


Make a contour plot of flow thickness for analytical solution and simulation result


plot error between a given com1DFA sol and the analytic sol function of time on ax1 and ax2 :Parameters: * ax1 (matplotlib axis) – axis where the erro should be ploted * time (1D numpy array) – time array * hErrorL2Array (1D numpy array) – flow thickness L2 error array * hErrorLMaxArray (1D numpy array) – flow thickness LMax error array * vhErrorL2Array (1D numpy array) – flow momentum L2 error array * vhErrorLMaxArray (1D numpy array) – flow momentum LMax error array * relativ (str) * t (float) – time for vertical line


Get index of first non zero value :Parameters: * arr (numpy array) – data array * axis (int) – axis along which you want to get the index


Get error plot title (relativ error or not?)


Get x and y axis limits for the profile and contour plots :Parameters: * cfgSimi (configparser) – simiSol cfg * fieldsList (list) – list of fields Dictionaries * fieldHeader (dict) – field header dictionary


Get error plot title (relativ error or not?)


Get index of last non zero value :Parameters: * arr (numpy array) – data array * axis (int) – axis along which you want to get the index



Generate plots that compare the simulation results to the analytical solution


Create plots of the analytical solution for the given settings, including an animation


Plot sumary figure of the damnreak test


plot error between all com1DFA sol and analytic sol function of whatever you want


plot and save error between a given com1DFA sol and the analytic sol function of time :Parameters: * time (1D numpy array) – time array * hErrorL2Array (1D numpy array) – flow thickness L2 error array * hErrorLMaxArray (1D numpy array) – flow thickness LMax error array * vhErrorL2Array (1D numpy array) – flow momentum L2 error array * vhErrorLMaxArray (1D numpy array) – flow momentum LMax error array * relativ (str) * t (float) – time for vertical line * outputName (str) – figure name * outDirTest (str or pathlib) – output directory


plot error between all com1DFA sol in simDF and analytic sol function of whatever you want


Plot sumary figure of the similarity solution test


plot computation time function of nParts function of whatever (ini parameter given in the simDF) you want :Parameters: * simDF (dataFrame) – the simulation data with the postprocessing results * outDirTest (str or pathlib) – output directory * cfgSimi (configparser) – the cfg * xField (str) – column of the simDF to use for the x axis * coloredBy (str) – column of the simDF to use for the colors * sizedBy (str) – column of the simDF to use for the marker size * logScale (boolean) – If you want a loglog scale


Generate plots of the comparison of DFA solution and simiSol :Parameters: * cfgMain (configparser) – main cfg * cfgSimi (configparser) – simiSol cfg * fieldsList (list) – list of fields Dictionaries * solSimi (dict) – dictionary with similiarty solution * tSave (float) – time coresponding to fields * header (dict) – field header dictionary * outDirTest (str or pathlib) – output directory * simHash (str) – hash of the curent simulation