Source code for ana3AIMEC.ana3AIMEC

    AIMEC post processing workflow

import logging
import numpy as np

# Local imports
import avaframe.ana3AIMEC.aimecTools as aT
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
import avaframe.out3Plot.outAIMEC as outAimec

# create local logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def mainAIMEC(pathDict, inputsDF, cfg): """ Main logic for AIMEC postprocessing Reads the required files location for ana3AIMEC postpocessing given an avalanche directory Make the domain transformation corresponding to the input avalanche path Transform 2D fields (pressure, flow thickness ...) Analyze transformed rasters and mass Produce plots and report Parameters ---------- pathDict : dict dictionary with paths to dem and lines for Aimec analysis inputsDF : dataFrame dataframe with simulations to analyze and associated path to raster data cfg : configparser configparser with ana3AIMEC settings defined in ana3AIMECCfg.ini Returns ------- rasterTransfo: dict domain transformation information resAnalysisDF: dataFrame results of ana3AIMEC analysis plotDict: dict dictionary for report """ # Extract input config parameters cfgSetup = cfg['AIMECSETUP'] cfgFlags = cfg['FLAGS'] interpMethod = cfgSetup['interpMethod']'Prepare data for post-processing') # Read input dem demSource = pathDict['demSource'] dem = IOf.readRaster(demSource) # read reference file and raster and config refSimulationName = pathDict['refSimulation'] refResultSource = inputsDF[inputsDF['simName'] == refSimulationName][cfgSetup['resType']].to_list()[0] refRaster = IOf.readRaster(refResultSource) refHeader = refRaster['header'] log.debug('Data-file %s analysed and domain transformation done' % demSource) # Make domain transformation log.debug("Creating new deskewed raster and preparing new raster assignment function") log.debug('Analyze and make domain transformation on Data-file %s' % demSource) rasterTransfo = aT.makeDomainTransfo(pathDict, dem, refHeader['cellsize'], cfgSetup) # #################################################### # visualisation # TODO: needs to be moved somewhere else slRaster = aT.transform(refRaster, refResultSource, rasterTransfo, interpMethod) newRasters = {} log.debug("Assigning dem data to deskewed raster") raster = IOf.readRaster(refResultSource) newRasters['newRasterDEM'] = aT.transform(dem, demSource, rasterTransfo, interpMethod) inputData = {} inputData['slRaster'] = slRaster inputData['xyRaster'] = raster['rasterData'] inputData['xyHeader'] = raster['header'] outAimec.visuTransfo(rasterTransfo, inputData, cfgSetup, pathDict) # ########################################################### # postprocess reference inputsDFrow = inputsDF.loc[inputsDF['simName'] == refSimulationName].squeeze() timeMass = None resAnalysisDF = inputsDF[['simName']].copy() resAnalysisDF, newRasters, timeMass = postProcessAIMEC(cfg, rasterTransfo, pathDict, inputsDFrow, newRasters, timeMass, refSimulationName, resAnalysisDF) # postprocess other simulations for index, inputsDFrow in inputsDF.iterrows(): simName = inputsDFrow['simName'] if simName != refSimulationName: resAnalysisDF, newRasters, timeMass = postProcessAIMEC(cfg, rasterTransfo, pathDict, inputsDFrow, newRasters, timeMass, simName, resAnalysisDF) pathDict['compSimulation'] = simName # ----------------------------------------------------------- # result visualisation + report # ToDo: should we move this somewere else, this is now just plotting, it should be accessible from outside # ----------------------------------------------------------- plotDict = {}'Visualisation of AIMEC results') outAimec.visuSimple(cfgSetup, rasterTransfo, resAnalysisDF, newRasters, pathDict) if len(resAnalysisDF.index) == 2: plotName = outAimec.visuRunoutComp(rasterTransfo, resAnalysisDF, cfgSetup, pathDict) else: plotName = outAimec.visuRunoutStat(rasterTransfo, inputsDF, resAnalysisDF, newRasters, cfgSetup, pathDict) outAimec.resultVisu(cfgSetup, inputsDF, pathDict, cfgFlags, rasterTransfo, resAnalysisDF) plotDict['slCompPlot'] = {'Aimec comparison of mean and max values along path': plotName} plotDict['areasPlot'] = {'Aimec area analysis': resAnalysisDF['areasPlot'][1]} if cfgFlags.getboolean('flagMass'): plotDict['massAnalysisPlot'] = {'Aimec mass analysis': resAnalysisDF['massPlotName'][1]}'Writing results to file') outAimec.resultWrite(pathDict, cfg, rasterTransfo, resAnalysisDF) return rasterTransfo, resAnalysisDF, plotDict
[docs]def postProcessAIMEC(cfg, rasterTransfo, pathDict, inputsDFrow, newRasters, timeMass, simName, resAnalysisDF): """ Apply domain transformation and analyse pressure, thickness and velocity data Apply the domain tranformation to peak results Analyse pressure thickness and speed. Calculate runout, Max Peak Pressure, Average PP... Get mass and entrainement Parameters ---------- cfg: configParser objec parameters for AIMEC analysis rasterTransfo: dict transformation information pathDict : dict dictionary with paths to dem and lines for Aimec analysis inputsDF : dataFrame dataframe with simulations to analyze and associated path to raster data newRasters: dict dictionary containing pressure, velocity and flow thickness rasters after transformation for the reference and the current simulation timeMass: 1D numpy array time array for mass analysis (if flagMass=True, otherwise None) simName: str name of the curent simulation to analyze resAnalysisDF: dataFrame results from Aimec Analysis Returns ------- resAnalysisDF: dataFrame results from Aimec Analysis updated with results from curent simulation: -maxpprCrossMax: float max max peak pressure -pprCrossMax: 1D numpy array max peak pressure in each cross section -pprCrossMean: 1D numpy array mean peak pressure in each cross section -maxpftCrossMax: float max max peak flow thickness -pftCrossMax: 1D numpy array max peak flow thickness in each cross section -pftCrossMean: 1D numpy array mean peak flow thickness in each cross section -maxpfvCrossMax: float max max peak flow velocity -pfvCrossMax: 1D numpy array max peak flow velocity in each cross section -pfvCrossMean: 1D numpy array mean peak flow velocity in each cross section -xRunout: float x coord of the runout point calculated from the MAX peak result in each cross section (resType provided in the ini file) -yRunout: float y coord of the runout point calculated from the MAX peak result in each cross section (resType provided in the ini file) -sRunout: float projected runout distance calculated from the MAX peak result in each cross section (resType provided in the ini file) -xMeanRunout: float x coord of the runout point calculated from the MEAN peak result in each cross section (resType provided in the ini file) -yMeanRunout: float y coord of the runout point calculated from the MEAN peak result in each cross section (resType provided in the ini file) -sMeanRunout: float projected runout distance calculated from the MEAN peak result in each cross section (resType provided in the ini file) -elevRel: float elevation of the release area (based on first point with peak field > thresholdValue) -deltaH: float elevation fall difference between elevRel and altitude of run-out point -TP: float ref = True sim2 = True -FN: float ref = False sim2 = True -FP: float ref = True sim2 = False -TN: float ref = False sim2 = False if mass analysis is performed -relMass: float release mass -entMass: float entrained mass -finalMass: float final mass -relativMassDiff: float the final mass diff with ref (in %) -growthIndex: float growth index -growthGrad: float growth gradient """ cfgSetup = cfg['AIMECSETUP'] cfgFlags = cfg['FLAGS'] interpMethod = cfgSetup['interpMethod'] flagMass = cfgFlags.getboolean('flagMass') refSimulationName = pathDict['refSimulation'] resTypeList = pathDict['resTypeList'] # apply domain transformation'Analyzing data in path coordinate system') for resType in resTypeList: log.debug("Assigning %s data to deskewed raster" % resType) inputFiles = inputsDFrow[resType] rasterData = IOf.readRaster(inputFiles) newRaster = aT.transform(rasterData, inputFiles, rasterTransfo, interpMethod) newRasters['newRaster' + resType.upper()] = newRaster if simName == refSimulationName: newRasters['newRefRaster' + resType.upper()] = newRaster resAnalysisDF[resType + 'CrossMax'] = np.nan resAnalysisDF[resType + 'CrossMax'] = resAnalysisDF[resType + 'CrossMax'].astype(object) resAnalysisDF[resType + 'CrossMean'] = np.nan resAnalysisDF[resType + 'CrossMean'] = resAnalysisDF[resType + 'CrossMax'].astype(object) # analyze all fields resAnalysisDF = aT.analyzeField(simName, rasterTransfo, newRaster, resType, resAnalysisDF) # compute runout based on resType resAnalysisDF = aT.computeRunOut(cfgSetup, rasterTransfo, resAnalysisDF, newRasters, simName) if flagMass: # perform mass analysis fnameMass = inputsDFrow['massBal'] resAnalysisDF, timeMass = aT.analyzeMass(fnameMass, simName, refSimulationName, resAnalysisDF, time=timeMass) if simName != refSimulationName: massPlotName = outAimec.visuMass(resAnalysisDF, pathDict, simName, refSimulationName, timeMass) resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'massPlotName'] = massPlotName else: timeMass = None resAnalysisDF, compPlotPath = aT.analyzeArea(rasterTransfo, resAnalysisDF, simName, newRasters, cfgSetup, pathDict) resAnalysisDF.loc[simName, 'areasPlot'] = compPlotPath return resAnalysisDF, newRasters, timeMass
[docs]def aimecRes2ReportDict(resAnalysisDF, reportD, benchD, refSimName): """ gather aimec results and append them to report dictionary """ resAnalysisDFRef = resAnalysisDF[resAnalysisDF['simName'] == refSimName] resAnalysisDFComp = resAnalysisDF[resAnalysisDF['simName'] != refSimName] reportD['Aimec analysis'] = {'type': 'list', 'runout [m]': resAnalysisDFComp['sRunout'][0], 'max peak pressure [kPa]': resAnalysisDFComp['maxpprCrossMax'][0], 'max peak flow thickness [m]': resAnalysisDFComp['maxpftCrossMax'][0], 'max peak flow velocity [ms-1]': resAnalysisDFComp['maxpfvCrossMax'][0]} benchD['Aimec analysis'] = {'type': 'list', 'runout [m]': resAnalysisDFRef['sRunout'][0], 'max peak pressure [kPa]': resAnalysisDFRef['maxpprCrossMax'][0], 'max peak flow thickness [m]': resAnalysisDFRef['maxpftCrossMax'][0], 'max peak flow velocity [ms-1]': resAnalysisDFRef['maxpfvCrossMax'][0]} # add mass info if "relMass" in resAnalysisDF.columns: reportD['Aimec analysis'].update({'Initial mass [kg]': resAnalysisDFComp['relMass'][0]}) reportD['Aimec analysis'].update({'Final mass [kg]': resAnalysisDFComp['finalMass'][0]}) reportD['Aimec analysis'].update({'Entrained mass [kg]': resAnalysisDFComp['entMass'][0]}) benchD['Aimec analysis'].update({'Initial mass [kg]': resAnalysisDFRef['relMass'][0]}) benchD['Aimec analysis'].update({'Final mass [kg]': resAnalysisDFRef['finalMass'][0]}) benchD['Aimec analysis'].update({'Entrained mass [kg]': resAnalysisDFRef['entMass'][0]}) return reportD, benchD