(ax3, fieldsList[indT]["FT"], simiDict, fieldHeader, limits) ax3.set_title(pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFT"] + " contours") pU.putAvaNameOnPlot(ax3, avalancheDir) # make error plot ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 6), (1, 2), colspan=2) title = "\n between analytical solution and com1DFA" title = getTitleError(relativ, title) ax4.set_title(title) ax4, ax5 = addErrorTime( ax4, timeList, hErrorL2Array, hErrorLMaxArray, vhErrorL2Array, vhErrorLMaxArray, relativ, tSave, ) ax7 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 6), (1, 4), colspan=2) ax7.axis("off") ax7.invert_yaxis() text = "" for param in paramInfo: text = text + (param + " = %.2f" % simDFrow[param]) + "\n" ax7.text( 0.5, 0.5, text, transform=ax7.transAxes, ha="center", va="center", fontsize=pU.fs, ) outFileName = "_".join([simHash, "SimiSolTest"]) pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDirTest / "pics"}, outFileName, fig)
# Dam Break plots def _plotVariableDamBreak(var, x, xMiddle, dtInd, dtStep, label): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW, pU.figH)) plt.title("Dry-Bed") plt.plot(x, var[:, 0], "k--", label="t = 0s") plt.plot(x, var[:, dtInd], label="t = %.1fs" % dtStep) plt.xlabel("x-coordinate [m]") plt.ylabel(label) plt.legend() return fig
[docs]def plotDamAnaResults(t, x, xMiddle, h, u, tSave, cfg, outDirTest): """Create plots of the analytical solution for the given settings, including an animation """ # index of time steps dtInd = np.searchsorted(t, tSave) name = pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFT"] + "[" + pU.cfgPlotUtils["unitFT"] + "]" fig = _plotVariableDamBreak(h, x, xMiddle, dtInd, tSave, name) outputName = "damBreakFlowThickness" pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDirTest / "pics"}, outputName, fig) name = pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFV"] + "[" + pU.cfgPlotUtils["unitFV"] + "]" fig = _plotVariableDamBreak(u, x, xMiddle, dtInd, tSave, name) outputName = "damBreakFlowVelocity" pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDirTest / "pics"}, outputName, fig)
[docs]def plotComparisonDam(cfg, simHash, fields0, fieldsT, header, solDam, tSave, limits, outDirTest): """Generate plots that compare the simulation results to the analytical solution Parameters ----------- cfgC: configParser object configuration setting for avalanche simulation including DAMBREAK section simHash: str simulation hash fields0: dict initial time step field dictionary fieldsT: dict tSave field dictionary header: dict fields header dictionary solDam: dict analytic solution dictionary: tAna: 1D numpy array time array h0: float release thickness hAna: 2D numpy array Flow thickness (rows for x and columns for time) uAna: 2D numpy array flow velocity (rows for x and columns for time) xAna: 2D numpy array extent of domain in the horizontal plane coordinate system (rows for x and columns for time) xMidAna: 1D numpy array middle of the material in x dir in the horizontal plane coordinate system (used to compute the error) tSave: float time step of analaysis limits: dict y extend for profile plots outDirTest: pathli path path to output directory """ phi = cfg.getfloat("phi") phiRad = np.radians(phi) # Load data dataIniFT = fields0["FT"] dataAnaFT = fieldsT["FT"] dataIniVx = fields0["Vx"] dataIniVy = fields0["Vy"] dataIniVz = fields0["Vz"] dataAnaVx = fieldsT["Vx"] dataAnaVy = fieldsT["Vy"] dataAnaVz = fieldsT["Vz"] if cfg.getboolean("projectVelocity"): # project velocity on inclined plane dataIniV = DFAtls.scalProd(dataIniVx, dataIniVy, dataIniVz, np.cos(phiRad), 0, -np.sin(phiRad)) dataAnaV = DFAtls.scalProd(dataAnaVx, dataAnaVy, dataAnaVz, np.cos(phiRad), 0, -np.sin(phiRad)) else: dataIniV = DFAtls.norm(dataIniVx, dataIniVy, dataIniVz) dataAnaV = DFAtls.norm(dataAnaVx, dataAnaVy, dataAnaVz) # Location of Profiles cellSize = header["cellsize"] ny = dataAnaFT.shape[0] nx = dataAnaFT.shape[1] xllc = header["xllcenter"] nx_loc = int(ny * 0.5) # set x Vector x = np.arange(xllc, xllc + nx * cellSize, cellSize) y = np.zeros(len(x)) y[x < 0] = solDam["h0"] y[x >= 0] = 0.0 y[x < -120] = 0.0 # setup index for time of analyitcal solution indTime = np.searchsorted(solDam["tAna"], tSave) fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharex=True, figsize=(pU.figW * 4, pU.figH * 2)) ax1 = _plotDamProfile( ax1, x, y, nx_loc, cfg, dataIniFT, dataAnaFT, solDam["xAna"], solDam["xMidAna"], solDam["hAna"], indTime, limits["maxFT"], pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFT"], pU.cfgPlotUtils["unitFT"], ) ax1.set_title(pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFT"] + " profile") y = np.zeros(len(x)) ax2 = _plotDamProfile( ax2, x, y, nx_loc, cfg, dataIniV, dataAnaV, solDam["xAna"], solDam["xMidAna"], solDam["uAna"], indTime, limits["maxFV"], pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFV"], pU.cfgPlotUtils["unitFV"], ) ax2.set_title(pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFV"] + " profile") ax2.legend(loc="upper left") y = np.zeros(len(x)) ax3 = _plotDamProfile( ax3, x, y, nx_loc, cfg, dataIniFT * dataIniV, dataAnaFT * dataAnaV, solDam["xAna"], solDam["xMidAna"], solDam["hAna"] * solDam["uAna"], indTime, limits["maxFM"], pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFTV"], pU.cfgPlotUtils["unitFTV"], ) ax3.set_title(getLabel(pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFTV"] + " profile", "", dir="", vert=True)) fig.suptitle("Simulation %s, t = %.2f s" % (simHash, tSave), fontsize=30) outputName = "compareDamBreak%s_%.02f" % (simHash, tSave) pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDirTest / "pics"}, outputName, fig) return ax1, ax2, ax3
def _plotDamProfile(ax, x, y, nx_loc, cfg, data1, data2, xAna, xMidAna, yAna, indT, yMax, label, unit): """generate plots""" scaleCoef = cfg.getfloat("scaleCoef") ax.plot(x, y, "grey", linestyle="--") ax.plot(x, data1[nx_loc, :], "k--", label="initial") ax.plot(x, data2[nx_loc, :], "b", label="numerical") ax.plot(xAna, yAna[:, indT], "r-", label="analytical") ax.set_xlabel("x [m]") ax.set_ylabel("%s [%s]" % (label, unit)) ax.set_xlim([cfg.getfloat("xStart"), cfg.getfloat("xEnd")]) ax.set_ylim([-0.05, max(yMax, scaleCoef * max(yAna[:, indT]))]) # ax.axvline(xMidAna[indT], color='grey', linestyle='--') ax.axvspan( xMidAna[indT], cfg.getfloat("xEnd"), color="grey", alpha=0.3, lw=0, label="error computation \n domain", ) return ax
[docs]def plotDamBreakSummary( avalancheDir, timeList, fieldsList, fieldHeader, solDam, hErrorL2Array, hErrorLMaxArray, vhErrorL2Array, vhErrorLMaxArray, outDirTest, simDFrow, simHash, cfg, ): """Plot sumary figure of the damnreak test Parameters ----------- avalancheDir: pathlib path path to avalanche directory timeList: list list of time steps fieldsList: list list of fields dictionaries timeList: list list of time steps fieldHeader: dict header dictionary with info about the extend and cell size solDam: dict analytic solution dictionary fieldHeader: dict header dictionary with info about the extend and cell size hErrorL2Array: numpy array L2 error on flow thickness for saved time steps hErrorLMaxArray: numpy array LMax error on flow thickness for saved time steps vErrorL2Array: numpy array L2 error on flow velocity for saved time steps vErrorLMaxArray: numpy array LMax error on flow velocity for saved time steps outDirTest: pathlib path path output directory (where to save the figures) simDFrow: dataFrame data frame row corresponding to simHash simHash: str com1DFA simulation id cfg: configParser object configuration setting for avalanche simulation including DAMBREAK section """ # Initialise DEM demFile = gI.getDEMPath(avalancheDir) demOri = IOf.readRaster(demFile, noDataToNan=True) dem = com1DFA.initializeMesh(cfg["GENERAL"], demOri, cfg["GENERAL"].getint("methodMeshNormal")) dem["header"]["xllcenter"] = dem["originalHeader"]["xllcenter"] dem["header"]["yllcenter"] = dem["originalHeader"]["yllcenter"] cfgDam = cfg["DAMBREAK"] phi = cfgDam.getfloat("phi") phiRad = np.radians(phi) tSave = cfgDam.getfloat("tSave") relativ = cfgDam.getboolean("relativError") paramInfo = cfgDam["paramInfo"].split("|") indT = min(np.searchsorted(timeList, tSave), min(len(timeList) - 1, len(fieldsList) - 1)) tSave = timeList[indT] # Load data fields0 = fieldsList[0] fieldsT = fieldsList[indT] dataIniFT = fields0["FT"] dataFT = fieldsT["FT"] dataIniVx = fields0["Vx"] dataIniVy = fields0["Vy"] dataIniVz = fields0["Vz"] dataVx = fieldsT["Vx"] dataVy = fieldsT["Vy"] dataVz = fieldsT["Vz"] if cfgDam.getboolean("projectVelocity"): # project velocity on inclined plane dataIniV = DFAtls.scalProd(dataIniVx, dataIniVy, dataIniVz, np.cos(phiRad), 0, -np.sin(phiRad)) dataV = DFAtls.scalProd(dataVx, dataVy, dataVz, np.cos(phiRad), 0, -np.sin(phiRad)) else: dataIniV = DFAtls.norm(dataIniVx, dataIniVy, dataIniVz) dataV = DFAtls.norm(dataVx, dataVy, dataVz) # Location of Profiles cellSize = fieldHeader["cellsize"] ny = dataFT.shape[0] nx = dataFT.shape[1] xllc = fieldHeader["xllcenter"] yllc = fieldHeader["yllcenter"] nx_loc = int(ny * 0.5) xEnd = cfgDam.getfloat("xEnd") yStart = cfgDam.getfloat("yStart") yEnd = cfgDam.getfloat("yEnd") # set x Vector x = np.arange(xllc, xllc + nx * cellSize, cellSize) y = np.zeros(len(x)) y[x < 0] = solDam["h0"] y[x >= 0] = 0.0 y[x < -120] = 0.0 # setup index for time of analyitcal solution indTime = np.searchsorted(solDam["tAna"], tSave) # get plots limits limits = getPlotLimits(cfgDam, fieldsList[:indT], fieldHeader) # create figures and plots fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW * 4, pU.figH * 2)) fig.suptitle("DamBreak test, t = %.2f s (simulation %s)" % (tSave, simHash), fontsize=30) # make flow thickness comparison plot ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 6), (0, 0), colspan=2) ax1 = _plotDamProfile( ax1, x, y, nx_loc, cfgDam, dataIniFT, dataFT, solDam["xAna"], solDam["xMidAna"], solDam["hAna"], indTime, limits["maxFT"], pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFT"], pU.cfgPlotUtils["unitFT"], ) ax1.set_title(pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFT"] + " profile") # make flow momentum comparison plot ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 6), (0, 4), colspan=2) y = y * 0 ax2 = _plotDamProfile( ax2, x, y, nx_loc, cfgDam, dataIniFT * dataIniV, dataFT * dataV, solDam["xAna"], solDam["xMidAna"], solDam["hAna"] * solDam["uAna"], indTime, limits["maxFM"], pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFTV"], pU.cfgPlotUtils["unitFTV"], ) ax2.set_title(getLabel(pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFTV"] + " profile", "", dir="", vert=True)) # make flow velocity comparison plot ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 6), (0, 2), colspan=2) ax3 = _plotDamProfile( ax3, x, y, nx_loc, cfgDam, dataIniV, dataV, solDam["xAna"], solDam["xMidAna"], solDam["uAna"], indTime, limits["maxFV"], pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFV"], pU.cfgPlotUtils["unitFV"], ) ax3.set_title(pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFV"] + " profile") plt.legend(loc="upper left") # make bird view plot ax6 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 6), (1, 0), colspan=2) ax6, extent, cbar0, cs1 = outCom1DFA.addResult2Plot(ax6, fieldHeader, dataFT, "FT")["nameFT"]) ax6 = outCom1DFA.addDem2Plot(ax6, dem, what="slope", extent=extent) rowsMin, rowsMax, colsMin, colsMax = pU.constrainPlotsToData( dataFT, fieldHeader["cellsize"], extentOption=True, constrainedData=False, buffer="", ) # draw rectangle corresponding to the error measurement domain # Create a Rectangle patch rect = patches.Rectangle( (solDam["xMidAna"][indTime], yStart), xEnd - solDam["xMidAna"][indTime], yEnd - yStart, linewidth=3, linestyle="dashed", edgecolor="None", facecolor="gray", alpha=0.2, zorder=200, label="error computation domain", ) # Add the patch to the Axes ax6.add_patch(rect) ax6.set_ylim([rowsMin + yllc, rowsMax + yllc]) ax6.set_xlim([colsMin + xllc, colsMax + xllc]) ax6.set_xlabel("x [m]") ax6.set_ylabel("y [m]") leg = ax6.legend(loc="upper right") leg.set(zorder=200) # ax3.set_title(pU.cfgPlotUtils['nameFT']) pU.putAvaNameOnPlot(ax6, avalancheDir) # make error plot ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 6), (1, 2), colspan=2) title = "\nbetween analytical solution and com1DFA" title = getTitleError(relativ, title) ax4.set_title(title) ax4, ax5 = addErrorTime( ax4, timeList, hErrorL2Array, hErrorLMaxArray, vhErrorL2Array, vhErrorLMaxArray, relativ, tSave, ) ax7 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 6), (1, 4), colspan=2) ax7.axis("off") ax7.invert_yaxis() text = "" for param in paramInfo: text = text + (param + " = %.2f" % simDFrow[param]) + "\n" ax7.text( 0.5, 0.5, text, transform=ax7.transAxes, ha="center", va="center", fontsize=pU.fs, ) outFileName = "_".join([simHash, "DamBreakTest"]) pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDirTest / "pics"}, outFileName, fig)
# Genaral plots
[docs]def addErrorTime( ax1, time, hErrorL2Array, hErrorLMaxArray, vhErrorL2Array, vhErrorLMaxArray, relativ, t, ): """plot error between a given com1DFA sol and the analytic sol function of time on ax1 and ax2 Parameters ----------- ax1: matplotlib axis axis where the erro should be ploted time: 1D numpy array time array hErrorL2Array: 1D numpy array flow thickness L2 error array hErrorLMaxArray: 1D numpy array flow thickness LMax error array vhErrorL2Array: 1D numpy array flow momentum L2 error array vhErrorLMaxArray: 1D numpy array flow momentum LMax error array relativ: str t: float time for vertical line """ ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax1.plot(time, hErrorL2Array, "k-", label="h L2 error") ax1.plot(time, hErrorLMaxArray, "k--", label="h LMax error") ax1.set_xlabel("time in [s]") ax1.set_ylabel(getTitleError(relativ, " on h")) ax1.legend(loc="upper left") ax1.grid(color="grey", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.5) color = "tab:green" ax2.plot(time, vhErrorL2Array, "g-", label=getLabel("", " L2 error", dir="")) ax2.plot(time, vhErrorLMaxArray, "g--", label=getLabel("", " LMax error", dir="")) ax2.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor=color) ax2.set_ylabel(getTitleError(relativ, getLabel(" on", "", dir="")), color=color) ax2.legend(loc="lower right") ax2.grid(color="tab:green", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.5) ax1.axvline(t, color="grey", linestyle="--") ax1.set_yscale("log") ax2.set_yscale("log") minY, _ = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.text(t, minY, "%.2f s" % (t)) return ax1, ax2
[docs]def plotErrorTime( time, hErrorL2Array, hErrorLMaxArray, vhErrorL2Array, vhErrorLMaxArray, relativ, t, outputName, outDirTest, ): """plot and save error between a given com1DFA sol and the analytic sol function of time Parameters ----------- time: 1D numpy array time array hErrorL2Array: 1D numpy array flow thickness L2 error array hErrorLMaxArray: 1D numpy array flow thickness LMax error array vhErrorL2Array: 1D numpy array flow momentum L2 error array vhErrorLMaxArray: 1D numpy array flow momentum LMax error array relativ: str t: float time for vertical line outputName: str figure name outDirTest: str or pathlib output directory """ title = " between similarity solution and com1DFA \n(simulation %s)" % (outputName) title = getTitleError(relativ, title) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(2 * pU.figW, 2 * pU.figH)) ax1.set_title(title) ax1, ax2 = addErrorTime( ax1, time, hErrorL2Array, hErrorLMaxArray, vhErrorL2Array, vhErrorLMaxArray, relativ, t, ) pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDirTest / "pics"}, "Error_time_" + str(outputName), fig1) return fig1
[docs]def addContour2Plot(ax1, fieldFT, simiDict, fieldHeader, limits, nLevels=9): """Make a contour plot of flow thickness for analytical solution and simulation result""" # get info on DEM extent ncols = fieldHeader["ncols"] nrows = fieldHeader["nrows"] xllc = fieldHeader["xllcenter"] yllc = fieldHeader["yllcenter"] csz = fieldHeader["cellsize"] xCenter = simiDict["xCenter"] xArrayFields = np.linspace(xllc, xllc + (ncols - 1) * csz, ncols) yArrayFields = np.linspace(yllc, yllc + (nrows - 1) * csz, nrows) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xArrayFields, yArrayFields) # get limits widthX = limits["widthX"] widthY = limits["widthY"] contourLevels = np.linspace(0, limits["maxFT"], nLevels) contourLevels = contourLevels[:-1] # make plot cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap( pU.cmapThickness, np.nanmin(fieldFT), np.nanmax(fieldFT), continuous=True ) cmap.set_under(color="w") cs1 = ax1.contour(X, Y, fieldFT, levels=contourLevels, origin="lower", cmap=cmap, linewidths=2) cs2 = ax1.contour( X, Y, simiDict["hSimi"], levels=contourLevels, origin="lower", cmap=cmap, linewidths=2, linestyles="dashed", ) CB = pU.addColorBar( cs1, ax1, ticks, pU.cfgPlotUtils["unitFT"], title=pU.cfgPlotUtils["nameFT"], extend="both", pad=0.05, tickLabelsList="", ) # make colorbar lines thicker lines1 = lines1[1].set_linewidths(5) # ax3.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=8) h1, _ = cs1.legend_elements() h2, _ = cs2.legend_elements() ax1.legend([h1[-1], h2[-1]], ["simulation", "analytical"]) ax1.set_ylim([-widthY, widthY]) ax1.set_xlim([-widthX + xCenter, widthX + xCenter]) ax1.set_xlabel("x [m]") ax1.set_ylabel("y [m]") # add vertical and horizontal line showing the location of the profile plots cuts ax1.axvline(xCenter, color="b", linestyle=":") ax1.axhline(0, color="r", linestyle=":") ax1.text(xCenter + 5, -widthY, "x = %.2f m" % (xCenter), color="b") ax1.text(-widthX + xCenter, 5, "y = 0 m", color="r") return ax1
[docs]def plotErrorConvergence( simDF, outDirTest, cfgSimi, xField, yField, coloredBy, sizedBy, logScale=False, fit=False, ): """plot error between all com1DFA sol and analytic sol function of whatever you want The coloredBy, sizedBy can not be corresponding to non numeric parameters. Parameters ----------- simDF: dataFrame the simulation data with the postprocessing results outDirTest: str or pathlib output directory cfgSimi: configparser the cfg xField: str column of the simDF to use for the x axis yField: str column of the simDF to use for the y axis coloredBy: str column of the simDF to use for the colors sizedBy: str column of the simDF to use for the marker size logScale: boolean If you want a loglog scale fit: boolean if True add power law regression """ tSave = simDF["timeError"][0] relativ = cfgSimi.getboolean("relativError") cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap( pU.cmapAvaframeCont, min(simDF[coloredBy]), max(simDF[coloredBy]), continuous=pU.contCmap, ) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(3 * pU.figW, 2 * pU.figH)) # get the sizing function sizeList = simDF[sizedBy].unique() lenSize = len(sizeList) minSize = np.nanmin(sizeList) maxSize = np.nanmax(sizeList) if lenSize > 1: sizeList = (simDF[sizedBy].to_numpy() - minSize) / (maxSize - minSize) * 70 + 10 else: sizeList = np.array([100]) # make the scatter plot scatter1 = ax1.scatter( simDF[xField], simDF[yField], c=simDF[coloredBy], s=sizeList, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, marker=pU.markers[0], alpha=1, ) # , edgecolors='k') # ######################################### # If you want to add some regression lines colorValueList = simDF[coloredBy].unique() lenColor = len(colorValueList) if fit: for colorValue in colorValueList: simDFNew = simDF[simDF[coloredBy] == colorValue] color = cmap(norm(simDFNew[coloredBy][0])) xArray = simDFNew[xField] hErrorL2 = simDFNew[yField] p, rSquaredH, _, _, _ = np.polyfit(np.log(xArray), np.log(hErrorL2), deg=1, full=True) p1H = p[0] p0H = np.exp(p[1]) ax1.plot(xArray, p0H * xArray**p1H, color=color) if np.size(rSquaredH) == 0: rSquaredH = np.nan log.debug( "power law fit sphKernelRadius = %.2f m: hErrorL2 = %.1f * Npart^{%.2f}, r=%.2f" % (colorValue, p0H, p1H, rSquaredH) ) if logScale: ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.set_xscale("log") fig1.suptitle("Convergence of DFA simulation for the similarity solution test at t = %.2fs" % tSave) ax1.set_title(getTitleError(relativ, r" L2 on flow thickness")) ax1.set_xlabel(xField) ax1.set_ylabel(getTitleError(relativ, r" L2 on flow thickness")) if lenColor <= 10: lenColor = None legend1 = ax1.legend(*scatter1.legend_elements(num=lenColor), loc="upper center", title=coloredBy) ax1.add_artist(legend1) # produce a legend with a cross section of sizes from the scatter if lenSize <= 10: lenSize = None kw = dict( prop="sizes", color=scatter1.cmap(0.7), func=lambda s: (s - 10) * (maxSize - minSize) / 70 + minSize, ) legend3 = ax1.legend(*scatter1.legend_elements(num=lenSize, **kw), loc="upper right", title=sizedBy) ax1.grid(color="grey", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.5) ax1.grid(color="grey", which="minor", linestyle="--", linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.5) pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDirTest / "pics"}, "ErrorLog%ds" % int(tSave), fig1) return fig1, ax1
[docs]def plotPresentation( simDF, outDirTest, cfgSimi, xField, yField, coloredBy, sizedBy, logScale=False, fit=False, ): """plot error between all com1DFA sol in simDF and analytic sol function of whatever you want The coloredBy, sizedBy can not be corresponding to non numeric parameters. Parameters ----------- simDF: dataFrame the simulation data with the postprocessing results outDirTest: str or pathlib output directory cfgSimi: configparser the cfg xField: str column of the simDF to use for the x axis yField: str column of the simDF to use for the y axis coloredBy: str column of the simDF to use for the colors sizedBy: str column of the simDF to use for the marker size logScale: boolean If you want a loglog scale fit: boolean if True add power law regression """ tSave = simDF["timeError"][0] relativ = cfgSimi.getboolean("relativError") cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap( pU.cmapAvaframeCont, min(simDF[coloredBy]), max(simDF[coloredBy]), continuous=pU.contCmap, ) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(3 * pU.figW, 2 * pU.figH)) if logScale: ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.set_xscale("log") # get the sizing function sizeList = simDF[sizedBy].unique() lenSize = len(sizeList) minSize = np.nanmin(sizeList) maxSize = np.nanmax(sizeList) if lenSize > 1: sizeList = (simDF[sizedBy].to_numpy() - minSize) / (maxSize - minSize) * 70 + 10 else: sizeList = np.array([100]) # ######################################### # If you want to add some regression lines colorValueList = -np.sort(-simDF[coloredBy].unique()) lenColor = len(colorValueList) if lenColor <= 10: lenColor = None if lenSize <= 10: lenSize = None count = 0 simDFOld = "" for colorValue in colorValueList: simDFNew = simDF[simDF[coloredBy] == colorValue] xArray = simDFNew[xField] hErrorL2 = simDFNew[yField] if count >= 1: simDFNew = pds.concat([simDFNew, simDFOld]) colorList = simDFNew[coloredBy].unique() lenColor = len(colorList) if lenColor <= 10: lenColor = None if len(sizeList) > 1: sizeList = (simDFNew[sizedBy].to_numpy() - minSize) / (maxSize - minSize) * 70 + 10 else: sizeList = np.array([100]) # make the scatter plot scatter1 = ax1.scatter( simDFNew[xField], simDFNew[yField], c=simDFNew[coloredBy], s=sizeList, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, marker=pU.markers[0], alpha=1, ) fig1.suptitle("Convergence of DFA simulation for the similarity solution test at t = %.2fs" % tSave) ax1.set_title(getTitleError(relativ, r" L2 on flow thickness")) ax1.set_xlabel(xField) ax1.set_ylabel(getTitleError(relativ, r" L2 on flow thickness")) legend1 = ax1.legend(*scatter1.legend_elements(num=lenColor), loc="upper center", title=coloredBy) ax1.add_artist(legend1) # produce a legend with a cross section of sizes from the scatter kw = dict( prop="sizes", color=scatter1.cmap(0.7), func=lambda s: (s - 10) * (maxSize - minSize) / 70 + minSize, ) legend3 = ax1.legend(*scatter1.legend_elements(num=lenSize, **kw), loc="upper right", title=sizedBy) ax1.grid(color="grey", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.5) ax1.grid(color="grey", which="minor", linestyle="--", linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.5) pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDirTest / "pics"}, "ErrorPresentation%d" % count, fig1) if fit: p, rSquaredH, _, _, _ = np.polyfit(np.log(xArray), np.log(hErrorL2), deg=1, full=True) p1H = p[0] p0H = np.exp(p[1]) color = cmap(norm(simDFNew[coloredBy][0])) ax1.plot(xArray, p0H * xArray**p1H, color=color) infoText = "%s = %.2f" % (coloredBy, simDFNew[coloredBy][0]) ax1.text( max(1.05 * xArray), p0H * max(xArray) ** p1H, infoText, color=color, bbox=dict(boxstyle="round,pad=0.3", facecolor="white", alpha=0.5), ) if np.size(rSquaredH) == 0: rSquaredH = np.nan log.debug( "power law fit sphKernelRadius = %.2f m: hErrorL2 = %.1f * Npart^{%.2f}, r=%.2f" % (colorValue, p0H, p1H, rSquaredH) ) pU.saveAndOrPlot( {"pathResult": outDirTest / "pics"}, "ErrorPresentation%dFit" % count, fig1, ) count = count + 1 simDFOld = copy.deepcopy(simDFNew) legend1.remove() return fig1, ax1
[docs]def plotTimeCPULog(simDF, outDirTest, cfgSimi, xField, coloredBy, sizedBy, logScale=False): """plot computation time function of nParts function of whatever (ini parameter given in the simDF) you want Parameters ----------- simDF: dataFrame the simulation data with the postprocessing results outDirTest: str or pathlib output directory cfgSimi: configparser the cfg xField: str column of the simDF to use for the x axis coloredBy: str column of the simDF to use for the colors sizedBy: str column of the simDF to use for the marker size logScale: boolean If you want a loglog scale """ colorList = simDF[coloredBy].unique() tSave = simDF["timeError"][0] cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap( pU.cmapAvaframeCont, min(simDF[coloredBy]), max(simDF[coloredBy]), continuous=pU.contCmap, ) # get the sizing function sizeList = simDF[sizedBy].unique() minSize = np.nanmin(sizeList) maxSize = np.nanmax(sizeList) if len(sizeList) > 1: sizeList = (simDF[sizedBy].to_numpy() - minSize) / (maxSize - minSize) * 70 + 10 else: sizeList = np.array([100]) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(2 * pU.figW, 2 * pU.figH)) nameList = [ "timeLoop", "timeForce", "timeForceSPH", "timePos", "timeNeigh", "timeField", ] for count, name in enumerate(nameList): scatter = ax1.scatter( simDF[xField], simDF[name], c=simDF[coloredBy], s=sizeList, cmap=cmap, marker=pU.markers[count], alpha=1, edgecolors="k", ) for colorValue in colorList: simDFNew = simDF[simDF[coloredBy] == colorValue] nPart = simDFNew[xField] timeLoop = simDFNew["timeLoop"] timeForce = simDFNew["timeForce"] timeForceSPH = simDFNew["timeForceSPH"] timePos = simDFNew["timePos"] timeNeigh = simDFNew["timeNeigh"] timeField = simDFNew["timeField"] p = np.polyfit(np.log(simDFNew[xField]), np.log(timeLoop), deg=1) p11 = p[0] p01 = np.exp(p[1]) p = np.polyfit(np.log(simDFNew[xField]), np.log(timeForce), deg=1) p12 = p[0] p02 = np.exp(p[1]) p = np.polyfit(np.log(simDFNew[xField]), np.log(timeForceSPH), deg=1) p13 = p[0] p03 = np.exp(p[1]) p = np.polyfit(np.log(simDFNew[xField]), np.log(timePos), deg=1) p14 = p[0] p04 = np.exp(p[1]) p = np.polyfit(np.log(simDFNew[xField]), np.log(timeNeigh), deg=1) p15 = p[0] p05 = np.exp(p[1]) p = np.polyfit(np.log(simDFNew[xField]), np.log(timeField), deg=1) p16 = p[0] p06 = np.exp(p[1]) handles1 = [] hl = ax1.plot(nPart, p01 * nPart**p11, "k", label="timeLoop") handles1.append(hl[0]) hl = ax1.plot(nPart, p02 * nPart**p12, "g", label="timeForce") handles1.append(hl[0]) hl = ax1.plot(nPart, p03 * nPart**p13, "r", label="timeForceSPH") handles1.append(hl[0]) hl = ax1.plot(nPart, p04 * nPart**p14, "b", label="timePos") handles1.append(hl[0]) hl = ax1.plot(nPart, p05 * nPart**p15, "m", label="timeNeigh") handles1.append(hl[0]) hl = ax1.plot(nPart, p06 * nPart**p16, "c", label="timeField") handles1.append(hl[0]) log.debug( "power law fit sphKernelRadius = %.2f m: timeLoop = %.1f * nPart^{%.2f}" % (colorValue, p01, p11) ) log.debug( "power law fit sphKernelRadius = %.2f m: timeForce = %.1f * nPart^{%.2f}" % (colorValue, p02, p12) ) log.debug( "power law fit sphKernelRadius = %.2f m: timeForceSPH = %.1f * nPart^{%.2f}" % (colorValue, p03, p13) ) log.debug( "power law fit sphKernelRadius = %.2f m: timePos = %.1f * nPart^{%.2f}" % (colorValue, p04, p14) ) log.debug( "power law fit sphKernelRadius = %.2f m: timeNeigh = %.1f * nPart^{%.2f}" % (colorValue, p05, p15) ) log.debug( "power law fit sphKernelRadius = %.2f m: timeField = %.1f * nPart^{%.2f}" % (colorValue, p06, p16) ) ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.set_xscale("log") ax1.set_title("CPU time") ax1.set_xlabel("number of particles") ax1.set_ylabel("time [s]") # Adding legend and titles legend = ax1.legend(handles=handles1, loc="upper left") ax1.add_artist(legend) legend1 = ax1.legend(*scatter.legend_elements(), loc="lower left", title=coloredBy) ax1.add_artist(legend1) # produce a legend with a cross section of sizes from the scatter kw = dict( prop="sizes", color=scatter.cmap(0.7), func=lambda s: (s - 10) * (maxSize - minSize) / 70 + minSize, ) legend2 = ax1.legend(*scatter.legend_elements(**kw), loc="upper right", title=sizedBy) ax1.grid(color="grey", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.5) ax1.grid(color="grey", which="minor", linestyle="--", linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.5) pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDirTest / "pics"}, "timeCPU%ds" % int(tSave), fig1)
[docs]def getPlotLimits(cfgSimi, fieldsList, fieldHeader): """Get x and y axis limits for the profile and contour plots Parameters ----------- cfgSimi: configparser simiSol cfg fieldsList: list list of fields Dictionaries fieldHeader: dict field header dictionary """ scaleCoef = cfgSimi.getfloat("scaleCoef") rowsMin, rowsMax, colsMin, colsMax = pU.constrainPlotsToData( fieldsList[-1]["FT"], fieldHeader["cellsize"], extentOption=True, constrainedData=False, buffer="", ) widthX = scaleCoef * round(colsMax - colsMin) / 2 widthY = scaleCoef * round(rowsMax - rowsMin) / 2 maxFT = 0 maxFV = 0 minMz = 0 maxFM = 0 for fields in fieldsList: maxFT = max(maxFT, np.nanmax(fields["FT"])) maxFV = max(maxFT, np.nanmax(fields["FV"])) minMz = min(minMz, np.nanmin(fields["Vz"] * fields["FT"])) maxFM = max(maxFM, np.nanmax(fields["FV"] * fields["FT"])) maxFT = scaleCoef * maxFT minMz = scaleCoef * minMz maxFM = scaleCoef * maxFM limits = { "widthX": widthX, "widthY": widthY, "maxFT": maxFT, "maxFV": maxFV, "minMz": minMz, "maxFM": maxFM, } return limits
[docs]def getTitleError(relativ, ending=""): """Get error plot title (relativ error or not?)""" if relativ: return "Relative error difference" + ending else: return "Error difference" + ending
[docs]def getLabel(start, end, dir="", vert=True): """Get error plot title (relativ error or not?)""" if dir: return start + r" $h \bar{u}_" + dir + r"$ " + end else: if vert: return start + r" $\vert h \mathbf{\bar{u}} \vert $" + end else: return start + r" $h \mathbf{\bar{u}}$ " + end
[docs]def last_nonzero(arr, axis, invalid_val=-1): """Get index of last non zero value Parameters ----------- arr: numpy array data array axis: int axis along which you want to get the index Returns -------- index of last non zero in axis direction """ mask = arr != 0 val = arr.shape[axis] - np.flip(mask, axis=axis).argmax(axis=axis) - 1 return np.where(mask.any(axis=axis), val, invalid_val)
[docs]def first_nonzero(arr, axis, invalid_val=-1): """Get index of first non zero value Parameters ----------- arr: numpy array data array axis: int axis along which you want to get the index Returns -------- index of first non zero in axis direction """ mask = arr != 0 return np.where(mask.any(axis=axis), mask.argmax(axis=axis), invalid_val)