Source code for ana3AIMEC.aimecTools

    Main logic for AIMEC post processing

import logging
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import copy

# Local imports
import avaframe.in2Trans.shpConversion as shpConv
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgHandling
import avaframe.in3Utils.fileHandlerUtils as fU
import avaframe.in3Utils.geoTrans as geoTrans
import avaframe.com1DFA.DFAtools as DFAtools
import avaframe.out3Plot.outAIMEC as outAimec
import avaframe.out3Plot.plotUtils as pU

# create local logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Aimec read inputs tools
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[docs]def readAIMECinputs(avalancheDir, pathDict, dirName='com1DFA'): """ Read inputs for AIMEC postprocessing Reads the required geometry files location for AIMEC postpocessing given an avalanche directory; avalanche path, split point and DEM Parameters ---------- avalancheDir : str path to directory of avalanche to analyze pathDict: dict dictionary with info required e.g. reference sim name, comparison type, color variation info dirName: str name of desired results directory (avalancheDir/Outputs/dirName) Returns ------- pathDict : dict updated dictionary with path to geometry input data """ refDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Inputs', 'LINES') profileLayer = list(refDir.glob('*aimec*.shp')) try: message = ('There should be exactly one path_aimec.shp file containing the avalanche path in %s/Inputs/LINES/' % avalancheDir) assert len(profileLayer) == 1, message except AssertionError: raise pathDict['profileLayer'] = profileLayer[0] refDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Inputs', 'POINTS') splitPointLayer = list(refDir.glob('*.shp')) try: message = 'There should be exactly one .shp file containing the split point in %s/Inputs/POINTS/' % avalancheDir assert len(splitPointLayer) == 1, message except AssertionError: raise pathDict['splitPointSource'] = splitPointLayer[0] refDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Inputs') demSource = list(refDir.glob('*.asc')) try: assert len(demSource) == 1, 'There should be exactly one topography .asc file in %s/Inputs/' % avalancheDir except AssertionError: raise pathDict['demSource'] = demSource[0] pathResult = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', 'ana3AIMEC', dirName) pathDict['pathResult'] = pathResult projectName = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir).stem pathDict['projectName'] = projectName pathName = profileLayer[0].stem pathDict['pathName'] = pathName return pathDict
[docs]def fetchReferenceSimNo(avaDir, inputsDF, comModule, cfg): """ Define reference simulation used for aimec analysis. if the configuration files are available and a varParList is provided, the simulations are ordered and the referenceSimValue is used to define the reference. otherwise, if a referenceSimName is provided, the reference is based on this name otherwise, the first file found is used as reference Parameters ----------- avaDir : str path to avalanche directory inputsDF: dataFrame dataFrame with simulations to analyze and path to result files comModule: str computational module used to produce the results to analyze cfg: configParser object configuration for aimec - referenceSimValue, varParList used here Returns -------- refSimRowHash: str dataframe hash (not simHash) of the simulation used as reference refSimName: str name of the simulation used as reference inputsDF:dataFrame dataFrame with simulations to analyze and path to result files If com1DFA = comModule and a variation parameter was specified, the com1DFA configuration is merged to the inputsDF colorVariation: boolean True if a color variation should be applied in the plots """ cfgSetup = cfg['AIMECSETUP'] inputDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', comModule, 'peakFiles') if not inputDir.is_dir(): message = 'Input directory %s does not exist - check anaMod' % inputDir log.error(message) raise NotADirectoryError(message) referenceSimValue = cfgSetup['referenceSimValue'] referenceSimName = cfgSetup['referenceSimName'] colorVariation = False # look for a configuration try: # load dataFrame for all configurations configurationDF = cfgUtils.createConfigurationInfo(avaDir, comModule=comModule) # Merge inputsDF with the configurationDF. Make sure to keep the indexing from inputs and to merge on 'simName' inputsDF = inputsDF.reset_index().merge(configurationDF, on=['simName', 'modelType']).set_index('index') configFound = True except (NotADirectoryError, FileNotFoundError) as e: if cfgSetup['varParList'] != '': message = ('No configuration directory found. This is needed for sorting simulation according to ' '%s' % cfgSetup['varParList']) raise e(message) else: configFound = False # filter simulations if cfg.has_section('FILTER'): parametersDict = fU.getFilterDict(cfg, 'FILTER') simNameList = cfgHandling.filterSims(avaDir, parametersDict, specDir='') inputsDF = inputsDF[inputsDF['simName'].isin(simNameList)]'%d simulations found matching filter criteria' % inputsDF.shape[0]) # if the simulations come from com1DFA, it is possible to order the files and define a reference if configFound and cfgSetup['varParList'] != '': # fetch parameters that shall be used for ordering varParList = cfgSetup['varParList'].split('|') # order simulations varParList, inputsDF = cfgHandling.orderSimulations(varParList, cfgSetup.getboolean('ascendingOrder'), inputsDF) colorVariation = True # now look for the reference if referenceSimValue != '': # if a referenceSimValue is provided, find the corresponding simulation # get the value of the first parameter used for ordering (this will be usefull for colorcoding in plots) refSimRowHash, refSimName = defineRefOnSimValue(referenceSimValue, varParList, inputsDF) elif cfgSetup['referenceSimName'] != '': # else if a referenceSimName is provided, find the corresponding simulation - set # simulation with referenceSimName in name as referene simulation refSimRowHash, refSimName = defineRefOnSimName(referenceSimName, inputsDF) else: # if no referenceSimValue is provided, we assume the first simulation after reordering is the reference # reference simulation refSimRowHash = inputsDF.index[0] refSimName = inputsDF.loc[refSimRowHash, 'simName']'Reference simulation is the first simulation after reordering according to %s in ascending order' '= %s and corresponds to simulation %s') % (varParList, cfgSetup.getboolean('ascendingOrder'), refSimName)) elif referenceSimName != '': # else if a referenceSimName is provided, find the corresponding simulation - set # simulation with referenceSimName in name as referene simulation refSimRowHash, refSimName = defineRefOnSimName(referenceSimName, inputsDF) else: # if no ordering is done, no referenceSimValue nor referenceSimName are given, take the first simulation # as reference refSimRowHash = inputsDF.index[0] refSimName = inputsDF.loc[refSimRowHash, 'simName'] message = ('No information on how to define the reference was provided, taking simulation %s as reference.' % refSimName) log.warning(message) return refSimRowHash, refSimName, inputsDF, colorVariation
[docs]def defineRefOnSimValue(referenceSimValue, varParList, inputsDF): """ Search for reference based on configuration parameter and value Raise an error if no simulation is found Parameters ---------- referenceSimValue : str reference value to use to define the reference varParList: list list of parameter used for ordering the simulations inputsDF: dataFrame simulation dataFrame (with configuration parameters includeds) Returns ------- refSimRowHash : index dataframe hash (not simHash) of the simulation used as reference refSimName : str name of THE reference simulation """ sortingParameter = inputsDF[varParList[0]].to_list() # if a simulation has an empty field for varParList[0], we get a nan or empty string # but the type of this no data should be the same as the other fields in the column # get the type ot this parameter typeCP = type(sortingParameter[0]) try: if typeCP == str: sortingValues = [x.lower() for x in sortingParameter] # look for matching string (case unsensitive) indexRef = sortingValues.index(typeCP(referenceSimValue.lower())) valRef = sortingParameter[indexRef] elif typeCP in [float, int]: colorValues = np.asarray(sortingParameter) # look for closest value indexRef = np.nanargmin(np.abs(colorValues - typeCP(referenceSimValue))) valRef = colorValues[indexRef] else: indexRef = sortingParameter.index(typeCP(referenceSimValue)) valRef = sortingParameter[indexRef] # there might be multiple simulations matching the referenceSimValue, we take the first one refSimRowHash = inputsDF[inputsDF[varParList[0]] == valRef].index refSimRowHash, refSimName = checkMultipleSimFound(refSimRowHash, inputsDF)'Reference simulation is based on %s = %s - closest value ' 'found is: %s and corresponds to simulation %s') % (varParList[0], referenceSimValue, str(valRef), refSimName)) except ValueError: message = 'Did not find any simulation matching %s = %s.' % (varParList[0], referenceSimValue) log.error(message) raise ValueError(message) return refSimRowHash, refSimName
[docs]def defineRefOnSimName(referenceSimName, inputsDF): """ Search for reference based on simulation name Raise an error if no simulation is found Parameters ---------- referenceSimName : str string to look for in the simulations name inputsDF: dataFrame simulation dataFrame Returns ------- refSimRowHash : index dataframe hash (not simHash) of the simulation used as reference refSimName : str name of THE reference simulation """ refSimRowHash = inputsDF.index[inputsDF['simName'].str.contains('%s' % referenceSimName).to_list()] if len(refSimRowHash) == 0: message = ('Found no simulation matching the provided referenceSimName = %s.' % referenceSimName) log.error(message) raise IndexError(message) refSimRowHash, refSimName = checkMultipleSimFound(refSimRowHash, inputsDF)'Reference simulation is based on provided simName: %s and corresponds to simulation %s' % (referenceSimName, refSimName)) return refSimRowHash, refSimName
[docs]def checkMultipleSimFound(refSimRowHash, inputsDF, error=False): """ Check if more than one file can be chosen as reference Log warning or error if it is the case Parameters ---------- refSimRowHash : index dataframe hash (not simHash) of the simulation used as reference inputsDF: dataFrame simulation dataFrame error: bool if True raise an error if multiple simulations where found, otherwise a simple warning Returns ------- refSimRowHash : index dataframe hash (not simHash) of the simulation used as reference refSimName : str name of THE reference simulation """ if len(refSimRowHash) > 1: if not error: message = ('Found multiple simulations (%s) matching the reference criterion, ' 'taking the first one as reference' % len(refSimRowHash)) log.warning(message) else: message = ('Found multiple simulations (%s) matching the reference criterion, ' 'there should be only one reference' % len(refSimRowHash)) log.error(message) raise NameError(message) refSimRowHash = refSimRowHash[0] refSimName = inputsDF.loc[refSimRowHash, 'simName'] return refSimRowHash, refSimName
[docs]def checkAIMECinputs(cfgSetup, inputsDF, pathDict): """ Check inputs before running AIMEC postprocessing Make sure that the available data satisfies what is required in the ini file Parameters ---------- cfgSetup : configParser aimec configuration inputsDF: dataFrame simulation dataFrame pathDict: dict aimec input dictionary (path to inputs and refSimName and hash) Returns ------- pathDict : dict aimec input dictionary updated with the resTypeList (list of result file types to take into account) """ # check that the resTypes and runoutResType asked for in the ini file are available for all simulations # if not, raise an error # what we have for all simulations resTypeList = pathDict['resTypeList'] # what we need for all simulations if cfgSetup['resTypes'] != '': # required res types resTypesWanted = cfgSetup['resTypes'].split('|') else: resTypesWanted = copy.deepcopy(pathDict['resTypeList']) # add the runout res type to what we need resTypesWanted.append(cfgSetup['runoutResType']) resTypesWanted = set(resTypesWanted) # check for differences match = resTypesWanted & set(resTypeList) # what is in both diff = list(resTypesWanted.difference(match)) # what is in resTypesWanted but not in both if diff != []: message = '%s result type should be available for all simulations to analyze.' % diff log.error(message) raise FileNotFoundError(message) else: pathDict['resTypeList'] = resTypesWanted'Analyzing %s results types. Runout based on %s result type' % (pathDict['resTypeList'], cfgSetup['runoutResType'])) return pathDict
[docs]def computeCellSizeSL(cfgSetup, refCellSize): """ Get the new (s, l) coordinate cell size read by default the reference result file cell size. If a 'cellSizeSL' is specified in cfgSetup then use this one Parameters ----------- refCellSize: float cell size of reference simulation cfgSetup: configParser object configuration for aimec - with field cellSizeSL Returns -------- cellSizeSL: float cell size to be used for the (s, l) coordinates """ if cfgSetup['cellSizeSL'] == '': cellSizeSL = float(refCellSize)'cellSizeSL is read from the reference header and is : %.2f m' % cellSizeSL) else: try: cellSizeSL = cfgSetup.getfloat('cellSizeSL')'cellSizeSL is read from the configuration file and is : %.2f m' % cellSizeSL) except ValueError: message = ('cellSizeSL is read from the configuration file but should be a number, you provided: %s' % cfgSetup['cellSizeSL']) log.error(message) raise ValueError(message) return cellSizeSL
[docs]def makeDomainTransfo(pathDict, dem, refCellSize, cfgSetup): """ Make domain transformation This function returns the information about the domain transformation Data given on a regular grid is projected on a nonuniform grid following a polyline to end up with "straightend raster" Parameters ---------- pathDict : dict dictionary with paths to dem and lines for Aimec analysis dem: dict dem dictionary with header and raster data refCellSize: float cell-size corresponding to reference cfgSetup : configparser configparser with ana3AIMEC settings defined in ana3AIMECCfg.ini regarding domain transformation (domain width w, and new cellsize, startOfRunoutAreaAngle or interpolation method and referenceFile to get header info) Returns ------- rasterTransfo: dict domain transformation information: gridx: 2D numpy array x coord of the new raster points in old coord system gridy: 2D numpy array y coord of the new raster points in old coord system s: 1D numpy array new coord system in the polyline direction l: 1D numpy array new coord system in the cross direction x: 1D numpy array coord of the resampled polyline in old coord system y: 1D numpy array coord of the resampled polyline in old coord system rasterArea: 2D numpy array real area of the cells of the new raster indStartOfRunout: int index for start of the runout area (in s) """ w = cfgSetup.getfloat('domainWidth') # get the cell size for the (s, l) raster cellSizeSL = computeCellSizeSL(cfgSetup, refCellSize) # Initialize transformation dictionary rasterTransfo = {} rasterTransfo['domainWidth'] = w rasterTransfo['cellSizeSL'] = cellSizeSL # read avaPath avaPath, splitPoint = setAvaPath(pathDict, dem) # Get new Domain Boundaries DB # input: ava path # output: Left and right side points for the domain rasterTransfo = geoTrans.path2domain(avaPath, rasterTransfo) # Make transformation matrix rasterTransfo = makeTransfoMat(rasterTransfo) # calculate the real area of the new cells as well as the scoord dem = DFAtools.getNormalMesh(dem, 1) dem = DFAtools.getAreaMesh(dem, 1) rasterTransfo = getSArea(rasterTransfo, dem) # put back the scale due to the desired cellsize and get x,y of resample avapath rasterTransfo = scalePathWithCellSize(rasterTransfo, cellSizeSL) # get z coordinate of the center line rasterTransfo, _ = geoTrans.projectOnRaster(dem, rasterTransfo) # add surface parallel coordinate (sParallel) rasterTransfo = addSurfaceParalleCoord(rasterTransfo) # add info on start of runout area rasterTransfo = findStartOfRunoutArea(dem, rasterTransfo, cfgSetup, splitPoint) return rasterTransfo
[docs]def splitSection(DB, i): """ Splits the ith segment of domain boundary DB in the s direction (direction of the path) Parameters ---------- DB: dict domain Boundary dictionary: DBXl: 1D numpy array x coord of the left boundary DBXr: 1D numpy array x coord of the right boundary DBYl: 1D numpy array y coord of the left boundary DBYr: 1D numpy array y coord of the right boundary i: int index of the segment of DB to split Returns ------- (x,y) coordinates of the ith left and right splited Boundaries bxl: 1D numpy array byl: 1D numpy array bxr: 1D numpy array byr: 1D numpy array m: int number of elements on the new segments """ # left edge xl0 = DB['DBXl'][i] xl1 = DB['DBXl'][i+1] yl0 = DB['DBYl'][i] yl1 = DB['DBYl'][i+1] dxl = xl1 - xl0 dyl = yl1 - yl0 Vl = np.array((dxl, dyl)) zl = np.linalg.norm(Vl) # right edge xr0 = DB['DBXr'][i] xr1 = DB['DBXr'][i+1] yr0 = DB['DBYr'][i] yr1 = DB['DBYr'][i+1] dxr = xr1 - xr0 dyr = yr1 - yr0 Vr = np.array((dxr, dyr)) zr = np.linalg.norm(Vr) # number of segments m = int(max(np.ceil(zl), np.ceil(zr))+1) # make left segment bxl = np.linspace(xl0, xl1, m) byl = np.linspace(yl0, yl1, m) # make right segment bxr = np.linspace(xr0, xr1, m) byr = np.linspace(yr0, yr1, m) return bxl, byl, bxr, byr, m
[docs]def makeTransfoMat(rasterTransfo): """ Make transformation matrix. Takes a Domain Boundary and finds the (x,y) coordinates of the new raster point (the one following the path) Parameters ---------- rasterTransfo: dict dictionary containing: domainWidth: float cellSize: float DBXl: 1D numpy array x coord of the left boundary DBXr: 1D numpy array x coord of the right boundary DBYl: 1D numpy array y coord of the left boundary DBYr: 1D numpy array y coord of the right boundary Returns ------- rasterTransfo: dict rasterTransfo dictionary updated with gridx: 2D numpy array x coord of the new raster points in old coord system gridy: 2D numpy array y coord of the new raster points in old coord system l: 1D numpy array new coord system in the cross direction """ w = rasterTransfo['domainWidth'] cellSize = rasterTransfo['cellSizeSL'] # number of points describing the avaPath n_pnt = np.shape(rasterTransfo['DBXr'])[0] # Working with no dimentions # (the cellsize scaling will be readded at the end) # lcoord is the distance from the polyline (cross section) # the maximum step size should be smaller then the cellsize nTot = np.ceil(w/cellSize) # take the next odd integer. This ensures that the lcoord = 0 exists nTot = int(nTot+1) if ((nTot % 2) == 0) else int(nTot) n2Tot = int(np.floor(nTot/2)) lcoord = np.linspace(-n2Tot, n2Tot, nTot) # this way, 0 is in lcoord # initialize new_rasters newGridRasterX = np.array([]) # xcoord of the points of the new raster newGridRasterY = np.array([]) # ycoord of the points of the new raster # loop on each section of the path for i in range(n_pnt-1): # split edges in segments bxl, byl, bxr, byr, m = splitSection(rasterTransfo, i) # bxl, byl, bxr, byr reprensent the s direction (olong path) # loop on segments of section for j in range(m-1): # this is the cross section segment (l direction) x = np.linspace(bxl[j], bxr[j], nTot) # line coordinates x y = np.linspace(byl[j], byr[j], nTot) # line coordinates y # save x and y coordinates of the new raster points if i == 0 and j == 0: newGridRasterX = x.reshape(1, nTot) newGridRasterY = y.reshape(1, nTot) else: newGridRasterX = np.append(newGridRasterX, x.reshape(1, nTot), axis=0) newGridRasterY = np.append(newGridRasterY, y.reshape(1, nTot), axis=0) # add last column x = np.linspace(bxl[m-1], bxr[m-1], nTot) # line coordinates x y = np.linspace(byl[m-1], byr[m-1], nTot) # line coordinates y newGridRasterX = np.append(newGridRasterX, x.reshape(1, nTot), axis=0) newGridRasterY = np.append(newGridRasterY, y.reshape(1, nTot), axis=0) rasterTransfo['l'] = lcoord rasterTransfo['gridx'] = newGridRasterX rasterTransfo['gridy'] = newGridRasterY return rasterTransfo
[docs]def getSArea(rasterTransfo, dem): """ Get the s curvilinear coordinate and area on the new raster Find the scoord corresponding to the transformation and the Area of the cells of the new raster Parameters ---------- rasterTransfo: dict dictionary containing: domainWidth: float cellSize: float gridx: 2D numpy array x coord of the new raster points in old coord system gridy: 2D numpy array y coord of the new raster points in old coord system dem: dict dem dictionnary with normal and area information Returns ------- rasterTransfo: dict rasterTransfo dictionary updated with s: 1D numpy array new coord system in the polyline direction rasterArea: 2D numpy array real area of the cells of the new raster """ xcoord = rasterTransfo['gridx'] ycoord = rasterTransfo['gridy'] # add ghost lines and columns to the coord matrix # in order to perform dx and dy calculation n, m = np.shape(xcoord) xcoord = np.append(xcoord, xcoord[:, -2].reshape(n, 1), axis=1) ycoord = np.append(ycoord, ycoord[:, -2].reshape(n, 1), axis=1) n, m = np.shape(xcoord) xcoord = np.append(xcoord, xcoord[-2, :].reshape(1, m), axis=0) ycoord = np.append(ycoord, ycoord[-2, :].reshape(1, m), axis=0) n, m = np.shape(xcoord) # calculate dx and dy for each point in the s direction dxs = xcoord[1:n, 0:m-1]-xcoord[0:n-1, 0:m-1] dys = ycoord[1:n, 0:m-1]-ycoord[0:n-1, 0:m-1] # deduce the distance in s direction Vs2 = (dxs*dxs + dys*dys) Vs = np.sqrt(Vs2) # Method 1 # calculate area of each cell using Gauss's area formula # sum_i{x_(i)*y_(i+1) + y_(i)*x_(i+1)} # i = 1 : top left in the matrix : [0:n-1, 0:m-1] x1 = xcoord[0:n-1, 0:m-1] y1 = ycoord[0:n-1, 0:m-1] # i = 2 : top right in the matrix : [1:n, 0:m-1] x2 = xcoord[1:n, 0:m-1] y2 = ycoord[1:n, 0:m-1] # i = 3 : bottom right in the matrix : [1:n, 1:m] x3 = xcoord[1:n, 1:m] y3 = ycoord[1:n, 1:m] # i = 4 : bottom left in the matrix : [0:n-1, 1:m] x4 = xcoord[0:n-1, 1:m] y4 = ycoord[0:n-1, 1:m] area = np.abs(x1*y2-y1*x2 + x2*y3-y2*x3 + x3*y4-y3*x4 + x4*y1-y4*x1)/2 # save Area matrix demCellSize = dem['header']['cellsize'] xllcenter = dem['header']['xllcenter'] yllcenter = dem['header']['yllcenter'] # area corection coef due to slope (1 if cell is horizontal, >1 if sloped) demAreaCoef = dem['areaRaster']/(demCellSize*demCellSize) # project on ney grid areaCoef, _ = geoTrans.projectOnGrid(rasterTransfo['gridx']*demCellSize, rasterTransfo['gridy']*demCellSize, demAreaCoef, csz=demCellSize, xllc=xllcenter, yllc=yllcenter) # real area rasterTransfo['rasterArea'] = area * areaCoef # get scoord ds = Vs[:, int(np.floor(m/2))-1] scoord = np.cumsum(ds)-ds[0] rasterTransfo['s'] = scoord return rasterTransfo
[docs]def transform(data, name, rasterTransfo, interpMethod): """ Transfer data from old raster to new raster Assign value to the points of the new raster (after domain transormation) Parameters ---------- data: dict raster dictionary to transform name: str name of data to transform rasterTransfo: dict transformation information interpMethod: str interpolation method to chose between 'nearest' and 'bilinear' Returns ------- newData: 2D numpy array new_data = z, pressure or thickness... corresponding to fname on the new raster """ # read tranformation info newGridRasterX = rasterTransfo['gridx'] newGridRasterY = rasterTransfo['gridy'] n, m = np.shape(newGridRasterX) xx = newGridRasterX yy = newGridRasterY Points = {} Points['x'] = xx.flatten() Points['y'] = yy.flatten() iib = len(Points['x']) Points, ioob = geoTrans.projectOnRaster(data, Points, interp=interpMethod) newData = Points['z'].reshape(n, m) log.debug('Data-file: %s - %d raster values transferred - %d out of original raster' 'bounds!' % (name, iib-ioob, ioob)) return newData
[docs]def assignData(fnames, rasterTransfo, interpMethod): """ Transfer data from old raster to new raster Loops through paths in fnames and calls transfom Transform affects values to the points of the new raster (after domain transormation) Parameters ---------- fnames: list of str list of path to rasterfile to transform rasterTransfo: dict transformation information interpMethod: str interpolation method to chose between 'nearest' and 'bilinear' Returns ------- newData: 2D numpy array new_data = z, pressure or thickness... corresponding to fname on the new raster """ maxtopo = len(fnames) avalData = np.array(([None] * maxtopo)) log.debug('Transfer data of %d file(s) from old to new raster' % maxtopo) for i in range(maxtopo): fname = fnames[i] name = data = IOf.readRaster(fname) avalData[i] = transform(data, name, rasterTransfo, interpMethod) return avalData
[docs]def analyzeMass(fnameMass, simRowHash, refSimRowHash, resAnalysisDF, time=None): """ analyze Mass data Parameters ---------- fnameMass: str path to mass data to analyze simRowHash: str simulation dataframe hash refSimRowHash: str dataframe hash (not simHash) of the simulation used as reference resAnalysisDF: dataFrame results from Aimec Analysis to update with mass info time: None or 1D numpy array None at the first call of the function, then a 1D array that will be used to analyze all other mass results Returns ------- resAnalysisDF: dataFrame results from Aimec Analysis updated with mass inifo: relMass: float release mass entMass: float entrained mass finalMass: float final mass relativMassDiff: float the final mass diff with ref (in %) growthIndex: float growth index growthGrad: float growth gradient entMassFlowArray: 1D numpy array entrained mass function of time totalMassArray: 1D numpy array total mass function of time time: 1D numpy array time array for mass analysis """ log.debug('Analyzing mass') log.debug('{: <10} {: <10} {: <10}'.format('Sim number ', 'GI ', 'GR ')) # analyze mass releasedMass, entrainedMass, finalMass, grIndex, grGrad, entMassFlow, totalMass, time = readWrite(fnameMass, time) resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'relMass'] = releasedMass resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'finalMass'] = finalMass resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'entMass'] = entrainedMass resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'growthIndex'] = grIndex resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'growthGrad'] = grGrad releasedMassRef = resAnalysisDF.loc[refSimRowHash, 'relMass'] finalMassRef = resAnalysisDF.loc[refSimRowHash, 'finalMass'] relativMassDiff = (finalMass-finalMassRef)/finalMassRef*100 if not (releasedMass == releasedMassRef): log.warning('Release masses differ between simulations!')'{: <10} {:<10.4f} {:<10.4f}'.format(*[resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'simName'], grIndex, grGrad])) resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'relativMassDiff'] = relativMassDiff if simRowHash == refSimRowHash: resAnalysisDF['entMassFlowArray'] = np.nan resAnalysisDF['entMassFlowArray'] = resAnalysisDF['entMassFlowArray'].astype(object) resAnalysisDF['totalMassArray'] = np.nan resAnalysisDF['totalMassArray'] = resAnalysisDF['totalMassArray'].astype(object)[simRowHash, 'entMassFlowArray'] = entMassFlow[simRowHash, 'totalMassArray'] = totalMass return resAnalysisDF, time
[docs]def computeRunOut(cfgSetup, rasterTransfo, resAnalysisDF, transformedRasters, simRowHash): """ Compute runout based on peak field results Parameters ---------- cfgSetup: confiParser aimec analysis configuration rasterTransfo: dict transformation information resAnalysisDF : dataFrame analysis results from aimec containing: PResCrossMax: 1D numpy array max of the peak result in each cross section PResCrossMean: 1D numpy array mean of the peak result in each cross section transformedRasters: dict dict with transformed dem and peak results simRowHash: str simulation dataframe hash Returns ------- resAnalysisDF : dataFrame result dataFrame updated withfor each simulation the: xRunout: float x coord of the runout point measured from the begining of the path. run-out calculated with the MAX result in each cross section yRunout: float y coord of the runout point measured from the begining of the path. run-out calculated with the MAX result in each cross section sRunout: float runout distance measured from the begining of the path. run-out calculated with the MAX result in each cross section xMeanRunout: float x coord of the runout point measured from the begining of the path. run-out calculated with the MEAN result in each cross section yMeanRunout: float y coord of the runout point measured from the begining of the path. run-out calculated with the MEAN result in each cross section sMeanRunout: float runout distance measured from the begining of the path. run-out calculated with the MEAN result in each cross section elevRel: float elevation of the release area (based on first point with peak field > thresholdValue) deltaH: float elevation fall difference between elevRel and altitude of run-out point """ # read inputs scoord = rasterTransfo['s'] lcoord = rasterTransfo['l'] n = np.shape(lcoord)[0] n = int(np.floor(n/2)+1) x = rasterTransfo['x'] y = rasterTransfo['y'] gridx = rasterTransfo['gridx'] gridy = rasterTransfo['gridy'] runoutResType = cfgSetup['runoutResType'] thresholdValue = cfgSetup.getfloat('thresholdValue') transformedDEMRasters = transformedRasters['newRasterDEM'] PResRasters = transformedRasters['newRaster' + runoutResType.upper()] PResCrossMax = resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, runoutResType + 'CrossMax'] PResCrossMean = resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, runoutResType + 'CrossMean'] log.debug('Computing runout') lindex = np.nonzero(PResCrossMax > thresholdValue)[0] if lindex.any(): cUpper = min(lindex) cLower = max(lindex) else: log.warning('No max values > threshold found. threshold = %4.2f, too high?' % thresholdValue) cUpper = 0 cLower = 0 # search in mean values lindex = np.nonzero(PResCrossMean > thresholdValue)[0] if lindex.any(): cUpperm = min(lindex) cLowerm = max(lindex) else: log.warning('No average values > threshold found. threshold = %4.2f, too high?' % thresholdValue) cUpperm = 0 cLowerm = 0 resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'sRunout'] = scoord[cLower] index = np.nanargmax(PResRasters[cLower, :]) resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'lRunout'] = lcoord[index] resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'xRunout'] = gridx[cLower, index] resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'yRunout'] = gridy[cLower, index] resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'sMeanRunout'] = scoord[cLowerm] resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'xMeanRunout'] = x[cLowerm] resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'yMeanRunout'] = y[cLowerm] resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'elevRel'] = transformedDEMRasters[cUpper, n] resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'deltaH'] = transformedDEMRasters[cUpper, n] - transformedDEMRasters[cLower, n] return resAnalysisDF
[docs]def analyzeField(simRowHash, rasterTransfo, transformedRaster, dataType, resAnalysisDF): """ analyze transformed field analyze transformed raster: compute the Max and Mean values in each cross section as well as the overall maximum Parameters ---------- simRowHash: str simulation dataframe hash rasterTransfo: dict transformation information transformedRaster: 2D numpy array raster after transformation dataType: str type of the data to analyze ('ppr', 'pft', 'pfv', ...) resAnalysisDF: dataFrame result dataFrame to be updated Returns ------- Updates the resAnalysisDF input dataFrame with: -maxaCrossMax: float overall maximum -aCrossMax: 1D numpy array containing the max of the field in each cross section -aCrossMean: 1D numpy array containing the mean of the field in each cross section """ # read inputs rasterArea = rasterTransfo['rasterArea'] # initialize Arrays log.debug('Analyzing %s' % (dataType)) log.debug('{: <10} {: <10}'.format('Sim number ', 'maxCrossMax ')) # Max Mean in each Cross-Section for each field maxaCrossMax, aCrossMax, aCrossMean = getMaxMeanValues(transformedRaster, rasterArea) log.debug('{: <10} {:<10.4f}'.format(*[simRowHash, maxaCrossMax])) resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'max' + dataType + 'CrossMax'] = maxaCrossMax[simRowHash, dataType + 'CrossMax'] = aCrossMax[simRowHash, dataType + 'CrossMean'] = aCrossMean return resAnalysisDF
[docs]def analyzeArea(rasterTransfo, resAnalysisDF, simRowHash, newRasters, cfgSetup, pathDict): """Compare area results to reference. Compute True positive, False negative... areas. Parameters ---------- rasterTransfo: dict transformation information resAnalysisDF: dataFrame dataFrame containing Aimec results to update simRowHash: str simulation dataframe hash newRasters: dict dict with tranformed raster for reference and curent simulation cfgSetup: confiParser numerical value of the limit to use for the runout computation as well as the levels for the contour line plot pathDict: dict path to data dem data and lines for aimec analysis Returns ------- resAnalysisDF: dataFrame dataFrame containing Aimec results updated with: TP: float ref = True sim2 = True FN: float ref = False sim2 = True FP: float ref = True sim2 = False TN: float ref = False sim2 = False """ runoutResType = cfgSetup['runoutResType'] refSimRowHash = pathDict['refSimRowHash'] cellarea = rasterTransfo['rasterArea'] indStartOfRunout = rasterTransfo['indStartOfRunout'] thresholdValue = cfgSetup.getfloat('thresholdValue') contourLevels = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(cfgSetup['contourLevels']) simName = resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'simName'] # rasterinfo nStart = indStartOfRunout # inputs for plot inputs = {} inputs['runoutLength'] = resAnalysisDF.loc[refSimRowHash, 'sRunout'] inputs['refData'] = newRasters['newRefRaster' + runoutResType.upper()] inputs['nStart'] = nStart inputs['runoutResType'] = runoutResType thresholdArray = contourLevels thresholdArray = np.append(thresholdArray, thresholdValue) inputs['thresholdArray'] = thresholdArray inputs['diffLim'] = cfgSetup.getfloat('diffLim') rasterdata = newRasters['newRaster' + runoutResType.upper()] # take first simulation as reference refMask = copy.deepcopy(inputs['refData']) # prepare mask for area resAnalysis refMask = np.where(np.isnan(refMask), 0, refMask) refMask = np.where(refMask <= thresholdValue, 0, refMask) refMask = np.where(refMask > thresholdValue, 1, refMask) # comparison rasterdata with mask log.debug('{: <15} {: <15} {: <15} {: <15} {: <15}'.format('Sim number ', 'TP ', 'FN ', 'FP ', 'TN')) compRasterMask = copy.deepcopy(rasterdata) # prepare mask for area resAnalysis compRasterMask = np.where(np.isnan(compRasterMask), 0, compRasterMask) compRasterMask = np.where(compRasterMask <= thresholdValue, 0, compRasterMask) compRasterMask = np.where(compRasterMask > thresholdValue, 1, compRasterMask) tpInd = np.where((refMask[nStart:] == 1) & (compRasterMask[nStart:] == 1)) fpInd = np.where((refMask[nStart:] == 0) & (compRasterMask[nStart:] == 1)) fnInd = np.where((refMask[nStart:] == 1) & (compRasterMask[nStart:] == 0)) tnInd = np.where((refMask[nStart:] == 0) & (compRasterMask[nStart:] == 0)) # subareas tp = np.nansum(cellarea[tpInd[0] + nStart, tpInd[1]]) fp = np.nansum(cellarea[fpInd[0] + nStart, fpInd[1]]) fn = np.nansum(cellarea[fnInd[0] + nStart, fnInd[1]]) tn = np.nansum(cellarea[tnInd[0] + nStart, tnInd[1]]) # take reference (first simulation) as normalizing area areaSum = tp + fn if areaSum > 0: log.debug('{: <15} {:<15.4f} {:<15.4f} {:<15.4f} {:<15.4f}'.format( *[simName, tp/areaSum, fn/areaSum, fp/areaSum, tn/areaSum])) if tp + fp == 0: log.warning('Simulation %s did not reach the run-out area for threshold %.2f %s' % (simName, thresholdValue, pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit' + cfgSetup['runoutResType']])) resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'TP'] = tp resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'TN'] = tn resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'FP'] = fp resAnalysisDF.loc[simRowHash, 'FN'] = fn # inputs for plot inputs['compData'] = rasterdata # masked data for the dataThreshold given in the ini file inputs['refRasterMask'] = refMask inputs['compRasterMask'] = compRasterMask inputs['simName'] = simName compPlotPath = None if simRowHash != refSimRowHash: # only plot comparisons of simulations to reference compPlotPath = outAimec.visuComparison(rasterTransfo, inputs, pathDict) return resAnalysisDF, compPlotPath
[docs]def readWrite(fname_ent, time): """ Get mass balance information Read mass balance files to get mass properties of the simulation (total mass, entrained mass...). Checks for mass conservation Parameters ---------- fname_ent: list of str list of pah to mass balance files Returns ------- relMass: float release mass entMassentMassFlow: float entrained mass flow (kg/s) finalMass: float final mass growthIndex: float growthGrad: float """ # load data # time, total mass, entrained mass massTime = np.loadtxt(fname_ent, delimiter=',', skiprows=1) timeSimulation = massTime[:, 0] dt = timeSimulation[1:] - timeSimulation[:-1] timeResults = [massTime[0, 0], massTime[-1, 0]] totMassResults = [massTime[0, 1], massTime[-1, 1]] relMass = totMassResults[0] if time is None: time = np.arange(0, int(timeResults[1]), 0.1) entMassFlow = np.interp(time, massTime[1:, 0], massTime[1:, 2]/dt) totalMass = np.interp(time, massTime[:, 0], massTime[:, 1]) entrainedMass = np.sum(massTime[:, 2]) finalMass = totMassResults[1] # check mass balance'Total mass change between first and last time step in sim %s is: %.1f kg' % (fname_ent.stem, totMassResults[1] - relMass))'Total entrained mass in sim %s is: %.1f kg' % (fname_ent.stem, entrainedMass)) if (totMassResults[1] - relMass) == 0: diff = np.abs((totMassResults[1] - relMass) - entrainedMass) if diff > 0: log.warning('Conservation of mass is not satisfied') log.warning('Total mass change and total entrained mass differ from %.4f kg' % (diff)) else:'Total mass change and total entrained mass differ from %.4f kg' % (diff)) else: diff = np.abs((totMassResults[1] - relMass) - entrainedMass)/(totMassResults[1] - relMass) if diff*100 > 0.05: log.warning('Conservation of mass is not satisfied') log.warning('Total mass change and total entrained mass differ from %.4f %%' % (diff*100)) else:'Total mass change and total entrained mass differ from %.4f %%' % (diff*100)) # growth results growthIndex = totMassResults[1]/totMassResults[0] growthGrad = (totMassResults[1] - totMassResults[0]) / (timeResults[1] - timeResults[0]) return relMass, entrainedMass, finalMass, growthIndex, growthGrad, entMassFlow, totalMass, time
[docs]def getMaxMeanValues(rasterdataA, rasterArea): """Compute average, max values in each cross section for a given input raster Read mass balance files to get mass properties of the simulation (total mass, entrained mass...). Checks for mass conservation Parameters ---------- rasterdataA: 2D numpy array raster data rasterArea: 2D numpy array raster area corresponding to rasterdataA Returns ------- mma: float maximum maximum of rasterdataA aCrossMax: 1D numpy array max of rasterdataA in each cross section aCrossMean: 1D numpy array mean of rasterdataA in each cross section (area weighted) """ # get mean max for each cross section for A field rasterArea = np.where(np.where(np.isnan(rasterdataA), 0, rasterdataA) > 0, rasterArea, 0) areaSum = np.nansum(rasterArea, axis=1) areaSum = np.where(areaSum > 0, areaSum, 1) aCrossMean = np.nansum(rasterdataA*rasterArea, axis=1)/areaSum # aCrossMean = np.nanmean(rasterdataA, axis=1) aCrossMax = np.nanmax(rasterdataA, 1) # maximum of field a maxaCrossMax = np.nanmax(aCrossMax) return maxaCrossMax, aCrossMax, aCrossMean
[docs]def setAvaPath(pathDict, dem): """ fetch path shapefile, prepare for AIMEC, set z-coordinate Parameters ----------- pathDict: dict info on path to aimec path, split Point, dem: dict dictionary with DEM header and data Returns -------- avaPath: dict info on aimec path coordinates, ... splitPoint: dict info on split point coordinates """ # fetch input parameters profileLayer = pathDict['profileLayer'] splitPointSource = pathDict['splitPointSource'] defaultName = pathDict['projectName'] # read avaPath avaPath = shpConv.readLine(profileLayer, defaultName, dem) # read split point splitPoint = shpConv.readPoints(splitPointSource, dem) # add 'z' coordinate to the avaPath avaPath, _ = geoTrans.projectOnRaster(dem, avaPath) # reverse avaPath if necessary _, avaPath = geoTrans.checkProfile(avaPath, projSplitPoint=None) log.debug('Creating new raster along polyline: %s' % profileLayer) return avaPath, splitPoint
[docs]def scalePathWithCellSize(rasterTransfo, cellSizeSL): """ use desired cellsize to scale ava path and create s, l coordinates and coordinates of the resampled polyline in the old coord systems x, y Parameters ---------- rasterTransfo: dict domain transformation info cellSizeSL: float desired cell size of sl raster Returns -------- rasterTransfo: dict updated dictionary with new coordinate system """ # put back the scale due to the desired cellsize rasterTransfo['s'] = rasterTransfo['s']*cellSizeSL rasterTransfo['l'] = rasterTransfo['l']*cellSizeSL rasterTransfo['gridx'] = rasterTransfo['gridx']*cellSizeSL rasterTransfo['gridy'] = rasterTransfo['gridy']*cellSizeSL rasterTransfo['rasterArea'] = rasterTransfo['rasterArea']*cellSizeSL*cellSizeSL # (x,y) coordinates of the resampled avapth (centerline where l = 0) n = np.shape(rasterTransfo['l'])[0] indCenter = int(np.floor(n/2)) rasterTransfo['x'] = rasterTransfo['gridx'][:, indCenter] rasterTransfo['y'] = rasterTransfo['gridy'][:, indCenter] return rasterTransfo
[docs]def addSurfaceParalleCoord(rasterTransfo): """ Add the surface parallel coordinate (along flow path taking elevation into account) Parameters ---------- rasterTransfo: dict domain transformation info Returns -------- rasterTransfo: dict updated dictionary with the surface parallel coordinate 'sParallel' """ dz = np.diff(rasterTransfo['z'], prepend=rasterTransfo['z'][0]) ds = np.diff(rasterTransfo['s'], prepend=rasterTransfo['s'][0]) dsParallel2 = (ds*ds + dz*dz) dsParallel = np.sqrt(dsParallel2) sParallel = np.cumsum(dsParallel)-dsParallel[0] rasterTransfo['sParallel'] = sParallel return rasterTransfo
[docs]def findStartOfRunoutArea(dem, rasterTransfo, cfgSetup, splitPoint): """ find start of runout area point using splitPoint add info on x, y coordinates of point, angle, index Parameters ----------- dem: dict dictionary with DEM header and data rasterTransfo: dict domain transformation info cfgSetup: configparser object configuration for aimec splitPoint: dict dictionary with split Point coordinates Returns -------- rasterTransfo: dict updated dictionary with info on start of runout location,... """ # fetch input parameters from config startOfRunoutAreaAngle = cfgSetup.getfloat('startOfRunoutAreaAngle') # add 'z' coordinate to the centerline rasterTransfo, _ = geoTrans.projectOnRaster(dem, rasterTransfo) # find projection of split point on the centerline projPoint = geoTrans.findSplitPoint(rasterTransfo, splitPoint) rasterTransfo['indSplit'] = projPoint['indSplit'] # prepare find start of runout area points angle, tmp, ds = geoTrans.prepareAngleProfile(startOfRunoutAreaAngle, rasterTransfo) # find the runout point: first point under startOfRunoutAreaAngle indStartOfRunout = geoTrans.findAngleProfile(tmp, ds, cfgSetup.getfloat('dsMin')) # add info to rasterTransfo dict rasterTransfo['indStartOfRunout'] = indStartOfRunout rasterTransfo['xBetaPoint'] = rasterTransfo['x'][indStartOfRunout] rasterTransfo['yBetaPoint'] = rasterTransfo['y'][indStartOfRunout] rasterTransfo['startOfRunoutAreaAngle'] = angle[indStartOfRunout]'Start of run-out area at the %.2f ° point of coordinates (%.2f, %.2f)' % (rasterTransfo['startOfRunoutAreaAngle'], rasterTransfo['xBetaPoint'], rasterTransfo['yBetaPoint'])) return rasterTransfo