Source code for ana1Tests.energyLineTest

Energy line test
This module runs a DFA simulation extracts the center of mass path
and compares it to the analytic geometric/alpha line solution
import pathlib
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
import matplotlib.patheffects as pe

# Local imports
# import computation modules
from avaframe.com1DFA import com1DFA

# import analysis modules
import avaframe.ana5Utils.DFAPathGeneration as DFAPath

# import plotting tools
import avaframe.out3Plot.plotUtils as pU
import avaframe.out3Plot.outCom1DFA as outCom1DFA

# create local logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def mainEnergyLineTest(avalancheDir, energyLineTestCfg, com1DFACfg, simName, dem): """This is the core function of the energyLineTest module This module extracts the center of mass path from a DFA simulation and compares it to he analytic geometric/alpha line solution """'Energy line test for simulation: %s' % simName) pathFromPart = energyLineTestCfg['energyLineTest'].getboolean('pathFromPart') avaProfileMass, particlesIni = DFAPath.generateAveragePath(avalancheDir, pathFromPart, simName, dem, addVelocityInfo=True) # read pfv for plot fieldsList, fieldHeader, timeList = com1DFA.readFields(avalancheDir, ['pfv'], simName=simName, flagAvaDir=True, comModule='com1DFA') # make analysis and generate plots resultEnergyTest, savePath = generateCom1DFAEnergyPlot(avalancheDir, energyLineTestCfg, com1DFACfg, avaProfileMass, dem, fieldsList, simName) return resultEnergyTest, savePath
[docs]def generateCom1DFAEnergyPlot(avalancheDir, energyLineTestCfg, com1DFACfg, avaProfileMass, dem, fieldsList, simName): """ Make energy test analysis and plot results Parameters ----------- avalancheDir: pathlib avalanche directory pathlib path energyLineTestCfg: configParser energy line test config com1DFACfg: configParser com1DFA config avaProfileMass: dict particle mass averaged properties dem: dict com1DFA simulation dictionary fieldsList: list field dictionary list simName: str simulation name """ plotScor = energyLineTestCfg['energyLineTest'].getboolean('plotScor') # read physical parameters from DFA configuration g = com1DFACfg['GENERAL'].getfloat('gravAcc') mu = com1DFACfg['GENERAL'].getfloat('mu') alphaRad = np.arctan(mu) alphaDeg = np.rad2deg(alphaRad) csz = dem['header']['cellsize'] # compute simulation run out angle runOutAngleRad, runOutAngleDeg = getRunOutAngle(avaProfileMass) # extend path profile and find intersection between the alpha line and the profile slopeExt, sIntersection, zIntersection, coefExt = getAlphaProfileIntersection(energyLineTestCfg, avaProfileMass, mu, csz) # compute errors on runout and veloctity altitude zEne, u2Path, sGeomL, zGeomL, resultEnergyTest = getEnergyInfo(avaProfileMass, g, mu, sIntersection, zIntersection, runOutAngleDeg, alphaDeg) z0 = avaProfileMass['z'][0] # create figures and plots fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW*3, pU.figH*2)) cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap(pU.colorMaps['pfv'], np.amin(u2Path/(2*g)), np.amax(u2Path/(2*g)), continuous=pU.contCmap) cmap.set_under(color='w') # make the bird view plot ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 0)) rowsMin, rowsMax, colsMin, colsMax = pU.constrainPlotsToData(fieldsList[-1]['pfv'], 5, extentOption=True, constrainedData=False, buffer='') ax1, extent, cbar0, cs1 = outCom1DFA.addResult2Plot(ax1, dem['header'], fieldsList[-1]['pfv'], 'pfv')'peak flow velocity') # add DEM hillshade with contour lines ax1 = outCom1DFA.addDem2Plot(ax1, dem, what='hillshade', extent=extent) ax1.plot(avaProfileMass['x'], avaProfileMass['y'], '-y.', zorder=20, label='Center of mass path', lw=1, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=2, foreground='k'), pe.Normal()]) ax1.set_xlabel('x [m]') ax1.set_ylabel('y [m]') ax1.axis('equal') ax1.set_ylim([rowsMin, rowsMax]) ax1.set_xlim([colsMin, colsMax]) l1 = ax1.legend(loc='upper right') l1.set_zorder(40) pU.putAvaNameOnPlot(ax1, avalancheDir) # make profile plot, zoomed out ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2) # plot mass averaged center of mass ax2.plot(avaProfileMass['s'], avaProfileMass['z'], '-y.', label='Center of mass altitude', lw=1, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=2, foreground='k'), pe.Normal()]) if plotScor: ax2.plot(avaProfileMass['sCor'], avaProfileMass['z'], '--k.', label='Center of mass altitude (corrected s)') # extend this curve towards the bottom using a linear regression on the last x points ax2.plot(avaProfileMass['s'][-1]*np.array([1, 1+coefExt]), avaProfileMass['z'][-1] + slopeExt*avaProfileMass['s'][-1]*np.array([0, coefExt]), ':k', label='Center of mass altitude extrapolation') # add center of mass velocity points and runout line ax2.plot(avaProfileMass['s'][[0, -1]], zEne[[0, -1]], '-r', label='com1dfa energy line (%.2f°)' % runOutAngleDeg) scat = ax2.scatter(avaProfileMass['s'], zEne, marker='s', cmap=cmap, s=8*, c=u2Path/(2*g), label='Center of mass velocity altitude') cbar2 = ax2.figure.colorbar(scat, ax=ax2, use_gridspec=True)'[' + pU.cfgPlotUtils['unitFT'] + ']', pad=10)'Center of mass velocity altitude') # add alpha line ax2.plot(sGeomL, zGeomL, 'b-', label=r'$\alpha$ line (%.2f°)' % alphaDeg) if energyLineTestCfg['energyLineTest'].getboolean('shiftedAlphaLine'): ax2.plot(avaProfileMass['s'], avaProfileMass['z'][-1] - (avaProfileMass['s']-avaProfileMass['s'][-1]) * mu, 'b-.', label=r'shifted $\alpha$ line (%.2f°)' % alphaDeg) zLim = ax2.get_ylim() sLim = ax2.get_xlim() zMin = zLim[0] ax2.vlines(x=avaProfileMass['s'][-1], ymin=zMin, ymax=avaProfileMass['z'][-1], color='r', linestyle='--') ax2.vlines(x=sIntersection, color='b', ymin=zMin, ymax=zIntersection, linestyle='--') ax2.hlines(y=avaProfileMass['z'][-1], xmin=0, xmax=avaProfileMass['s'][-1], color='r', linestyle='--') ax2.hlines(y=zIntersection, color='b', xmin=0, xmax=sIntersection, linestyle='--') ax2.set_xlabel('s [m]') ax2.set_ylabel('z [m]') ax2.set_xlim(sLim) ax2.set_ylim(zLim) ax2.legend(loc='upper right') ax2.set_title('Energy line test') # make profile plot, zoomed in ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 1)) # plot mass averaged center of mass ax3.plot(avaProfileMass['s'], avaProfileMass['z']-z0, '-y.', label='Center of mass altitude', lw=1, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=2, foreground='k'), pe.Normal()]) if plotScor: ax3.plot(avaProfileMass['sCor'], avaProfileMass['z'], '--k.', label='Center of mass altitude (corrected s)') # extend this curve towards the bottom using a linear gegression on the last x points ax3.plot(avaProfileMass['s'][-1]*np.array([1, 1+coefExt]), avaProfileMass['z'][-1] + slopeExt*avaProfileMass['s'][-1]*np.array([0, coefExt])-z0, ':k', label='Center of mass altitude extrapolation') # add center of mass velocity points and runout line ax3.plot(avaProfileMass['s'][[0, -1]], zEne[[0, -1]]-z0, '-r', label='com1dfa energy line (%.2f°)' % runOutAngleDeg) scat = ax3.scatter(avaProfileMass['s'], zEne-z0, marker='s', cmap=cmap, s=8*, c=u2Path/(2*g), label='Center of mass velocity altitude extrapolation') cbar3 = ax3.figure.colorbar(scat, ax=ax3, use_gridspec=True)'[' + pU.cfgPlotUtils['unitFT'] + ']', pad=10)'Center of mass velocity altitude') # add alpha line ax3.plot(sGeomL, zGeomL-z0, 'b-', label=r'$\alpha$ line (%.2f°)' % alphaDeg) if energyLineTestCfg['energyLineTest'].getboolean('shiftedAlphaLine'): ax3.plot(avaProfileMass['s'], avaProfileMass['z'][-1]-z0 - (avaProfileMass['s']-avaProfileMass['s'][-1]) * mu, 'b-.', label=r'shifted $\alpha$ line (%.2f°)' % alphaDeg) # add horizontal line at the final mass averaged position # compute plot limits runOutSError = resultEnergyTest['runOutSError'] runOutZError = resultEnergyTest['runOutZError'] runOutAngleError = resultEnergyTest['runOutAngleError'] rmseVelocityElevation = resultEnergyTest['rmseVelocityElevation'] errorS = abs(runOutSError) errorZ = abs(runOutZError) sMin = min(avaProfileMass['s'][-1], sIntersection) - max(errorS, 0) sMax = max(avaProfileMass['s'][-1], sIntersection) + max(errorS, 0) zMin = avaProfileMass['z'][-1] + min(slopeExt*(sMax - avaProfileMass['s'][-1]), 0 - 2*errorZ)-z0 zMax = avaProfileMass['z'][0] - sMin*np.tan(min(runOutAngleRad, alphaRad))-z0 if avaProfileMass['z'][-1] == zIntersection: zMin = zMin - (zMax-zMin)*0.1 if errorZ < 1e-3: zMin = zMin - (zMax-zMin)*0.1 ax3.vlines(x=avaProfileMass['s'][-1], ymin=zMin, ymax=avaProfileMass['z'][-1]-z0, color='r', linestyle='--') ax3.vlines(x=sIntersection, color='b', ymin=zMin, ymax=zIntersection-z0, linestyle='--') ax3.hlines(y=avaProfileMass['z'][-1]-z0, xmin=sMin, xmax=avaProfileMass['s'][-1], color='r', linestyle='--') ax3.hlines(y=zIntersection-z0, color='b', xmin=sMin, xmax=sIntersection, linestyle='--') ax3.set_xlabel('s [m]') ax3.set_ylabel('$\Delta z$ [m]') ax3.yaxis.set_label_coords(0, 0.9) ax3.set_xlim([sMin, sMax]) ax3.set_ylim([zMin, zMax]) ax3.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', rotation=45) ax3.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', rotation=45) ax3.set_xticks([avaProfileMass['s'][-1], sIntersection]) ax3.set_yticks([avaProfileMass['z'][-1]-z0, zIntersection-z0]) ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.2f')) ax3.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.2f')) text = ('Runout s diff : %.4e m \nRunout z diff : %.4e m \nRunout angle diff : %.4e° \nvelocity height rmse : %.4e m \n(energy line - alpha line)' % (runOutSError, runOutZError, runOutAngleError, rmseVelocityElevation)) text_box = AnchoredText(text, frameon=False, loc=1, pad=0.5, prop=dict(fontsize=pU.fs)) plt.setp(text_box.patch, facecolor='white', alpha=0.5) ax3.add_artist(text_box) outFileName = '_'.join([simName, 'EnergyTest']) outDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', 'ana1Tests', 'energyLineTest') plt.tight_layout() savePath = pU.saveAndOrPlot({'pathResult': outDir}, outFileName, fig) return resultEnergyTest, savePath
[docs]def getRunOutAngle(avaProfileMass, indStart=0, indEnd=-1): """Compute the center of mass runout angle Parameters ----------- avaProfileMass: dict particle mass average properties indStart: int index of the start of the mass averaged path (to enable e.g. to discard the top extension). 0 by default - so full mass averaged path from top indEnd: int index of the start of the mass averaged pass (to discard the bottom extension). -1 by default Returns -------- runOutAngleRad: float Center of Mass runout angle in radians runOutAngleDeg: float Center of Mass runout angle in degrees """ # compute horizontal and vertical traveled distance deltaS = avaProfileMass['s'][indEnd] - avaProfileMass['s'][indStart] deltaZ = avaProfileMass['z'][indEnd] - avaProfileMass['z'][indStart] # extract simulation runout runOutAngleRad = np.arctan(np.abs(deltaZ/deltaS)) runOutAngleDeg = np.rad2deg(runOutAngleRad) return runOutAngleRad, runOutAngleDeg
[docs]def getAlphaProfileIntersection(energyLineTestCfg, avaProfileMass, mu, csz): """Extend the profile path and compute the intersection between the theoretical energy line and the path profile The profile is extended by a line. The line slope is computed from the slope of the regression on the las points of the profile Parameters ----------- energyLineTestCfg: configParser energy test config avaProfileMass: dict particle mass average properties mu: float friction coefficient csz: float dem cell size Returns -------- slopeExt: float slope of the extrapolation line sIntersection: float s coord of the intersection between the line of slope mu and the mass average path profile zIntersection: float z coord of the intersection between the line of slope mu and the mass average path profile coefExt: float coefficient saying how long the path was extended to find the intersection """ # get slope of the last profile points to extend the profile nCellsExtrapolation = energyLineTestCfg['energyLineTest'].getint('nCellsExtrapolation') idxExtra = np.nanmin(np.argwhere(avaProfileMass['s'][-1] - avaProfileMass['s'] < nCellsExtrapolation * csz)) p1 = np.polyfit(avaProfileMass['s'][idxExtra:], avaProfileMass['z'][idxExtra:], 1) slopeExt = p1[0] # First check if the intersection is on the not extended profile s = avaProfileMass['s'] z = avaProfileMass['z'] alphaLine = z[0] - s * mu # find the intersection segment idx = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(z - alphaLine))).flatten() idx = idx[-1] coefExt = 0 # did not find the intersection, look further while s[idx] == 0 and coefExt < 4: s = np.append(avaProfileMass['s'], (1+coefExt)*avaProfileMass['s'][-1]) z = np.append(avaProfileMass['z'], avaProfileMass['z'][-1] + coefExt*slopeExt*avaProfileMass['s'][-1]) # find intersection between alpha line and profile alphaLine = z[0] - s * mu # find the intersection segment idx = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(z - alphaLine))).flatten() idx = idx[-1] coefExt = coefExt + 1 # find the exact intersection point s0 = s[idx] s1 = s[idx+1] zP0 = z[idx] zP1 = z[idx+1] zA0 = alphaLine[idx] zA1 = alphaLine[idx+1] sIntersection = s0 + (s1-s0)*(zA0-zP0)/((zP1-zP0)-(zA1-zA0)) zIntersection = zP0 + (sIntersection-s0) * (zP1-zP0) / (s1-s0) if coefExt > 0: s[-1] = sIntersection z[-1] = zIntersection coefExt = np.max(s[-1]/avaProfileMass['s'][-1]-1, 0) return slopeExt, sIntersection, zIntersection, coefExt
[docs]def getEnergyInfo(avaProfileMass, g, mu, sIntersection, zIntersection, runOutAngleDeg, alphaDeg): """Compute energy dots and errors Parameters ----------- avaProfileMass: dict particle mass average properties g: float gravity mu: float friction coefficient sIntersection: float s coord of the intersection between the line of slope mu and the mass average path profile zIntersection: float z coord of the intersection between the line of slope mu and the mass average path profile runOutAngleRad: float center of mass runout angle in radians runOutAngleDeg: float center of mass runout angle in degrees Returns -------- zEne: numpy 1D array energy height of the particle averaged time steps u2Path: numpy 1D array kinetic energy of the particle averaged time steps sGeomL: 2 element list s coord (start and end) of the run out angle line zGeomL: 2 element list z coord (start and end) of the run out angle line resultEnergyTest: dict zEnd, sEnd, runoutAngle as well as rmseVelocityElevation, runOutSError, runOutZError, runOutAngleError between theoretical solution and simulation result """ # read mass average quantities u2Path = avaProfileMass['u2'] # compute mass average velocity elevation # extract energy altitude zEne = avaProfileMass['z'] + u2Path/(2*g) # Create the alpha line GK = sIntersection * mu z_end = avaProfileMass['z'][0] - GK zEneTarget = avaProfileMass['z'][0] - avaProfileMass['s'] * mu sGeomL = [avaProfileMass['s'][0], sIntersection] zGeomL = [avaProfileMass['z'][0], z_end] # compute errors # rmse of the energy height rmseVelocityElevation = np.sqrt(((zEne - zEneTarget) ** 2).mean()) # error on s runout runOutSError = avaProfileMass['s'][-1] - sIntersection # error on z runout runOutZError = avaProfileMass['z'][-1] - zIntersection # error on angle runout runOutAngleError = runOutAngleDeg - alphaDeg resultEnergyTest = {'zEnd': avaProfileMass['z'][-1], 'sEnd': avaProfileMass['s'][-1], 'runoutAngle': runOutAngleDeg, 'rmseVelocityElevation': rmseVelocityElevation, 'runOutSError': runOutSError, 'runOutZError': runOutZError, 'runOutAngleError': runOutAngleError} return zEne, u2Path, sGeomL, zGeomL, resultEnergyTest