Source code for out3Plot.outCom3Plots

import pathlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patheffects as pe
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter

# Local imports
from avaframe.in3Utils import geoTrans
import avaframe.out3Plot.plotUtils as pU
import avaframe.out3Plot.outCom1DFA as outCom1DFA
from avaframe.com1DFA import com1DFA
from avaframe.ana1Tests import energyLineTest

[docs]def hybridProfilePlot(avalancheDir, resultsHybrid): """Update profile plot with result of curent iteration""" fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3*pU.figW, 2*pU.figH)) ax = plt.subplot(111) nIter = len(resultsHybrid.keys()) i = 0 cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap(pU.cmapAvaframeCont, 0, nIter, continuous=pU.contCmap) for key, dict in resultsHybrid.items(): avaProfileMassExt = dict['path'] avaProfileMassExt = geoTrans.computeS(avaProfileMassExt) alpha = dict['alpha'] sBetaPoint = dict['sBetaPoint'] col = cmap(norm(i)) # Plot the whole profile with beta, alpha ... points and lines ax.plot(avaProfileMassExt['s'], avaProfileMassExt['z'], linestyle='-', color=col, label='profile (iteration %d)' % i) ax.axvline(x=sBetaPoint, color=col, linestyle=':', linewidth=1, label='Beta point (iteration %d)' % i) s = avaProfileMassExt['s'][[0, -1]] z = avaProfileMassExt['z'][0] - s*np.tan(np.deg2rad(alpha)) ax.plot(s, z, color=col, linestyle='--', label='AlphaLine (iteration %d)' % i) i = i+1 titleText = r'Profiles extracted from the DFA simulations with corresponding $\alpha-\beta$ model results' ax.set_title(titleText) ax.set_xlabel('projectd length s [m]') ax.set_ylabel('Height [m]') ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax.grid(linestyle=':', color='0.9') ax.legend(frameon=False) title = ('com3HybProfPlot') l = ax.legend(loc='lower left') l.set_zorder(40) pU.putAvaNameOnPlot(ax, avalancheDir) path = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', 'com3Hybrid') pU.saveAndOrPlot({'pathResult': path}, title, fig)
[docs]def hybridPathPlot(avalancheDir, dem, resultsHybrid, fields, particles, muArray): """Update path plot with result of curent iteration""" headerOri = dem['originalHeader'] xllcOri = headerOri['xllcenter'] yllcOri = headerOri['yllcenter'] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3*pU.figW, 2*pU.figH)) ax = plt.subplot(111) nIter = len(resultsHybrid.keys()) i = 0 cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap(pU.cmapAvaframeCont, 0, nIter, continuous=pU.contCmap) for key, dict in resultsHybrid.items(): mu = muArray[i] avaProfileMassExt = dict['path'] xAB = dict['xAB'] yAB = dict['yAB'] col = cmap(norm(i)) ax.plot(avaProfileMassExt['x'], avaProfileMassExt['y'], color=col, label='Center of mass path iteration %d ($\mu$ = %.2f )' % (i, mu), zorder = 20) ax.plot(xAB - xllcOri, yAB - yllcOri, 'X', color=col, markersize=8, label=r'com2AB $\alpha$ point iteration %d' % i, zorder = 20) i = i+1 titleText = 'Avalanche path for each iteration with peak travel angle field \n and particles flow thickness in final time step' ax.set_title(titleText) ax.set_ylabel('x [m]') ax.set_ylabel('y [m]') ax, extent, cb, CS = outCom1DFA.addResult2Plot(ax, dem['header'], fields['pta'], 'pta')['namepta']) ax = outCom1DFA.addDem2Plot(ax, dem, what='slope', extent=extent) ax, cb2 = outCom1DFA.addParticles2Plot(particles, ax, dem, whatS='h')'particle ' + pU.cfgPlotUtils['nameFT']) ax.set_ylim(extent[2:]) ax.set_xlim(extent[:2]) title = ('com3HybRasterPlot') l = ax.legend(loc='lower left') l.set_zorder(40) pU.putAvaNameOnPlot(ax, avalancheDir) path = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', 'com3Hybrid') pU.saveAndOrPlot({'pathResult': path}, title, fig)
[docs]def generateCom1DFAPathPlot(avalancheDir, cfgPath, avaProfileMass, dem, parabolicFit, splitPoint, simName): """ Make energy test analysis and plot results Parameters ----------- avalancheDir: pathlib avalanche directory pathlib path cfgPath: configParser path finding config avaProfileMass: dict particle mass averaged properties dem: dict com1DFA simulation dictionary fieldsList: list field dictionary list simName: str simulation name """ # read field fieldsList, fieldHeader, timeList = com1DFA.readFields(avalancheDir, ['pta'], simName=simName, flagAvaDir=True, comModule='com1DFA') # compute simulation run out angle indStart = avaProfileMass['indStartMassAverage'] indEnd = avaProfileMass['indEndMassAverage'] runOutAngleRad, runOutAngleDeg = energyLineTest.getRunOutAngle(avaProfileMass, indStart=indStart, indEnd=indEnd) s0 = avaProfileMass['s'][indStart] avaProfileMass['s'] = avaProfileMass['s'] - s0 z0 = avaProfileMass['z'][indStart] # get parabola sPara = np.linspace(avaProfileMass['s'][0], avaProfileMass['s'][-1], 500) zPara = parabolicFit['a']*sPara*sPara+parabolicFit['b']*sPara+parabolicFit['c'] parabolicProfile = {'s': sPara, 'z': zPara} # get angles of profiles anglePara, tmpPara, dsPara = geoTrans.prepareAngleProfile(cfgPath.getfloat('slopeSplitPoint'), parabolicProfile, raiseWarning=False) angleProf, tmpProf, dsProf = geoTrans.prepareAngleProfile(cfgPath.getfloat('slopeSplitPoint'), avaProfileMass, raiseWarning=False) # create figures and plots fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW*2, pU.figH*1.5)) # make the bird view plot ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 0), colspan=1) rowsMin, rowsMax, colsMin, colsMax = pU.constrainPlotsToData(fieldsList[-1]['pta'], 5, extentOption=True, constrainedData=False, buffer='') ax1, extent, cbar0, cs1 = outCom1DFA.addResult2Plot(ax1, dem['header'], fieldsList[-1]['pta'], 'pta')'peak travel angle') # add DEM hillshade with contour lines ax1 = outCom1DFA.addDem2Plot(ax1, dem, what='hillshade', extent=extent) # add path ax1.plot(avaProfileMass['x'][:indStart+1], avaProfileMass['y'][:indStart+1], '-y.', zorder=20, label='_top extension', lw=2, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='b'), pe.Normal()]) ax1.plot(avaProfileMass['x'][indEnd:], avaProfileMass['y'][indEnd:], '-y.', zorder=20, label='_bottom extension', lw=2, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='g'), pe.Normal()]) ax1.plot(avaProfileMass['x'][indStart:indEnd+1], avaProfileMass['y'][indStart:indEnd+1], '-y.', zorder=20, label='_Center of mass path', lw=2, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='k'), pe.Normal()]) if splitPoint != '': ax1.plot(splitPoint['x'], splitPoint['y'], 'P', color='r', label='_Split point', zorder=20) ax1.set_xlabel('x [m]') ax1.set_ylabel('y [m]') ax1.axis('equal') ax1.set_ylim([rowsMin, rowsMax]) ax1.set_xlim([colsMin, colsMax]) l1 = ax1.legend() l1.set_zorder(40) ax1.set_title('Avalanche path') pU.putAvaNameOnPlot(ax1, avalancheDir) # plot angle of profile and parabola ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 1), colspan=1) # add path ax3.plot(sPara, anglePara, 'k', lw=1, label='_parabolic fit') ax3.plot(avaProfileMass['s'][:indStart+1], angleProf[:indStart+1], 'y.', label='_top extension', lw=2, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='b'), pe.Normal()]) ax3.plot(avaProfileMass['s'][indEnd:], angleProf[indEnd:], 'y.', label='_bottom extension', lw=2, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='g'), pe.Normal()]) ax3.plot(avaProfileMass['s'][indStart:indEnd+1], angleProf[indStart:indEnd+1], 'y.', label='_Center of mass path slope', lw=2, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='k'), pe.Normal()]) minY, _ = ax3.get_ylim() minX, _ = ax3.get_xlim() if splitPoint != '': ax3.axvline(x=splitPoint['s'], color='r', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.', label='_Split point') ax3.text(splitPoint['s'], minY, "%.2f m" % (splitPoint['s']), color='r', ha="right", va="bottom") ax3.axhline(y=cfgPath.getfloat('slopeSplitPoint'), color='r', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.', label='_Split point angle (%.0f°)' % cfgPath.getfloat('slopeSplitPoint')) ax3.text(minX, cfgPath.getfloat('slopeSplitPoint'), "%.0f°" % (cfgPath.getfloat('slopeSplitPoint')), color='r', ha="left", va="bottom") ax3.axhline(y=10, color='0.8', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.', label='_Beta angle (10°)') ax3.text(minX, 10, "%.0f°" % (10), color='0.8', ha="left", va="bottom") # ax3.axvline(x=avaProfileMass['s'][indStart], color='b', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.', label='Start of profile') # ax3.axvline(x=avaProfileMass['s'][indEnd], color='g', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.', label='End of profile') ax3.set_xlabel('s [m]') ax3.set_ylabel('slope angle [°]') ax3.legend() ax3.set_title('Avalanche path profile slope') # make profile plot, zoomed out ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2) # plot mass averaged center of mass ax2.plot(avaProfileMass['s'][:indStart+1], avaProfileMass['z'][:indStart+1], '-y.', label='top extension', lw=1, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='b'), pe.Normal()]) ax2.plot(avaProfileMass['s'][indEnd:], avaProfileMass['z'][indEnd:], '-y.', label='bottom extension', lw=1, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='g'), pe.Normal()]) ax2.plot(avaProfileMass['s'][indStart:indEnd+1], avaProfileMass['z'][indStart:indEnd+1], '-y.', label='Center of mass path / profile / angle', lw=1, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='k'), pe.Normal()]) ax2.plot(sPara, zPara, '-k', label='Parabolic fit') if splitPoint != '': ax2.axvline(x=splitPoint['s'], color='r', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.', label='Split point') ax2.axhline(y=splitPoint['z'], color='r', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.', label='_Split point') minY, _ = ax2.get_ylim() minX, _ = ax2.get_xlim() ax2.text(splitPoint['s'], minY, "%.2f m" % (splitPoint['s']), color='r', ha="left", va="bottom") ax2.text(minX, splitPoint['z'], "%.2f m" % (splitPoint['z']), color='r', ha="left", va="bottom") # add runout line s = avaProfileMass['s'][[indStart, indEnd]] # ax2.plot(s, z0-np.tan(runOutAngleRad)*s, '-b', label='com1dfa center of mass runout line (%.2f°)' % runOutAngleDeg) # ax2.axvline(x=s[0], color='b', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.', label='Start of profile') # ax2.axvline(x=s[-1], color='g', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.', label='End of profile') zLim = ax2.get_ylim() sLim = ax2.get_xlim() ax2.set_xlabel('s [m]') ax2.set_ylabel('z [m]') ax2.set_xlim(sLim) ax2.set_ylim(zLim) ax2.legend() ax2.set_title('Avalanche path profile') outFileName = '_'.join([simName, 'DFAPath']) outDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', 'DFAPath') plt.tight_layout() outPath = pU.saveAndOrPlot({'pathResult': outDir}, outFileName, fig) return outPath