Standard / Operational Installation

This is the quick start for the operational AvaFrame setup with QGis as frontend. Currently described for Windows only (Linux user can use any terminal to go through the same steps below)


The prerequisites are:

Setup AvaFrame

  1. Open the OSGeo4W Shell from your start menu (included in any Windows QGis installation)

  2. Activate the python 3 environment:

  3. Install AvaFrame

    python3 -m pip install --user avaframe


If you encounter an error similar to this:

ValueError: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary
incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 80 from PyObject

run the following in OSGeo4W shell:

python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade numpy pandas

and restart QGis.

Setup QGis and run

  1. Open QGis from your start menu and go to Plugins -> Manage and Install Plugins

  2. Search for AvaFrameConnector and install it (you might have to enable experimental plugins)

  3. Access the QGis - Avaframe connector via Toolbox -> AvaFrame -> AvaFrameConnector

  4. Add the described data and run. Results will be loaded after a while (depending on the size of your DEM).

Update Avaframe to a new release

  1. Open the OSGeo4W Shell from your start menu

  2. Activate the python 3 environment:

  3. Update AvaFrame

    python3 -m pip install -U --user avaframe

    Note: sometimes it is necessary to run this command twice.